Freetz für die 7390?

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Mitglied seit
20 Aug 2005
Punkte für Reaktionen

um gleich allen Beteiligten die Illusionen zu nehmen: Ja, es ist ein Anfänger- und Bettel-Thread. ;)

Es geht - die kühnen werden es anhand des Thread-Titels vielleicht erahnt haben - um Freetz auf der 7390. Nun hat AVM uns da ja den Streich der veränderten Endianness gespielt. Das und die momentan noch schlechte Verfügbarkeit der 7390 machen die Integration nicht einfacher. Offensichtlich sind auch die Kernelquellen momentan noch nicht kompilierbar.

Immerhin scheint es erste Erfolge in Richtung Toolchain zu geben - zumindest statisch gelinkte Binaries scheinen schon zu gehen. Auch erste Versuche über Umwege scheint es zu geben, da bin ich selber momentan am rumspielen (Ergebnisse möglicherweise im Laufe der Diskussion).

Ich habe gelernt, dass die Integration einer neuen Box in Freetz für den Außenstehenden nicht ganz einfach ist, und da ging es noch um ein Target, dass relativ nah an den existierenden Targets dran ist. Ich erwarte auch nicht, dass morgen Freetz auf meiner 7390 läuft. Ich möchte in Anbetracht der veränderten Umstände anfänglich mal ein paar grundsätzliche Fragen in den Raum stellen und euch um eure Meinung bitte und ggf. im Laufe des Threads dann um Lösungsansätze.

Ich vermute, wir brauchen eine neue Toolchain fürs neue Target. Da direkt die erste Frage:
Wird sich eine neue Toolchain nahtlos in Freetz integrieren lassen? Oder werden "wenn ... aber ..." Statements so groß, dass wir es besser lassen?
Wenn man eine Toolchain ins Auge fasst: Hier wurde folgende für die statischen Binaries verwendet:
während man hier offensichtlich einen anderen Weg ging. Welchen sollte man weiter verfolgen?

Wenn wir diese grundsätzlichen Fragen erörtert haben, können wir uns dann daran machen, wie man das ganze in Freetz unterbringt.
Die Skripte mit denen wir die jetzige Toolchain bauen sollten sich nahtlos für die neue Toolchain übernehmen lassen. Erste Änderung ist natürlich das host-triplet (mipsel-linux-uclibc) muss angepasst werden.

MfG Oliver

Derzeitiger Befehl zum Auschecken des 7390 Branch:
svn co 7390_branch
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das hört sich ja schon mal gut an. Dort werde ich morgen dann mal anfangen.

Man Man, lange her, dass ich ne Cross-Toolchain komplett selbst gebaut habe. Mal sehen, ob ich es noch kann. :hehe:
Läuft das angehängte Hello World auf der 7390?

MfG Oliver

Hab hier mal ein Patch angehängt, der die Toolchains bauen sollte.


  • hello_world.gz
    1.7 KB · Aufrufe: 90
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

danke für den Patch. Er appliziert sauber. Ich lasse dann mal ein "make toolchain" durchlaufen.

Wenn ich den Patch richtig interpretiert habe, dann führt er ein "FREETZ_TARGET_ARCH" ein, mit dem das Target für das Bauen der Toolchain automatisch in Abhängigkeit von der ausgewählten Box gesetzt wird, richtig?

//Nachtrag: Die Toolchain baut und erzeugt offensichtlich auch einen Compiler, der es erlaubt, Binaries zu erzeugen. Genau da ist momentan Schluss, da ich noch weg muss und das Binary auf dem Target noch nicht testen kann. Das folgt in der Nacht oder morgen.

Wie erwartet scheitert der weitere Build Prozess bei den Kernel-Sourcen. Aber dazu morgen mehr.
Etwas kann ich schon sagen ;-)

- Die Kernelsourcen sind jetzt .83
- Irgendwie hat (bei mir) das "select" für die Build-TC nicht funktioniert, ich musste die von Hand wählen

Jetzt bemängelt er fehlende Includes (ganzer Teil des Kernel-Bauens im Anhang):
drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ids.c:130: warning: missing initializer
drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ids.c:130: warning: (near initialization for `nand_flash_ids[59].id')
drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ids.c:142: warning: missing initializer
drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ids.c:142: warning: (near initialization for `nand_flash_spansion_ids[6].id')
  CC      drivers/mtd/nand/direct_avm.o
  LD      fs/nfsd/nfsd.o
  LD      fs/nfsd/built-in.o
  CC      fs/nls/nls_base.o
  LD      drivers/mtd/nand/nand.o
  LD      drivers/mtd/nand/built-in.o
  LD      drivers/mtd/onenand/built-in.o
  LD      drivers/mtd/built-in.o
rm -f drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpphy_entry.o
  CC      drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_main.o
  LD      fs/nls/built-in.o
  CC      fs/partitions/check.o
fs/partitions/check.c: In function `add_partition':
fs/partitions/check.c:351: warning: ignoring return value of `kobject_add', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
fs/partitions/check.c:354: warning: ignoring return value of `sysfs_create_link', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
  CC      fs/partitions/msdos.o
In file included from drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_main.c:38:
[B]drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:38:21: defines.h: No such file or directory
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:39:21: devinfo.h: No such file or directory
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:40:38: ethdriver/std_ap/sraport.h: No such file or directory[/B]
In file included from drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_main.c:38:
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:75: error: syntax error before "net_local_t"
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:75: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:76: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `vx180_port'
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:76: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:77: error: syntax error before '*' token
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:77: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `VX180PHY'
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:77: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:115: error: syntax error before '}' token
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:115: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `cpmac_priv_t'
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:115: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:149: error: syntax error before "cpmac_priv_t"
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:149: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:186: error: syntax error before '*' token
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:186: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:189: error: syntax error before '*' token
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:189: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:192: error: syntax error before '*' token
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:192: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:195: error: syntax error before '*' token
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:195: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:198: error: syntax error before '*' token
drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h:198: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype

das liegt an diesem Part im drivers/net/avm_cpmac/cpmac_if.h
#if defined(CONFIG_FUSIV_VX180)
#include <defines.h>
#include <devinfo.h>
#include "ethdriver/std_ap/sraport.h"
#endif /*--- #if defined(CONFIG_FUSIV_VX180) ---*/



  • 7390_freetz_kernelerror.txt
    56.1 KB · Aufrufe: 31
Diesen Fehler mit den fehlenden Sourcen haben wir auch im Ticket 673 , es scheint, als ob die Ikanos sourcen non public sind. Ich hab's vorerst aufgegeben weiterzumachen, da auch google hier nicht viel bringt.

können wir auf das Bauen des Kernels vorläufig verzichten?
Damit müßtest Du auf replace Kernel und auf alle Module verzichten.
Zum Testen kannst Du den Aufruf der Kernel-Erstellung auskommentieren.
Es ist ja nur testweise, um erst mal im Build-Prozess weiter vorgehen zu können. Wir haben ja abseits des Kernels noch einige Schritte vor der Brust (Packages, Patches, Image UNPACK->MODIFY->PACK). Dann kann man die schon mal in Angriff nehmen, ohne jetzt wochenlang auf ein neues Kernel Package warten zu müssen.

Im Moment bin ich allerdings überfordert. Wo kommentiere ich den Aufruf der Kernel-erstellung aus? So tief bin ich nicht drin in Freetz ...

//EDIT: Ich hab jetzt mal was in make/linux/ geändert. Mal sehen, was es bringt.
Diese Stelle in make/linux/ sollte es sein:
$(KERNEL_BUILD_ROOT_DIR)/$(KERNEL_IMAGE): $(KERNEL_DIR)/.depend_done $(TOOLS_DIR)/lzma $(TOOLS_DIR)/lzma2eva
[B]        $(call _ECHO, kernel image... )
                CROSS_COMPILE="$(KERNEL_CROSS)" \
                ARCH=$(KERNEL_ARCH) \
[/B]        touch -c $@
[B]        @$(call _ECHO, modules... )
                CROSS_COMPILE="$(KERNEL_CROSS)" \
                KERNEL_MAKE_PATH="$(KERNEL_MAKE_PATH):$(PATH)" \
                KERNEL_LAYOUT="$(KERNEL_BOARD_REF)" \
                ARCH=$(KERNEL_ARCH) \
                CROSS_COMPILE="$(KERNEL_CROSS)" \
                KERNEL_MAKE_PATH="$(KERNEL_MAKE_PATH):$(PATH)" \
                KERNEL_LAYOUT="$(KERNEL_BOARD_REF)" \
                ARCH=$(KERNEL_ARCH) \
[/B]        touch $@
Wenn Du die fett markierten Zeilen entfernst, sollte mit touch eine leere Datei angelegt werden.

ach so. Ich hatte einfach die Zeile für kernel-precompiled entschärft:
#alt: kernel-precompiled: pkg-echo-start $(KERNEL_TARGET_DIR)/$(KERNEL_TARGET_BINARY) $(KERNEL_MODULES_DIR)/.modules-$(KERNEL_LAYOUT) pkg-echo-done
kernel-precompiled: pkg-echo-start pkg-echo-done

Jetzt läuft der Build Prozess weiter. Ich hab dann einfach mal ein paar Pakete konfiguriert.

Nur am Rande: inadyn-mt beschwert sich dann über einen falschen Compiler:
cmd() { PATH="/home/frank/freetz/7390/16MB-freetz-trunk/toolchain/target/bin:/home/frank/freetz/7390/16MB-freetz-trunk/toolchain/kernel/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games" LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/lib/freetz" make -j3  "$@"  || { printf "\n\\033[33m%s\\033[m\n" "ERROR: Build failed.";  exit 1; } };  if [ -e source/.echo_item_start -a ! -e source/.echo_item_build ]; then echo -n "building... "; touch source/.echo_item_build; fi; cmd -C source/target-mips_uClibc-0.9.29/inadyn-mt \
                CC="mipsel-linux-gcc" \
                STRIP="mipsel-linux-strip" \
                CFLAGS="-Os -pipe -march=4kc -Wa,--trap -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" \
building... make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/frank/freetz/7390/16MB-freetz-trunk/source/target-mips_uClibc-0.9.29/inadyn-mt'
mipsel-linux-gcc  -Wall -c  -pedantic   -Os -pipe -march=4kc -Wa,--trap -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -o "bin/base64utils.o"  "src/base64utils.c"
/bin/sh: mipsel-linux-gcc: not found
make[1]: *** [bin/base64utils.o] Fehler 127
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/frank/freetz/7390/16MB-freetz-trunk/source/target-mips_uClibc-0.9.29/inadyn-mt'

ERROR: Build failed.
make: *** [source/target-mips_uClibc-0.9.29/inadyn-mt/bin/linux/inadyn-mt] Fehler 1

Das ist aber nebensächlich. Openvpn, dnsmasq und dropbear laufen durch. Ohne inadyn-mit kommt man bis zum Kernel-Splitting:
unpacking firmware image
splitting kernel image
ERROR: kernel splitting failed
make: *** [firmware-nocompile] Fehler 1
Das haben die speed-to-fritz Jungs aber schon irgendwie im Griff. Jedenfalls kann man da schon die Firmware entpacken und auch neu packen. (Die Images liefen bislang aber nicht, meine 7390, die ich mit aus speed-to-fritz modifiziert habe, landet in einer Reboot Schleife und ist nur mit einem Recover wieder zu beleben.)

Ich werde jetzt mal zwei Versuche starten: Zum einen versuche ich herauszufinden, was die Unterschiede beim Image entpacken/packen sind und wie speed-to-fritz das löst. Ggf. versuche ich auch mal, die bislang erreichten Freetz Ergebnisse in speed-to-fritz zu integrieren.

inadyn geht jetzt. Offensichtlich schlummerte der Bug ja auch in anderen Paketen.

So, weiter im Text. Grundsätzlich scheint jetzt squashfs Version 4 zum Einsatz zu kommen. Ich habe mich bei Sp2Fritz bedient, um an die Tools dafür zu kommen, habe also noch nicht die neue Version in Freetz kompilieren lassen. Dann habe ich an entsprechender Stelle quick and dirty in fwmod dafür gesorgt, dass die squashfs4 Tools benutzt werden, u.a. habe ich dabei das "-le" für mksquashfs entfernt (Nicht schimpfen, es geht um Tests. Später machen wir es schön).

Ebenfalls angepasst werden muss "find-squashfs", aber auch das haben mir die Sp2Fritz Entwickler abgenommen (Wie sagte mein alter, weiser Physik-Professor: 50% der Arbeit eines guten Ingenieurs besteht darin, nachzusehen, ob irgend ein anderer Idiot das Problem schon gelöst hat). Die C Datei von dort an die passende Stelle im Verzeichnis source/host-tools/find-squashfs/ löst das Problem.

Jetzt passieren einige Dinge, aber dazu später mehr. Das nächste offensichtliche Problem sind die fehlenden Patches für die 7390. In Ermangelung eines anderen Idioten habe ich die Rolle übernommen und mich bei den Patches der aktuellen 7270_phonelabor bedient. Lustigerweise applizieren die mit nur einigen Offsets.

Kommen wir zum Output. Zunächst vom UNPACK:
frank@C2000:~/freetz/7390/16MB-freetz-trunk$ make
unpacking firmware image
splitting kernel image
unpacking filesystem image
    ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
    Reading a different endian SQUASHFS filesystem on build/original/kernel/kernelsquashfs.raw
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/Piglet, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_event, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace128, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace129, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace130, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace131, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace132, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace133, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace134, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace135, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace136, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace137, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace138, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace139, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace140, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace16, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace17, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace18, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace19, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace20, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace21, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace22, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace23, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace24, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace25, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace26, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace27, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace28, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace29, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace30, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_net_trace9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/avm_power, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/c55xavm, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/capi20, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/console, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/debug, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/dect_io, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/dk0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/dk1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/eeprom, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ethsrctab, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/fuse, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsld, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsld_multid, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsld_traffic, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsld_user, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsldptrace0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsldptrace1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsldptrace17, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsldptrace18, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsldptrace19, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsldptrace2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsldptrace20, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsldptrace3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kdsldptrace4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/kmem, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/led, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mem, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtd9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/mtdblock9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/new_led, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/null, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ptmx, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/pts/0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/pts/1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/pts/2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/pts/3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/pts/4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/pts/5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/pts/6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/pts/7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/random, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sda9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdb9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdc9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdd9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sde9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdf9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdg9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdh9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdi9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdj9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdk9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl10, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl11, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl12, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl13, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl14, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl15, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl8, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create block device build/original/filesystem/dev/sdl9, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/tffs, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/tiatm, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/tty, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/tty0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyS0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyS1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyUSB0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyUSB1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyUSB2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyUSB3, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyUSB4, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyUSB5, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyUSB6, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyUSB7, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyp0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyp1, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/ttyp2, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/urandom, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/usblp0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/userman, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/vinax/0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/vinax/cntrl0, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/watchdog, because you're not superuser!
    create_inode: could not create character device build/original/filesystem/dev/zero, because you're not superuser!
    Parallel unsquashfs: Using 2 processors
    3751 inodes (3994 blocks) to write
    created 3083 files
    created 150 directories
    created 343 symlinks
    created 0 devices
    created 0 fifos
unpacking var.tar
Offensichtlich scheitert da was bei fakeroot. Da bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher, woran das liegt. Möglicherweise an dem ausgeliehenen Binary von Sp2Fritz?

Aber weiter:
applying symlinks, deleting additional webinterfaces
applying patches
  applying patches (7390-de)
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/
  making symlink for modules (-ur8)
    applying patch file ./patches/100-profile.patch
    patching file etc/profile
    applying patch file ./patches/110-multid-wait.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 68 (offset 2 lines).
    applying patch file ./patches/110-system_status.patch
    patching file usr/bin/system_status
    applying patch file ./patches/130-fstab.patch
    patching file etc/fstab
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/
    patching file etc/init.d/
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/110-rc.S-mknod.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/120-rc.S-dev.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/130-rc.S-logging.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/140-rc.S-no_avm_exit.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 1604 with fuzz 2 (offset 32 lines).
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/de/130-foncalls.patch
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/home/foncalls.js
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/de/190-webmenu.patch
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_homehome.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 59 (offset 1 line).
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_konfig.html
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/de/200-sperre1.patch
    patching file usr/www/avm/html/de/fon/sperre1.js
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/de/210-notmountable.patch
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/home/home.js
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 723 (offset -45 lines).
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 731 (offset -45 lines).
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/de/290-replace_websrv-remove_igdd.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 305 (offset -4 lines).
    applying patch file ./patches/7390/de/301-remove_smbd.patch
    patching file etc/init.d/
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 318 (offset -7 lines).
  creating symlinks /tmp, /mod and /home
  setting freetz-version 'freetz-devel-4784M'
  setting subversion 'freetz-devel-4784M'
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
  removing /bin/getcons
    rm build/modified/filesystem/bin/getcons
    patching build/modified/filesystem/etc/profile
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
  patching /etc/init.d/rc.s
    patching build/modified/filesystem/etc/init.d/rc.S
    applying patch file ./patches/
  patching /bin/onlinechanged
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
  applying /dev/led patch
    patching build/modified/filesystem/bin/update_led_on
    patching build/modified/filesystem/bin/update_led_off
    applying patch file ./patches/
  renaming ar7login to make way for wrapper script
    applying patch file ./patches/
    patching build/modified/filesystem/etc/init.d/rc.S
    applying patch file ./patches/
  applying wol patch
    applying patch file ./patches/cond/de/webmenu-wol-7390.patch
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_homehome.html
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 59 (offset 1 line).
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_konfig.html
    applying patch file ./patches/
  applying webmenu signed patch
    patching build/modified/filesystem/usr/www/all/html/de/home/home.js
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
    applying patch file ./patches/
  removing oem: none
installing mod base
  copying files
  installing libs
  installing terminfos
  setting colored style as default
  patching security level
replacing busybox
  replacing busybox-8mb_26
  installing symlinks
installing modules
./fwmod: Zeile 1015: cd: ./kernel/modules-8mb_26-7390_04.82: No such file or directory
  generating modules.dep
installing packages
invoking custom script
  Starter script rc.ftpd for AVM-FTPD was not integrated into image was not integrated into image
  BOX-Info cgi is integrated into image
  FREETZ-Info cgis are integrated into image
  integrating stripped .config file into image
stripping leftover unstripped binaries

  checking for left over Subversion directories
  integrate freetz info file into image
packing var.tar
creating filesystem image
  squashfs blocksize: 65536
ERROR: creation of filesystem failed
make: *** [firmware-nocompile] Fehler 1
MODIFY sieht ganz gut aus mit den ausgeliehenen Patches von der 7270, aber PACK scheitert. Fügt man "-x" oben im fwmod Script ein, so sieht man folgendes:
+ /home/frank/freetz/7390/16MB-freetz-trunk/./tools/makedevs -d /home/frank/freetz/7390/16MB-freetz-trunk/./tools/device_table.txt build/modified/filesystem
+ /home/frank/freetz/7390/16MB-freetz-trunk/./tools/mksquashfs4-lzma build/modified/filesystem/bin build/modified/filesystem/data build/modified/filesystem/dev build/modified/filesystem/etc build/modified/filesystem/home build/modified/filesystem/lib build/modified/filesystem/mod build/modified/filesystem/nohup.out build/modified/filesystem/proc build/modified/filesystem/sbin build/modified/filesystem/share build/modified/filesystem/sys build/modified/filesystem/tmp build/modified/filesystem/usr build/modified/filesystem/var build/modified/filesystem/var.tar /home/frank/freetz/7390/16MB-freetz-trunk/./build/modified/kernel/kernelsquashfs.raw -noappend -all-root -info -no-progress -no-exports -no-sparse -b 65536
+ '[' '!' -s build/modified/kernel/kernelsquashfs.raw ']'
+ error 1 'creation of filesystem failed'
+ '[' 1 -gt 0 ']'
+ echo -e '\033[33mERROR: creation of filesystem failed\033[m'
ERROR: creation of filesystem failed
+ exit 1

Man sieht nicht auf Anhieb einen Fehler. Ein manueller Aufruf des mksquashfs Tools bringt nach sehr viel Output folgendes:
mksquashfs: file build/modified/filesystem/usr/www/all/html/de/home/merkmale.frm, uncompressed size 3695 bytes 
mksquashfs: file build/modified/filesystem/usr/www/all/html/de/home/merkmale.html, uncompressed size 3831 bytes 
mksquashfs: file build/modified/filesystem/usr/www/all/html/de/home/merkmale.js, uncompressed size 4780 bytes 
FATAL ERROR:zlib::uncompress failed,  unknown error -3
Was ganz merkwürdig ist: Einmal zwischendurch wurde bei meinen Versuchen ein Image erstellt :gruebel: Es ist mir aber nie gelungen, dass zu reproduzieren. Eine Race Condition?

Und da bin ich jetzt ratlos. Wo liegt der Fehler?
--- find-squashfs.c     2006-04-29 20:52:50.000000000 +0200
+++ 2009-11-08 02:06:23.000000000 +0100
@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>

 #include <errno.h>
-#ifndef BYTE_ORDER
-#error "byte order not defined"
 static void usage(name)
 char name[];
@@ -28,11 +23,10 @@
        uint32_t *start,*point;

        /* start signature of squashfs */
        uint32_t search = 0x73717368;
-       uint32_t search = 0x68737173;
+       /*BIG ENDIAN MAGIC*/
+       uint32_t search2 = 0x68737173;

        if ( argc != 2 )
@@ -45,19 +39,24 @@
        /* get size */
        size=fseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_END);
-       fprintf(stderr,"The size of <%s> is %ld\n",argv[1],size);
+       fprintf(stderr,"Size is: %ld\n",size);
        fseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET);

        start=(uint32_t *)malloc(size);

-       fread(start,size,1,fd);
+       count=fread(start,size,1,fd);

        for ( count=0,point=start; count < size; count+=sizeof(uint32_t),++point)
+               if ( *point == search2)
+               {
+                       fprintf(stderr,"Big endian squashfs signature found at %ld\n",count);
+                       break;
+               }
                if ( *point == search )
-                       fprintf(stderr,"Squashfs signature found at %ld\n",count);
+                       fprintf(stderr,"Little endian squashfs signature found at %ld\n",count);
Das hier ist die Änderung von JPascher für find-squashfs.

Ist das okay? Oder kann man das noch optimieren?

MfG Oliver
Ist das wirklich alles, was nötig ist? Das würde bedeuten, daß nur die Magic im Format unterschiedlich ist und alle anderen Werte nicht. Wenn dem wirklich so ist, ist es äußerst ungeschickt, verschiedene magic-Werte zu verwenden, wenn im Dateisystem kein Unterschied ist.

Die Zuweisung count=fread bringt nichts, wenn count danach sowieso überschrieben wird.

Welche Bedeutung hat denn KERNEL_ARCH? In make/linux/ wird KERNEL_ARCH:=mips gesetzt. Ist das richtig so, oder müßte es mipsel heißen? Offensihctlich funktioniert es so, wie es derzeit ist. aber in wird NDAS_KERNEL_ARCH=mipsel gesetzt. Ist es richtig, daß hier verschiedene Werte gebraucht werden? Andererseits hat ndas auch schon mipsel im Namen der Quell-Datei, was mir auch etwas seltsam erscheint.

Du kannst fakeroot von Freetz verwenden, da sollte keine Abhängigkeit von der Zielarchitektur drin sein.

Die anderen Änderungen waren übrigens nicht Fehler, sondern ich habe nur die Makros verwendet, wenn sie schon da sind.
Hier wird ja nur das Dateisystem vom Kernel abgetrennt. Es wird die passende Stelle gesucht. Aber so wie das jetzt geändert wurde funktioniert es dann auf BE Maschinen nicht mehr oder?
edit: Naja, wahrscheinlich funktioniert es noch, aber die Ausgabe ist dann falsch rum.

Zur KERNEL_ARCH aus dem Kernel Makefile:
# When performing cross compilation for other architectures ARCH shall be set
# to the target architecture. (See arch/* for the possibilities).
# ARCH can be set during invocation of make:
# make ARCH=ia64
# Another way is to have ARCH set in the environment.
# The default ARCH is the host where make is executed.
mips sollte passen.

Wie kommst du darauf, dass hier mksquashfs4 verwendet werden soll? Bleib mal bei 3.

MfG Oliver

Ist das wirklich alles, was nötig ist?
Es funktioniert offensichtlich. ;) Über die Sinnhaftigkeit der Änderungen habe ich bislang nicht nachgedacht.

Du kannst fakeroot von Freetz verwenden, da sollte keine Abhängigkeit von der Zielarchitektur drin sein.
Mag sein, aber die macht mit dem unsquashfs4-lzma aus Sp2Fritz trotzdem Ärger. Tausche ich auch die libfakeroot, tauchen die ganzen "create_inode: could not create character device" Meldungen nicht mehr auf. Offensichtlich wird da irgendwas beim Bauen anders gehandhabt, und die Abhängigkeiten passen nicht zwischen Freetz und Sp2Fritz. Aber das ist mittlerweile irrelevant.

Wie kommst du darauf, dass hier mksquashfs4 verwendet werden soll? Bleib mal bei 3.
Ich habe es her raus geschlossen:
Ich habe die Änderungen diesbezüglich rückgängig gemacht, und es hat funktioniert. Da bin ich gestern wahrscheinlich der Fehlermeldung von "find-sqaushfs" aufgesessen und habe im Übereifer die sqaushfstools ausgetauscht, obwohl es nicht nötig war. :oops:

So, jetzt habe ich tatsächlich ein Image. Da ich aber zwischendurch viel rumgefrickelt habe, mache ich jetzt noch mal ein "make distclean" und fange von vorn an, um sicher zu gehen, dass der Buid-Prozess reproduzierbar ist.
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
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