Fritz 7270

If it not possible to have it in english, then it will be nice to have it in German and multi-annex or annex A.
Anyone that could help me?
Should have a look [THREAD=204802]here[/THREAD] - unfortunately in German only but rather self explaining.
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Hi. i am afraid there is something wrong with the link

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Should have a look [THREAD=204802]here[/THREAD] - unfortunately in German only but rather self explaining.

Hi. Thanks a lot for your reply, but now i am completely lost.
will you be so kind to guide me on what to do?
Open the pdf and follow the guide there - sorry, as I said: only in German - maybe someone else can translate to English. "Implanting" an annex A driver from another suitable 7270-fw is the ONLY way to get a v1 work under annex A.
i do have a fritz with serial xxxx.361.00.009.822
any ideas to find which version is it?

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