Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

I have a 1&1 7050 which I bought on eBay from Germany some months ago and use it in the UK. I converted it to Annex A, but it is very unreliable - it drops the connection all the time. So I now have a BT router connected to LAN A and it works fine for surfing, but does not register with the VoIP providers. If I set it to connect directly (without the BT router) it registers but then drops the connection after a short time. As it is, it works as a modem, either wired or WiFi, but no VoIP. I have tried to convert back to Annex B without success (perhaps should try Telnet instructions) but I have come to the following conclusions - can anyone tell me if I am correct or not? Unless the box is faulty, it would seem that:
1 It is not possible to use VoIP via a modem/router on LAN A
2 A German box converted to Annex A will give much lower reliability than an international version
3 If I want a reliable system rather than just a gimmick, I need to buy a new international box.
I speak German so don't mind it all being in German, but MUST have the reliability that I believe a Fritzbox should offer. I am ready to buy a new box, but would just like to be sure that it will be reliable, and that this one really is not up to the job.
Thanks in advance.

PS I have just tried entering Telnet without problem, and it shows ANNEX='A' as expected. I would like to alter this back to annex B so that it can update and see if this improves reliability but cannot work out the command to do this. Perhaps someone can help, if it would be of any use. The standard .tar file won't work because the box has already been altered. Thx.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
1. Should be possible. Maybe a firewall/routing problem in your ADSL modem. With telnet it should be possible to configure STUN in the FRITZ box which is usefull if you are behind a firewall/router. (I don't know exactly how but do some searching in the forums)

2. Yes, there is a hardware difference. The filtering is different. With good line quality this isn't a problem. With longer distances it can be. The Fritz box has a lot of diagnostics info concerning signal quality. Maybe you should post them (the screenshots). (I can compare with mine with good signal quality)


I have my Fritz!Box on Bulldog @ North West London

FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN, Firmware-Version 08.04.01

I am supposed to have 8Mbit but due the distance between the exchange and our house it is only around ~3.1

I sometimes go for days without disconnecting and then sometimes it disconnects me a few times a day...





What Firmware would anyone advise me to upgrade too ? Can I flash a UK Annex A Software or should I install the latest German 08.01.27 and try to patch this again?
Some progress to report! :) I tried sending the fritz_als_annex_b.tar file to the box from a Win 98 laptop via WLAN and it worked! Next updated to 14.04.15 which also worked and then converted back to annex A. It would be nice to get rid of the red nag message, but can't work out how to do a recover, the recover.exe file on the CD just gives a quick flash on the screen. I think I would need a file which I don't have, but perhaps it would come back again when converting to Annex A. It has been connected for 12 hours now so looks good, so I have now ventured to enable one of my VoIP numbers again and see what happens. Rather annoying that the WLAN won't work properly now, it is OK with the Fritz USB stick on another PC but the laptop will no longer work via a Belkin card - it sees the network and 'connects' but won't access the Fritzbox or internet. :confused: I have tried removing the tick from g++ but still no go. I will make up a cable shortly and try connecting to the landline too. :D
The diagrams for noise etc look very much like the ones above, but whereas they finish at about 200, mine have a short break and then continue as earlier. Before 200 they are about identical. Does that mean anything to anyone? I am getting a connection speed of around 4000, so am well pleased, even if BT say I should get up to 6500 (not too far from exchange).
I would also be interested to know if it would be good to upgrade the firmware any further. I get the impression that this one is a good one and likely best to stick with it.
Further comments very welcome!!
Looking for some old recover files for 7050 and 7140.

Hi there

I'am owner of a 7140 german AnnexB.

But cant get it converted to AnnexA:-(((((((

Is there some simple way or hints-:)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
flemse schrieb:
Hi there

I'am owner of.
7050 german AnnexB and
7140 german AnnexB.

Both of them is converted with succes to English but every time I make mod. to AnnexA and run the recover file for AnnexA the FB after reboot flash in all led. And no telnet or web interface! Dont boot! Only ftp is possible.

I can then use adam2 and the English AnnexB to get the FB back to life.

But no convert to AnnexA:-(((((((

Is it the recover image there have changed? Therefore I looking for some old recover image!


How did you convert the 7140 to english? I was able to convert my 7050 to english, but not the 7140. I also found out about a couple of commands that I would like to try as soon as I find my power supply.
The ADAM2 FTP server also introduces the following non-standard commands :

REBOOT Reboots Modem
UNSETENV Deletes Environment Variable Entries
SETENV Set Environment Variables
GETENV Gets Environment Variables

It would be interesting to see what happens if one were to delete environmental variables having to do with annex and language using unsetenv rather that changing them with setenv.
Hi telefonicus!
Vielen dank für dein post #167, habe box auf englisch umgestellt. Ich hab auch fritz_als_avme_annex_A_new.tar eingespielt um auf Annex A umzustellen (hab noch nicht getestet ob es funktioniert, nutze grad Lan A als WAN ). Nehme an ist normal dass box sagte das das nicht zertifizierte Modifikation ist? Kann es passieren dass telefon der an Fon1 angeschlossen nicht mehr klingelt (zur Sicherheit hab auf alle anrufe reagieren eingeschaltet). Nutze nur voip Anbieter?
Noch letzte Frage wenn ich mit ftp ferbunden bin, wenn ich eintippe
quote GETENV annex
bekomme ich welche annex grade aktiv ist?
weil ich hinter nat bin, musste ich noch port forwarding aktivieren jetzt klingelt das Telefon normal.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
rondunaway schrieb:
How did you convert the 7140 to english? I was able to convert my 7050 to english, but not the 7140. I also found out about a couple of commands that I would like to try as soon as I find my power supply.
The ADAM2 FTP server also introduces the following non-standard commands :

REBOOT Reboots Modem
UNSETENV Deletes Environment Variable Entries
SETENV Set Environment Variables
GETENV Gets Environment Variables

It would be interesting to see what happens if one were to delete environmental variables having to do with annex and language using unsetenv rather that changing them with setenv.

Sory for the late respons.

1) Log in to ADAM2, then:

2) quote SETENV firmware_version avme
remenber type it as is!!!

3) Use English AnnexB revover image - fritz.box_fon_wlan_7140.en.04.26.recover-image.exe

Thats all:)

flemse schrieb:
2) quote SETENV firmware_version avme
Don't forget the comma - Adam2 is not real FTP syntax.

quote SETENV firmware_version,avme
@ telefonicus (or anyone else)

Would you happen to know the "HWRevision" and the "ProductID" for the Fritz!Box ? Not "Fon" or WLAN, or SL. Just plain, simple "Fritz!Box"

Thanks !!
OK thanks! I'll give it a try.
Ich hatte schon in einem anderen Beitrag von meinem Downgrade Problem geschrieben. Jetzt habe ich hier die Info gefunden, dass ich von der 4.30 nicht zur 4.15 oder 4.01 downgraden kann und die 4.30 oder 4.31 sich nicht auf annex A patchen lassen.

Meine Recover Versuche erbrachten immer: Fehler in Partition MT4 -3 (o.ä.)

Bedeutet das, dass ich auch mit dieser 7050 eine Niete gezogen habe und mir keine Hoffnung machen darf? Ich bin ja schon an der 7141 gescheitert und bastle jetzt schon drei Monate an einer Lösung für Annex A. Irgendwann würde ich schon gerne mal einen Erfolg sehen.
flemse schrieb:
Hi there

I'am owner of a 7140 german AnnexB.

But cant get it converted to AnnexA:-(((((((

Is there some simple way or hints-:)

I am also interested in this solution .. has any one managed to convert it ?

@miniprint: Das Downgrade von der .30 bzw. .31 ist inzwischen auch hier im Forum beschrieben. Ist wohl nicht ganz trivial, aber möglich.

Downgrade von .31 bei 7050

Danke, habe ich mittlerweile von "The Construct" erfahren und am Sonntag auch realisiert. Es wird da viel mehr Angst gemacht als realistisch notwendig ist.

Die ursprüngliche Erklärung stammt von Wer keine mtd2.bin hat kenn dort in italienisch und teils englisch nachlesen, wie man eine bekommt. So löst sich das erste Problem der Beschaffung der Software. Das Aufspielen ist übrigens völlig legal, da man ja nur Originalsoftware repariert, die man ja schon mal hatte. Illegal ist möglicherweise das Angebot des Downloads.

Der Vorgang des Patchens dauert (ohne Nachdenken und Tippen) 5 Sekunden. Davor muss man wirklich nicht so viel Angst machen. Das Risiko eines Stromausfalls beim normalen Upgrade ist da viel größer. Mangels Linux Kenntnisse musste ich erst einmal rausfinden was ein TFTP Server ist, wo man den passenden herbekommt und was er dann macht. ( )

Meine größte Angst war, dass das Ding nicht richtig tut und die Box schießt. Dabei kopiert der erste Befehl

cd /var/tmp
tftp -g -r mtd2.bin

ja nur in ein Temp-Verzeichnis und Fehler sind da noch harmlos. Sobald dieser risikolose Copy-Befehl geklappt hat, passiert der Rest in der Box ohne TFTP. Ein einziger Befehl verschiebt dann den Urlader in Sekundenbruchteilen an den richtigen Platz.

cat mtd2.bin > /dev/mtdblock3

Box booten und Recover.exe starten und das war es schon.

Das größte Problem ist also nur das Auffinden genau dieser Info.

Geholfen hat es mir übrigens nicht, da auch mit der 12.04.01, 12.04.15 und der 12.04.26 mit Annex A keine Verbindung zustande gekommen ist.

Ich habe jetzt noch ein altes AVM_als_AnnexA.tar erhalten, da dies evtl. funktionieren soll. Das werde ich morgen mal einspielen und testen. Vielleicht ist meine Fritzbox ja zu neu ...........
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
has any one managed to convert the 7140 from ANNEX B to ANNEX A?
fritzbox fon

hi i just buy from ebay a german fritzbox fon and i tern it in annex a
with avm annex a new.tar .the problem is that i can not put my internet
provider(otenet) because the box have same preinsert and do not
exept athers. thenks you.
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