[Problem] Freetz at international 7390


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29 Dez 2011
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Hi Evryone,

Basicly I'm happy what my FB7390 has on Board from factory. I mizz just few things I would like to have in it.
1. DLNA Player with subtitles ( best Serviio eventual MiniDLNA ) I test them from my Ubuntu it works good with my TV's
2. Some torrent client to download files straight to FB HDD
3. JDownloader for the same reason like in point 2.

You need to know that I'm totaly newbe in FB, I know Ubuntu quite good at User Level, I tested also seveal programs to provide own DLNA Net at home based on Ubuntu 10.4 LTE.

I read twice Freetz for beginners.
Everything went well up to paragraph Settings in menuconfig
I can't find in menuconfig my FBF 7390 model.
I try both stable versions 1.1.4 and 1.1.5 the same - what I'm doing wrong?

Also in Menuconfig I can't find any from interesting me software so how to add it to new Image?

One more question becouse I'm not very sure if I understand informations written on Freetz.org correctly.
I'm using my FB together with FF C3 would modificated firmware also serv my DECT Phone?

Thanks in advance for help and understanding.
Thanks a lot for reply. Honestly I found this information by my self before you wrote it. I begin some tests and again no success I add just Mini DLNA and FFMPEG and on the end i'm getting info that image is to big - I read about it as well, but even using this informations my image is aprox 50000 to big :(
So remove some of the components, or try to put on usb stick.
That's the case I put already MiniDLNA to the USB I will need to remove FFMPEG but I need it, I will play with image more in two days we will see what I will found, any way thankyou for your time. May be I would have some other questions durring the process.

Maybe one for the beggining - I can't remove components marked with X in menuconfig is it normal?
This is normal. So this component is dependent on the other.

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