France Hilfe

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Mitglied seit
10 Mai 2009
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Hallo Bonjour
Bouygtel, SFR, Orange, kuendigen Iphone die jailbraked sind und voipover Fring benutzen.... nur Wifi ist murks fuer mich

Der 3g+ USB stick Vertrag laesst kein Peer to Peer, Voip oder newsgroup zu sonst Vertragsbruch. Die sperren beim haendy egal welche beim Versuch zu skypen die Ports. Nix kommt durch. War schon auf blackberry so

in hiesigen Foren werden alle hinweise ein iphone zu modden gesperrt.

Die Vodafon Global Star PMCIA Karte wird hier nicht unterstuetzt obwohl von SFR verkauft die tauschen um auf den nutzlosen kastrierten USB Stick.

Ich habe einen Skype in Account bin Fotografin und brauche ne deutsche Rufnummer die mich auf meinem handy anruft egal wo ich bin.

mein Zimmer in Gladbeck ist in einem uralten Bauernhof und da gibt es kein Festnetz und kein Internet. der Besitzer ist 62 und Hobby ULM Flieger, rasend nett und hat 2 handys.....

meine Skype Nummer ist meinen einzige Rettung da sie aussieht wie von da.

Was machen??
Alle schlauen Geister hier sind me
a petite blonde with brains

uhhh... bitte keine Google-Übersetzungen verwenden! :(

Schau bei

Zum Modden vom Iphone schau mal hier!

Btw, for the Future: try your Questions in English please. ;)
Nice, a litle french girl with blonde hair and brain. :confused:

look could you write your problem's with skype in english if you can do this, please?

Best Reagards
France and voip


we have 3 big players Orange, SFR and Bouygtel.:rolleyes:

With their new usb 3g+ stick all ports
are blocked, only 80 and 443 staying open.
You can do http and https
no ftp, no voip, no usegroups,
not even download from MS pages or Linux stuff.
Written in the Contract for Free Surfing on G3+ etc with u re laptop.:eek:
Freedom a la France
The TV spot calls it total liberty....Bouygtel:-Ö

If you jailbreak your I Phone and use voipover3g
going to Fringland they might detect you
as u use an activity, port,illegal ....:rolleyes:

Written in the cell phone contract !! NO VOIP, NO P2P no FTP!!
U lose your contract, maybe blacklisted.

Ports may be open during using their TV option on the I Phone,
but u have to pay and the I phone is not real multitasking.
TV does not work 24 - 7/7:confused:

For me it is essential to have my Skype-In wherever I'm going.
I'm a freelance photograph and have to have land based numbers
people don't hesitate to call,
as I can talk French, English, German and even Chinese.:)

Germans won't call a French number as it makes them think,
they've to talk French.
I know this for sure.....:( are selling a Globetrotter G3+ PMCIA card not blocked at all
using my cell phone chip out of my Bouygtel Blackberry 8310 ( Edge)
with my net book might work
I'm not sure at all ????? Bougytel in any case has voip blocked....:p

It is a strange situation as voip with the I phone is free in Italy and Spain.
Belgium might bee too.

Even using a Sipgate application now banned by deutsche Telecom,
will not work with my SFR or Orange.

VPN Tunneling, there are no providers as in China to get rid of the great wall blokkus.

Could be a $$$$ idea:)

Hope u got an idea, it is like Oman or other places
they wont let u do what u want to do.....

In any case it is no freedom with French telecommunication

a HPC touch PRO seems to be multitasking but
with my choice of providers would not change too much
as Skype was never real working on any Blackberry I do know.
Provider again.

I do have a nice flat near Bippen, Germany no
www, no land-line nothing, my friend living there
is an artist, has only 2 old cellphones....
a farm house 200 years old quite of the grid.

The Dubai based sat-phone Thuraya is not to big
quite expensive not as the newest Iridium,
overkill but, will work with a strange looking number.

ME a petite blonde with brains
Debian, Gentoo, Virtualbox, Ubuntu
greaser girl, knowing window even too much
driving a MG MGF

asking U

How can I make think
people they call a land line and they' ve not to pay $$$$
a sat- phone would be expensive even for them..

A long haiku style posting
girlish so what..:)
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