Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?


Also I don't see below messages (which appear during the normal boot cycle) while executing insmod commands manually (I tried also to add "patch_eeprom=1" parameter):

[   82.227225] [wlan_config] HWRevision now 205
[   82.227259] [wlan_config] HWSubRevision now 2
[   82.227300] [wlan_config] maca now 5c:49:79:4f:a8:8e
[   82.254571] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM1: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[   82.254660] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM1 loaded
[   82.254671] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #1, type "AR93xx/AR95xx":
[   82.254699] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL1_V"
[   82.254739] [wlan_eeprom] MinCCAPwr thresh set to 2GHz:-70,-70,-70 5GHz:-1,0,0
[   82.254748] [wlan_eeprom] Build with ART2 4.4
[   82.254826] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM2: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[   82.254892] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM2 loaded
[   82.254903] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #2, type "QCA98xx":
[   82.254926] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL2_V"
[   82.254935] [wlan_eeprom] patching regDmnExt to enable ext chan 144 for fcc
If I'm not completely wrong, you did something other, compared to your last attempt.

But I'm still curious ... WHAT did you change and WHAT was the outcome in front of the shown log "fragment"?

Was it - probably - the part, where aae was loaded successfully (where's the corresponding command line) and produces any output like this:
[   16.112491] [module-mem] give 0x1a000 bytes at 810ed000 to module 'aae' (0x318000 bytes left)
[   16.115851] [wlan_config] Given config is:
[   16.115872] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=0 chip_type=8 (scorpion) offload=1 (non)
[   16.115883] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=1 chip_type=11 (peregrine) offload=1 (non)
[   16.145728] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'WLAN Management Traffic' registered with minor 128.
[   16.146128] [wlan_config] HWRevision now 205
[   16.146159] [wlan_config] HWSubRevision now 2
[   16.146200] [wlan_config] maca now 5c:49:79:4f:a8:8e
[   16.149667] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace128 created
[   16.198430] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM1: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[   16.198518] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM1 loaded
[   16.198530] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #1, type "AR93xx/AR95xx":
[   16.198557] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL1_V"
[   16.198597] [wlan_eeprom] MinCCAPwr thresh set to 2GHz:-70,-70,-70 5GHz:-1,0,0
[   16.198606] [wlan_eeprom] Build with ART2 4.4
[   16.198688] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM2: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[   16.198750] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM2 loaded
[   16.198761] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #2, type "QCA98xx":
[   16.198784] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL2_V"
[   16.198793] [wlan_eeprom] patching regDmnExt to enable ext chan 144 for fcc
, where some of the tasks, which will fail later while loading qca_da.ko, were done already? Could it be, that the last parameter of aae.ko (patch_eeprom) has something to do with the "wlan_eeprom"-related lines from above and that the qca_da.ko driver (which hasn't any own parameters according to modinfo) checks anyhow, whether aae.ko already applied calibration data?

We don't know it ... because we can't see, what happens while aae.ko got loaded. -> Just in this moment, your addendum from #121 arrived.

If you want to try something other while I'm busy ... try to set HWRevision and HWSubrevision from urlader environment again (only for the running system, it doesn't matter, if the changes will not survive a reboot) AND to export those values to wland's environment, too, so it gets inherited by all further children. The urlader environment may be set via write operation to /proc/sys/urlader/environment (we had this theme already, afair) from any script file, that's called before WLAN initialization is started - or even directly in this file (rc.wlan). Use a value of 206 for HWRevision (it's the native one for a 1750E device) and one of 0, 1 or 7 (those three are defined in the 1750E kernel) for HWSubrevision. My intention is a test, whether anywhere in the WLAN components an additional table exists, that's not built from values out of the WLAN configuration files under /etc/$CONFIG_PRODUKT/$OEM/wlan* - it would be weird (why would anyone take the efforts with WLAN configuration files, if there're still "fixed values" somewhere in the code), but I want to exclude such a simple problem for sure.

EDIT: And the output of aae.ko should change automatically, according to your changes - but kernel modules do not have an environment (like wland) and will read the value(s) from urlader environment. This module has an own list of functions for access to config info:
00000760 D avm_cfg_chip_type_str
00010818 T avm_cfg_cleanup
0000fb84 T avm_cfg_display
0000f6e4 T avm_cfg_get
0000f708 T avm_cfg_get_chip_type
0000f5f0 T avm_cfg_get_hw_cnt
0000f5fc T avm_cfg_get_hwrev
0000f608 T avm_cfg_get_hwsubrev
0000f6b8 T avm_cfg_get_maca
0000f730 T avm_cfg_get_offload
00000e44 b avm_cfg_hw_cnt
00010044 T avm_cfg_init
0000f614 T avm_cfg_is_erratum_set
0000f758 T avm_cfg_is_full_offload
0000f788 T avm_cfg_is_partial_offload
0000f6c4 T avm_cfg_is_prodtest
0000f6d4 T avm_cfg_is_suspend_fw_unload_set
00000750 D avm_cfg_offload_str
0000fed4 T avm_cfg_wlan_env_get_value
0000fd1c T avm_cfg_wlan_env_insert
0000ff4c T avm_cfg_wlan_env_list_for_sysfs
0000feac T avm_cfg_wlan_env_remove
0000fa74 t avm_cfg_wlan_env_remove.part.1
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The urlader environment may be set via write operation to /proc/sys/urlader/environment (we had this theme already, afair) from any script file, that's called before WLAN initialization is started - or even directly in this file (rc.wlan)
For now I tried a bit different approach:

# /etc/init.d/rc.wlan stop

# ps  | grep wland
1244 root      1848 S    grep wland

# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: P
zram                   15360  1
krextdmod             250560  8
cchardev               15104  1 krextdmod
cprocfsmod              8960  2 krextdmod,cchardev
hui                   112272  2

echo HWRevision 206 > /proc/sys/urlader/environment
echo HWSubRevision 0 > /proc/sys/urlader/environment

# grep HW /proc/sys/urlader/environment
HWRevision      206
HWSubRevision   0
ProductID       Fritz_Box_HW205

# /etc/init.d/rc.wlan start

# ps  | grep wland
1252 root      9044 S    wland -B

# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: P
qca_ol                934400  0
qca_da                163952  0
ath_dev               242704  1 qca_da
ath_rate_atheros       33184  2 qca_da,ath_dev
ath_hal               360048  3 qca_da,ath_dev,ath_rate_atheros
umac                 1271952  3 qca_ol,qca_da,ath_dev
ath_spectral           30688  3 qca_ol,qca_da,ath_dev
ath_dfs                66304  3 qca_ol,qca_da,umac
qdf                    21840  8 qca_ol,qca_da,ath_dev,ath_rate_atheros,ath_hal,umac,ath_spectral,ath_dfs
asf                     6640  7 qca_ol,qca_da,ath_dev,ath_hal,umac,ath_spectral,ath_dfs
mem_manager             6752  2 qca_ol,umac
aae                   103968  6 qca_ol,qca_da,ath_dev,ath_hal,umac,ath_dfs
zram                   15360  1
krextdmod             250560 10
cchardev               15104  1 krextdmod
cprocfsmod              8960  2 krextdmod,cchardev
hui                   112272  2

# grep HW /proc/1252/environ

[ 9919.219772] [wlan_config] Given config is:
[ 9919.219794] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=0 chip_type=8 (scorpion) offload=1 (non)
[ 9919.219807] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=1 chip_type=11 (peregrine) offload=1 (non)
[ 9919.223239] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'WLAN Management Traffic' registered with minor 128.
[ 9919.223470] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace128 created
[ 9919.226343] [wlan_config] HWRevision now 205
[ 9919.226378] [wlan_config] HWSubRevision now 2
[ 9919.226418] [wlan_config] maca now 5c:49:79:4f:a8:8e
[ 9919.253282] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM1: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[ 9919.253371] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM1 loaded
[ 9919.253384] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #1, type "AR93xx/AR95xx":
[ 9919.253413] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL1_V"
[ 9919.253455] [wlan_eeprom] MinCCAPwr thresh set to 2GHz:-70,-70,-70 5GHz:-1,0,0
[ 9919.253464] [wlan_eeprom] Build with ART2 4.4
[ 9919.253544] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM2: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[ 9919.253616] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM2 loaded
[ 9919.253627] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #2, type "QCA98xx":
[ 9919.253652] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL2_V"
[ 9919.253661] [wlan_eeprom] patching regDmnExt to enable ext chan 144 for fcc
[ 9919.265331] ath_dfs: Version 2.0.0
               Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[ 9919.268578] ath_spectral: Version 2.0.0
               Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[ 9919.321139] _avm_ath_ext_attach_ieee:77
[ 9919.334399] ath_hal: (AR9380, REGOPS_FUNC, WRITE_EEPROM, 11D)
[ 9919.337501] ath_rate_atheros: Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[ 9919.348965] ath_dev: Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[ 9919.359634]  JET_PRINT: init_ath_wmac[266]: Checking devid: 39
[ 9919.359654] __ath_attach: Set global_scn[0]
[ 9919.369809] Enterprise mode: 0x53fc0000
[ 9919.370357]
               ART Version : 13
               SW Image Version : 53.693.558.6007.207
               Board Revision : L1_V
[ 9919.370528] ar9300_attach: nf_2_nom -110 nf_2_max -60 nf_2_min -125
[ 9919.370544]  HAL_CAP_TXDESCLEN : 128
[ 9919.370553] HAL_CAP_TXSTATUSLEN : 36
[ 9919.370562] HAL_CAP_RXSTATUSLEN : 48
[ 9919.373944] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[ 9919.373961] HAL_CAP_PHYDIAG : Capable
[ 9919.373973] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for RADAR (spectral_attach : 242)
[ 9919.373983] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[ 9919.373991] HAL_CAP_RADAR   : Capable
[ 9919.374002] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for SPECTRAL
                (spectral_attach : 247)
[ 9919.374017] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[ 9919.374025] HAL_CAP_SPECTRAL_SCAN : Capable
[ 9919.374034] SPECTRAL : get_tsf64 not registered
[ 9919.374069] spectral_init_netlink 85 NULL SKB
[ 9919.374103] SPECTRAL :----- module attached
[ 9919.374114] GreenAP on wifi0: Attached
[ 9919.380497] ath_get_caps[6384] rx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
[ 9919.380511] ath_get_caps[6347] tx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
[ 9919.380529] _avm_ath_ext_attach_ah:95
[ 9919.380553] AVM/WLAN: cc=840. Clearing potential non valid maxpwr entries
[ 9919.387628] ieee80211_cbs_init CBS Inited
[ 9919.387651] band steering initialized for direct attach hardware
[ 9919.387663] ieee80211_bsteering_attach: Band steering initialized
[ 9919.387704] acfg_attach: 3056: Netlink socket created:836ffc00
[ 9919.387803] ath_attach_dfs[12977] dfsdomain 1
[ 9919.393362] dfs_attach: event log enabled by default
[ 9919.400383] SPECTRAL : module already attached
[ 9919.400402] ath_attach: Set global_ic[1]..gloabl_ic ptr:812602f0
[ 9919.404892] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'HW (2.4 GHz, wifi0)' registered with minor 129.
[ 9919.404911] Register net trace device succeeded with minor 129 (wifi0).
[ 9919.404941] ath_thermal_mitigation_attach: TT not supported
[ 9919.404957] wifi0: Atheros ???: mem_start: =0xb8100000, mem_end: =0xb8120000, irq=87
[ 9919.405142] ath_da_pci:  (Atheros/multi-bss)
[ 9919.410458] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace129 created
[ 9919.452928] ath_ol_pci:  (Atheros/multi-bss)

So as you see above environment variables for the spawned wland process are still the values from DVB-C 205 and 2 despite I've set the values to 206 and 0 inside the /proc/sys/urlader/environment prior to spawning wland. dmesg messages also contain 205 and 2.
There isn't any export command visible from your log, which would set the (shell) environment for wland and its children. So you can't be sure, whether the messages regarding the values used within wlan_config come from wland and its shell environment (which wasn't changed by the published commands) or whether they are output by aae.ko LKM. If it's from the latter one, any changes to /proc/sys/urlader/environment could occur too late, because the values were read already at an earlier point and are stored now in other internal kernel variables, from where they will be read.

Another option would be, that the kernel environment (it means the kernel's view on the urlader settings) is read from device tree (e.g. in kernel/env.c from source archives by function env_init()) and is exposed via the exported function prom_getenv() to other LKMs - if values are read this way by aae.ko (it's still closed source and we don't know it, we may only detect it with proper tests), they're initialized once and it's impossible (without additional software) to change it later again. As far as I know, any changes to TFFS content (via /proc/sys/urlader/environment) don't affect the content of the chosen structure from the DT - it's set once at kernel setup and will not change until next reboot.

My hope is to find out, where those info is taken from and if it's possible to change/replace values some times later ... or even not. The first step is it to detect, which value(s) will be used by which part - there can't be any "direct communication" between the userland program wland and the kernel module aae.ko beside some well-known mechanisms - usually ioctl-Interfaces (if any device files are available for communication) or AVM's own event framework. I'm not sure, what's the source of those messages - an userland program like wland can't usually write kernel log messages and a LKM needs other sources of its info than a userland program.

If we know, which changes (if any) affect values from the messages, we may conclude, whether changing these values could be a thinkable approach or if such changes can have an effect at all (remember my sentences regarding the possibility of additional "internal tables" with model-specific data - possibly with additional capabilities present or missing for special models). If it doesn't matter, which values are used (those of a 1750E device or a DVB-C repeater), why don't the expected interfaces appear with the alien firmware? I couldn't find any (important) differences in the WLAN configuration files below /var/default (where /etc... is linked to at runtime) - it seem to be identical settings, only with changes related to the more advanced firmware version.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

# grep HW /proc/1566/environ

[60955.955736] [wlan_config] Given config is:
[60955.955757] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=0 chip_type=8 (scorpion) offload=1 (non)
[60955.955770] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=1 chip_type=11 (peregrine) offload=1 (non)
[60955.963419] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'WLAN Management Traffic' registered with minor 128.
[60955.963659] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace128 created
[60955.966517] [wlan_config] HWRevision now 206
[60955.966552] [wlan_config] HWSubRevision now 7
[60955.966594] [wlan_config] maca now 5c:49:79:4f:a8:8e
[60955.993213] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM1: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[60955.993303] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM1 loaded
[60955.993315] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #1, type "AR93xx/AR95xx":
[60955.993344] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL1_V"
[60955.993385] [wlan_eeprom] MinCCAPwr thresh set to 2GHz:-70,-70,-70 5GHz:-1,0,0
[60955.993395] [wlan_eeprom] Build with ART2 4.4
[60955.993476] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM2: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[60955.993545] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM2 loaded
[60955.993556] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #2, type "QCA98xx":
[60955.993581] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL2_V"
[60955.993590] [wlan_eeprom] patching regDmnExt to enable ext chan 144 for fcc
[60956.005384] ath_dfs: Version 2.0.0
               Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[60956.008669] ath_spectral: Version 2.0.0
               Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[60956.067694] _avm_ath_ext_attach_ieee:77
[60956.119952] ath_hal: (AR9380, REGOPS_FUNC, WRITE_EEPROM, 11D)
[60956.123045] ath_rate_atheros: Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[60956.134529] ath_dev: Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[60956.145160]  JET_PRINT: init_ath_wmac[266]: Checking devid: 39
[60956.145180] __ath_attach: Set global_scn[0]
[60956.155289] Enterprise mode: 0x53fc0000
               ART Version : 13
               SW Image Version : 53.693.558.6007.207
               Board Revision : L1_V
[60956.155990] ar9300_attach: nf_2_nom -110 nf_2_max -60 nf_2_min -125
[60956.156007]  HAL_CAP_TXDESCLEN : 128
[60956.156016] HAL_CAP_TXSTATUSLEN : 36
[60956.156024] HAL_CAP_RXSTATUSLEN : 48
[60956.159406] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60956.159422] HAL_CAP_PHYDIAG : Capable
[60956.159434] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for RADAR (spectral_attach : 242)
[60956.159444] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60956.159452] HAL_CAP_RADAR   : Capable
[60956.159463] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for SPECTRAL
                (spectral_attach : 247)
[60956.159478] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60956.159486] HAL_CAP_SPECTRAL_SCAN : Capable
[60956.159495] SPECTRAL : get_tsf64 not registered
[60956.159529] spectral_init_netlink 85 NULL SKB
[60956.159563] SPECTRAL :----- module attached
[60956.159575] GreenAP on wifi0: Attached
[60956.165955] ath_get_caps[6384] rx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
[60956.165969] ath_get_caps[6347] tx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
[60956.165987] _avm_ath_ext_attach_ah:95
[60956.166010] AVM/WLAN: cc=840. Clearing potential non valid maxpwr entries
[60956.173094] ieee80211_cbs_init CBS Inited
[60956.173120] band steering initialized for direct attach hardware
[60956.173131] ieee80211_bsteering_attach: Band steering initialized
[60956.173173] acfg_attach: 3056: Netlink socket created:8194e000
[60956.173272] ath_attach_dfs[12977] dfsdomain 1
[60956.178819] dfs_attach: event log enabled by default
[60956.185866] SPECTRAL : module already attached
[60956.185884] ath_attach: Set global_ic[1]..gloabl_ic ptr:812602f0
[60956.190556] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'HW (2.4 GHz, wifi0)' registered with minor 129.
[60956.190575] Register net trace device succeeded with minor 129 (wifi0).
[60956.190607] ath_thermal_mitigation_attach: TT not supported
[60956.190623] wifi0: Atheros ???: mem_start: =0xb8100000, mem_end: =0xb8120000, irq=87
[60956.190803] ath_da_pci:  (Atheros/multi-bss)
[60956.198086] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace129 created
[60956.249894] ath_ol_pci:  (Atheros/multi-bss)
[61021.559474] avm_ath_ext_detach_ah:111
[61021.559526] band steering terminated  for direct attach hardware
[61021.559538] ieee80211_bsteering_detach: Band steering terminated
[61021.559557] acfg_detach Netlink socket released
[61021.559751] ath_net80211_dfs_clist_update: called, cmd=1, nollist=00000000, nentries=0
[61021.565316] SPECTRAL : Module removed (spectral = 8191c000)
[61021.565345] GreenAP on wifi0: Detached
[61021.570877] ath_detach: remove global_ic[0]..gloabl_ic ptr:812602f0
[61021.580199] Removing athdebug proc file
[61021.580240] ath_dev: driver unloaded
[61021.582604] ath_rate_atheros: driver unloaded
[61021.583860] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_rate_atheros' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[61021.584082] ath_hal: driver unloaded
[61021.585264] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_hal' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[61021.587130] avm_ath_ext_detach_ieee:86
[61021.594599] ath_spectral: driver unloaded
[61021.595856] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_spectral' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[61021.596056] ath_dfs: driver unloaded
[61021.597270] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_dfs' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[61021.600121] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'asf' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[61021.601367] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'mem_manager' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[61021.601497] Net trace device 'HW (2.4 GHz, wifi0)' with minor 129 was not deregistered properly.
[61021.602287] avm_net_trace: destroy udev device avm_net_trace128
[61021.602303] avm_net_trace_work: ERROR must be reset to 0
[61021.602521] avm_net_trace: destroy udev device avm_net_trace129
[61021.602535] avm_net_trace_work: ERROR must be reset to 0
[61021.658276] [avm_connect] (idle): received <wlan_error> state 1
[61021.663735] AVM_WATCHDOG_release(hdl=11 wland): success

# grep HW /proc/1566/environ

[60548.439077] [wlan_config] Given config is:
[60548.439099] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=0 chip_type=8 (scorpion) offload=1 (non)
[60548.439112] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=1 chip_type=11 (peregrine) offload=1 (non)
[60548.442353] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'WLAN Management Traffic' registered with minor 128.
[60548.442587] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace128 created
[60548.445807] [wlan_config] HWRevision now 206
[60548.445842] [wlan_config] HWSubRevision now 0
[60548.445885] [wlan_config] maca now 5c:49:79:4f:a8:8e
[60548.475405] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM1: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[60548.475493] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM1 loaded
[60548.475506] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #1, type "AR93xx/AR95xx":
[60548.475535] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL1_V"
[60548.475576] [wlan_eeprom] MinCCAPwr thresh set to 2GHz:-70,-70,-70 5GHz:-1,0,0
[60548.475586] [wlan_eeprom] Build with ART2 4.4
[60548.475665] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM2: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[60548.475735] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM2 loaded
[60548.475746] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #2, type "QCA98xx":
[60548.475770] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL2_V"
[60548.475780] [wlan_eeprom] patching regDmnExt to enable ext chan 144 for fcc
[60548.488829] ath_dfs: Version 2.0.0
               Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[60548.492104] ath_spectral: Version 2.0.0
               Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[60548.544554] _avm_ath_ext_attach_ieee:77
[60548.557961] ath_hal: (AR9380, REGOPS_FUNC, WRITE_EEPROM, 11D)
[60548.561136] ath_rate_atheros: Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[60548.572641] ath_dev: Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[60548.583297]  JET_PRINT: init_ath_wmac[266]: Checking devid: 39
[60548.583317] __ath_attach: Set global_scn[0]
[60548.593398] Enterprise mode: 0x53fc0000
               ART Version : 13
               SW Image Version : 53.693.558.6007.207
               Board Revision : L1_V
[60548.594109] ar9300_attach: nf_2_nom -110 nf_2_max -60 nf_2_min -125
[60548.594126]  HAL_CAP_TXDESCLEN : 128
[60548.594135] HAL_CAP_TXSTATUSLEN : 36
[60548.594144] HAL_CAP_RXSTATUSLEN : 48
[60548.597511] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60548.597528] HAL_CAP_PHYDIAG : Capable
[60548.597541] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for RADAR (spectral_attach : 242)
[60548.597551] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60548.597559] HAL_CAP_RADAR   : Capable
[60548.597570] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for SPECTRAL
                (spectral_attach : 247)
[60548.597584] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60548.597592] HAL_CAP_SPECTRAL_SCAN : Capable
[60548.597601] SPECTRAL : get_tsf64 not registered
[60548.597634] spectral_init_netlink 85 NULL SKB
[60548.597667] SPECTRAL :----- module attached
[60548.597680] GreenAP on wifi0: Attached
[60548.604082] ath_get_caps[6384] rx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
[60548.604097] ath_get_caps[6347] tx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
[60548.604115] _avm_ath_ext_attach_ah:95
[60548.604139] AVM/WLAN: cc=840. Clearing potential non valid maxpwr entries
[60548.611241] ieee80211_cbs_init CBS Inited
[60548.611266] band steering initialized for direct attach hardware
[60548.611278] ieee80211_bsteering_attach: Band steering initialized
[60548.611319] acfg_attach: 3056: Netlink socket created:81ad5800
[60548.611419] ath_attach_dfs[12977] dfsdomain 1
[60548.616981] dfs_attach: event log enabled by default
[60548.624007] SPECTRAL : module already attached
[60548.624026] ath_attach: Set global_ic[1]..gloabl_ic ptr:812602f0
[60548.628510] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'HW (2.4 GHz, wifi0)' registered with minor 129.
[60548.628530] Register net trace device succeeded with minor 129 (wifi0).
[60548.628560] ath_thermal_mitigation_attach: TT not supported
[60548.628575] wifi0: Atheros ???: mem_start: =0xb8100000, mem_end: =0xb8120000, irq=87
[60548.628746] ath_da_pci:  (Atheros/multi-bss)
[60548.634070] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace129 created
[60548.676721] ath_ol_pci:  (Atheros/multi-bss)
[60610.089194] avm_ath_ext_detach_ah:111
[60610.089248] band steering terminated  for direct attach hardware
[60610.089260] ieee80211_bsteering_detach: Band steering terminated
[60610.089279] acfg_detach Netlink socket released
[60610.089474] ath_net80211_dfs_clist_update: called, cmd=1, nollist=00000000, nentries=0
[60610.095043] SPECTRAL : Module removed (spectral = 81adc000)
[60610.095072] GreenAP on wifi0: Detached
[60610.100619] ath_detach: remove global_ic[0]..gloabl_ic ptr:812602f0
[60610.121531] Removing athdebug proc file
[60610.121570] ath_dev: driver unloaded
[60610.123990] ath_rate_atheros: driver unloaded
[60610.125442] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_rate_atheros' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60610.125662] ath_hal: driver unloaded
[60610.126860] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_hal' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60610.128728] avm_ath_ext_detach_ieee:86
[60610.136221] ath_spectral: driver unloaded
[60610.137427] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_spectral' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60610.137626] ath_dfs: driver unloaded
[60610.138829] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_dfs' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60610.141688] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'asf' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60610.142985] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'mem_manager' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60610.143118] Net trace device 'HW (2.4 GHz, wifi0)' with minor 129 was not deregistered properly.
[60610.143897] avm_net_trace: destroy udev device avm_net_trace128
[60610.143912] avm_net_trace_work: ERROR must be reset to 0
[60610.144133] avm_net_trace: destroy udev device avm_net_trace129
[60610.144147] avm_net_trace_work: ERROR must be reset to 0
[60610.170959] [wlan_config] Given config is:
[60610.170981] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=0 chip_type=8 (scorpion) offload=1 (non)
[60610.170994] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=1 chip_type=11 (peregrine) offload=1 (non)
[60610.174475] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'WLAN Management Traffic' registered with minor 128.
[60610.174709] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace128 created
[60610.177567] [wlan_config] HWRevision now 206
[60610.177602] [wlan_config] HWSubRevision now 0
[60610.177645] [wlan_config] maca now 5c:49:79:4f:a8:8e
[60610.204542] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM1: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[60610.204630] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM1 loaded
[60610.204643] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #1, type "AR93xx/AR95xx":
[60610.204672] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL1_V"
[60610.204713] [wlan_eeprom] MinCCAPwr thresh set to 2GHz:-70,-70,-70 5GHz:-1,0,0
[60610.204723] [wlan_eeprom] Build with ART2 4.4
[60610.204803] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM2: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[60610.204871] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM2 loaded
[60610.204883] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #2, type "QCA98xx":
[60610.204907] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL2_V"
[60610.204917] [wlan_eeprom] patching regDmnExt to enable ext chan 144 for fcc
[60610.216620] ath_dfs: Version 2.0.0
               Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[60610.219911] ath_spectral: Version 2.0.0
               Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[60610.272603] _avm_ath_ext_attach_ieee:77
[60610.285923] ath_hal: (AR9380, REGOPS_FUNC, WRITE_EEPROM, 11D)
[60610.289024] ath_rate_atheros: Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[60610.300495] ath_dev: Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[60610.311126]  JET_PRINT: init_ath_wmac[266]: Checking devid: 39
[60610.311145] __ath_attach: Set global_scn[0]
[60610.321226] Enterprise mode: 0x53fc0000
               ART Version : 13
               SW Image Version : 53.693.558.6007.207
               Board Revision : L1_V
[60610.321938] ar9300_attach: nf_2_nom -110 nf_2_max -60 nf_2_min -125
[60610.321954]  HAL_CAP_TXDESCLEN : 128
[60610.321963] HAL_CAP_TXSTATUSLEN : 36
[60610.321972] HAL_CAP_RXSTATUSLEN : 48
[60610.325340] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60610.325357] HAL_CAP_PHYDIAG : Capable
[60610.325370] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for RADAR (spectral_attach : 242)
[60610.325380] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60610.325388] HAL_CAP_RADAR   : Capable
[60610.325399] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for SPECTRAL
                (spectral_attach : 247)
[60610.325414] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60610.325422] HAL_CAP_SPECTRAL_SCAN : Capable
[60610.325431] SPECTRAL : get_tsf64 not registered
[60610.325463] spectral_init_netlink 85 NULL SKB
[60610.325497] SPECTRAL :----- module attached
[60610.325511] GreenAP on wifi0: Attached
[60610.331920] ath_get_caps[6384] rx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
[60610.331935] ath_get_caps[6347] tx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
[60610.331953] _avm_ath_ext_attach_ah:95
[60610.331976] AVM/WLAN: cc=840. Clearing potential non valid maxpwr entries
[60610.339075] ieee80211_cbs_init CBS Inited
[60610.339100] band steering initialized for direct attach hardware
[60610.339112] ieee80211_bsteering_attach: Band steering initialized
[60610.339153] acfg_attach: 3056: Netlink socket created:81834800
[60610.339254] ath_attach_dfs[12977] dfsdomain 1
[60610.344794] dfs_attach: event log enabled by default
[60610.351807] SPECTRAL : module already attached
[60610.351825] ath_attach: Set global_ic[1]..gloabl_ic ptr:812602f0
[60610.356291] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'HW (2.4 GHz, wifi0)' registered with minor 129.
[60610.356311] Register net trace device succeeded with minor 129 (wifi0).
[60610.356341] ath_thermal_mitigation_attach: TT not supported
[60610.356357] wifi0: Atheros ???: mem_start: =0xb8100000, mem_end: =0xb8120000, irq=87
[60610.356539] ath_da_pci:  (Atheros/multi-bss)
[60610.361977] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace129 created
[60610.404407] ath_ol_pci:  (Atheros/multi-bss)
[60672.057829] avm_ath_ext_detach_ah:111
[60672.057883] band steering terminated  for direct attach hardware
[60672.057894] ieee80211_bsteering_detach: Band steering terminated
[60672.057913] acfg_detach Netlink socket released
[60672.058108] ath_net80211_dfs_clist_update: called, cmd=1, nollist=00000000, nentries=0
[60672.063689] SPECTRAL : Module removed (spectral = 83c50000)
[60672.063718] GreenAP on wifi0: Detached
[60672.069263] ath_detach: remove global_ic[0]..gloabl_ic ptr:812602f0
[60672.089400] Removing athdebug proc file
[60672.089440] ath_dev: driver unloaded
[60672.091858] ath_rate_atheros: driver unloaded
[60672.093062] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_rate_atheros' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60672.093283] ath_hal: driver unloaded
[60672.094473] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_hal' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60672.096339] avm_ath_ext_detach_ieee:86
[60672.104976] ath_spectral: driver unloaded
[60672.106167] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_spectral' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60672.106363] ath_dfs: driver unloaded
[60672.107628] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_dfs' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60672.110438] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'asf' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60672.111747] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'mem_manager' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60672.111877] Net trace device 'HW (2.4 GHz, wifi0)' with minor 129 was not deregistered properly.
[60672.112642] avm_net_trace: destroy udev device avm_net_trace128
[60672.112658] avm_net_trace_work: ERROR must be reset to 0
[60672.112880] avm_net_trace: destroy udev device avm_net_trace129
[60672.112895] avm_net_trace_work: ERROR must be reset to 0
[60672.150645] [avm_connect] (idle): received <wlan_error> state 1
[60672.151721] AVM_WATCHDOG_release(hdl=11 wland): success

# grep HW /proc/1566/environ

[60791.360098] [wlan_config] Given config is:
[60791.360120] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=0 chip_type=8 (scorpion) offload=1 (non)
[60791.360133] [wlan_config]   hw_interface=1 chip_type=11 (peregrine) offload=1 (non)
[60791.363577] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'WLAN Management Traffic' registered with minor 128.
[60791.363808] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace128 created
[60791.366568] [wlan_config] HWRevision now 206
[60791.366601] [wlan_config] HWSubRevision now 1
[60791.366643] [wlan_config] maca now 5c:49:79:4f:a8:8e
[60791.399861] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM1: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[60791.399953] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM1 loaded
[60791.399965] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #1, type "AR93xx/AR95xx":
[60791.399994] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL1_V"
[60791.400035] [wlan_eeprom] MinCCAPwr thresh set to 2GHz:-70,-70,-70 5GHz:-1,0,0
[60791.400045] [wlan_eeprom] Build with ART2 4.4
[60791.400125] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM2: Awaiting calibration data via char dev
[60791.400194] [wlan_eeprom] New valid EEPROM2 loaded
[60791.400205] [wlan_eeprom] EEPROM #2, type "QCA98xx":
[60791.400231] [wlan_eeprom] Customer data="DVBC_Repeater_CAL2_V"
[60791.400241] [wlan_eeprom] patching regDmnExt to enable ext chan 144 for fcc
[60791.418189] ath_dfs: Version 2.0.0
               Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[60791.421479] ath_spectral: Version 2.0.0
               Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Atheros Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[60791.495051] _avm_ath_ext_attach_ieee:77
[60791.515416] ath_hal: (AR9380, REGOPS_FUNC, WRITE_EEPROM, 11D)
[60791.518457] ath_rate_atheros: Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[60791.530341] ath_dev: Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Atheros Communications, Inc, All Rights Reserved
[60791.543135]  JET_PRINT: init_ath_wmac[266]: Checking devid: 39
[60791.543155] __ath_attach: Set global_scn[0]
[60791.553228] Enterprise mode: 0x53fc0000
               ART Version : 13
               SW Image Version : 53.693.558.6007.207
               Board Revision : L1_V
[60791.554041] ar9300_attach: nf_2_nom -110 nf_2_max -60 nf_2_min -125
[60791.554059]  HAL_CAP_TXDESCLEN : 128
[60791.554068] HAL_CAP_TXSTATUSLEN : 36
[60791.554077] HAL_CAP_RXSTATUSLEN : 48
[60791.557462] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60791.557479] HAL_CAP_PHYDIAG : Capable
[60791.557491] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for RADAR (spectral_attach : 242)
[60791.557501] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60791.557509] HAL_CAP_RADAR   : Capable
[60791.557520] SPECTRAL : Need to fix the capablity check for SPECTRAL
                (spectral_attach : 247)
[60791.557535] SPECTRAL : get_capability not registered
[60791.557543] HAL_CAP_SPECTRAL_SCAN : Capable
[60791.557552] SPECTRAL : get_tsf64 not registered
[60791.557586] spectral_init_netlink 85 NULL SKB
[60791.557793] SPECTRAL :----- module attached
[60791.557807] GreenAP on wifi0: Attached
[60791.564219] ath_get_caps[6384] rx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
[60791.564234] ath_get_caps[6347] tx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
[60791.564252] _avm_ath_ext_attach_ah:95
[60791.564275] AVM/WLAN: cc=840. Clearing potential non valid maxpwr entries
[60791.571364] ieee80211_cbs_init CBS Inited
[60791.571388] band steering initialized for direct attach hardware
[60791.571400] ieee80211_bsteering_attach: Band steering initialized
[60791.571444] acfg_attach: 3056: Netlink socket created:81834800
[60791.571544] ath_attach_dfs[12977] dfsdomain 1
[60791.577084] dfs_attach: event log enabled by default
[60791.584097] SPECTRAL : module already attached
[60791.584115] ath_attach: Set global_ic[1]..gloabl_ic ptr:812602f0
[60791.588578] avm_net_trace: New net trace device 'HW (2.4 GHz, wifi0)' registered with minor 129.
[60791.588598] Register net trace device succeeded with minor 129 (wifi0).
[60791.588628] ath_thermal_mitigation_attach: TT not supported
[60791.588644] wifi0: Atheros ???: mem_start: =0xb8100000, mem_end: =0xb8120000, irq=87
[60791.588818] ath_da_pci:  (Atheros/multi-bss)
[60791.598152] avm_net_trace: udev device avm_net_trace129 created
[60791.646245] ath_ol_pci:  (Atheros/multi-bss)
[60856.572485] avm_ath_ext_detach_ah:111
[60856.572538] band steering terminated  for direct attach hardware
[60856.572550] ieee80211_bsteering_detach: Band steering terminated
[60856.572569] acfg_detach Netlink socket released
[60856.572763] ath_net80211_dfs_clist_update: called, cmd=1, nollist=00000000, nentries=0
[60856.578327] SPECTRAL : Module removed (spectral = 81b38000)
[60856.578356] GreenAP on wifi0: Detached
[60856.583900] ath_detach: remove global_ic[0]..gloabl_ic ptr:812602f0
[60856.605034] Removing athdebug proc file
[60856.605074] ath_dev: driver unloaded
[60856.607639] ath_rate_atheros: driver unloaded
[60856.608836] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_rate_atheros' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60856.609059] ath_hal: driver unloaded
[60856.610258] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_hal' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60856.612123] avm_ath_ext_detach_ieee:86
[60856.619641] ath_spectral: driver unloaded
[60856.620852] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_spectral' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60856.621052] ath_dfs: driver unloaded
[60856.622265] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'ath_dfs' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60856.625043] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'asf' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60856.630492] release_bug_debug_table: warning: 'mem_manager' not found! (driver maybe bugfree)
[60856.630621] Net trace device 'HW (2.4 GHz, wifi0)' with minor 129 was not deregistered properly.
[60856.631468] avm_net_trace: destroy udev device avm_net_trace128
[60856.631484] avm_net_trace_work: ERROR must be reset to 0
[60856.631704] avm_net_trace: destroy udev device avm_net_trace129
[60856.631718] avm_net_trace_work: ERROR must be reset to 0
[60856.679948] [avm_connect] (idle): received <wlan_error> state 1
[60856.680865] AVM_WATCHDOG_release(hdl=11 wland): success

If it doesn't matter, which values are used (those of a 1750E device or a DVB-C repeater), why don't the expected interfaces appear with the alien firmware?
But afaiu the issue with the patched alien with FDT from DVB-C that it is kernel panic due to LAN iface initialization so it is hanged earlier than wlan ifaces initialization started. See

Hi there. Are we going to move forward with this topic or this is a dead end (or you are occupied with other important doings)? Many thx in advance.

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