Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

HummerUK schrieb:
Still no JFritz for UK boxes either which is a real shame :(
Sorry, I am busy for the next three weeks, but I think I've managed to support english firmware.

I can send you a trial version of JFritz and you can test it by yourself.

Write me a PM with your email adress.
The jar file of JFritz with only english firmware support can be downloaded form: here

And the source of this JFritz can be downloaded form: here
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi tijdelijk,

I am from the official JFritz development team and we ask you to please take your JFritz build offline, because JFritz is licenced under the GPL and you have not included the source code in your build. You are free to download JFritz and to change things, but as soon as you distribute your changes to anyone you must include the entire source code. If you have made any modifications and you feel they should be included in the official source tree feel free to contact one of us developers.

Just to add to robot_rap's comment, JFritz cvs currently has working english firmware support and there will be a release comming shortly.

P.S. If i were you i would take your build offline quickly, because you have included your personal call list and telephone book in the archive ;) .

capncrunch schrieb:
Hi tijdelijk,
I am from the official JFritz development team .................. feel free to contact one of us developers. book in the archive ;) .--Brian

Good to see you are at least reading the english thread.

robot_rap has been actively working on english firmware support for jfritz for quite some time now. The firmware support is already running very well (for our beta testers it has been running problem free), just country specific features like reverse lookup and such are still missing. I intend to follow the english threads a lot more closely now that i know they exist :),

Hello, I've bought FritzBox Fon WLAN 7050 AnnexB with German interface. Is there any easier way to change into English interface? Is there available any updated english firmware for 7050?
You will have seen earlier in this thread how to convert to annex A

Also new German firmware is available with extra features but I don't think anyone has managed to change the user interface to English.

P.S. It maybe best to upgrade firmware before the Annex A change. I could not get my German one to upgrade properly after the 'A' conversion.

With the UK models now only £20.00 more than the German model it's most likely easier to get a UK box.

1. Comes with UK power adapter :)
2. Comes with UK phone cables and adapters :)
3. Easy to setup with English user interface :)
3. Comes with older firmware and no official update but I think it is in the pipeline


dragonfighter schrieb:
Hello, I've bought FritzBox Fon WLAN 7050 AnnexB with German interface. Is there any easier way to change into English interface? Is there available any updated english firmware for 7050?
7050 English Firmware

dragonfighter schrieb:
Hello, I've bought FritzBox Fon WLAN 7050 AnnexB with German interface. Is there any easier way to change into English interface? Is there available any updated english firmware for 7050?


I have just found the latest english firmware for 7050 in a file named: "7050 annex bfirmware-avme-en-14.04.03-3499.image" at the Greek adsl forum. The user who has posted the image writes that it was e-mailed to him by the greek AVM agent. You can find the thread that includes the image file in three .rar files here (this is a link to the post of another forum, not to the image files, I hope that AVM will not complain and this link will not be edited out). Of course you need to register to this Greek site to be able to download.

This policy of AVM drives me crazy. Till yesterday I thought that AVM was not interested in improving the english firmware of 7050 - I could accept and possibly understand it. Now that I have found this image I see that AVM has produced english firmware for 7050 - almost the same version number as the german release - but for some reason (?) AVM does not distribute it from its web site. This is unacceptable in a free unified European market.
Moreover, when I asked for support from the greek official AVM representative, they refused to honour the german guarantee!
Somebody should check whether these insanities conform to the laws of the European Union.

Of course the english firmware cannot be installed in a german-speaking FritzBox "as it is" (AVM wants to make our life harder). If I find any easier way I shall let you know.

Thank you very much!
Now, I've started the proccess but when I tried to mkdir patch, the following error occurs: mkdir: Cannot create directory `patch': Read-only file system

Moreover, how I tar the file when there is no file inside the terminal?
I wonder if there is a chance to replace the german html files with english files..
I did this:
cd var
cd html
cd html
anrufliste.html login.html
assistent.html logincheck.html
capture.html networkchange_dhcpc.html
config.def networkchange_modem.html
de networkchange_static.html
flash.html postform.frm
import_reboot.html postformwatch.frm
index.html reboot.html
index_anrufliste.html refresh.frm
index_assi.html restart.html
index_inhalt.html restore.html
indexwatch.html restoreerror.html
inetstat.html tools
interfaces.html vergessen.html

Other useful info of my fritz:

# env|more
The html file points here: html -> /usr/www/1und1
The german version provides the web interface from here:
/usr/www/html/index.html and /usr/www/1und1/index.html

I don't want to mess up with my fritzbox. If anyone has international interface, please post the interface images here.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
If the firmware checks "HW revisions", I wonder eventually whether it is possible to go from german to international or not...
Hi everyone,
does anybody have the international Fritzbox Fon WLAN model 20001681 (not 7050)?

Does it come with a printed manual in Englisch?

What's on the CD?

dragonfighter schrieb:
If the firmware checks "HW revisions", I wonder eventually whether it is possible to go from german to international or not...

Yes, it's possible! It has been described in this forum. Search for "SETENV firmware_version"

Good luck!
Installing the greek image to a german 14.04.12 black box

Hi there,

I have been following this thread since i bought a UK 7050 from voiptalk. I then had to return it to the UK cause i have ADSL over ISDN in greece and the UK model has no AnnexA or AnnexB revision (in the uk there is only ADSL over PSTN, BT wont do it over isdn). So while still waiting for my money to be refunded by voiptalk, i ordered a german annex B from which arrived promptly last week. I first performed a full german update taking it to 14.04.12 (the latest on the site) and then i downloaded the greek adsl gr version you mention which apparrently not only is the latest international firmware but also includes the g729 codec which the german models dont.
Naturally i can not install this firmware (unless the tar library on my powerbook is not compatible with busybox) and i am a bit reluctant to try the various hacks as they have been tried on much earlier firmware versions plus i dont need to convert to annex a or anything the box works like a charm, i just cant speak german and want th english menus..

What do you suggest i do?

kritikal schrieb:
What do you suggest i do?kritikal

There is nothing you can do at the moment.

You could have bought the international version with Annex B which would have worked, but then you would have a firmware version that was developed when my grandmother was still bonking. It is clear that AVM does not give a Rats about their english customers.

Here in this forum there does not seem to be any english speakers that have managed a full conversion that is reproducable for the noobs like me to do, thus my 7050 speaks german. Go to and learn German, that is the advice you will get when you send an email to AVM.

At this point in time your only hope is that Haveaniceday can mod his mod to work with this international version that is going around.
darbid schrieb:
There is nothing you can do at the moment.

surely it cant be that bad. We now have the AVM firmware or something like that which clearly is very close if not the same to the top german one As the greek forum states AMY (the greek resellers of AVM) called a technician from AVM cause apart from some voip issues there were also DSLAM synchronization issues. They came in greece and resolved these and gave the above firmware to the crowds which we now have. therefore the only issue is how to install this firmware to the german version (is the avm to avme the best way to go or should i downgrade to an old international with the image restorer and then upgrade to the above one etc, this is why i posted the question.

darbid schrieb:
You could have bought the international version with Annex B which would have worked, but then you would have a firmware version that was developed when my grandmother was still bonking. It is clear that AVM does not give a Rats about their english customers.

I agree on that one they seem to mainly focus on the German market which is a pity.

darbid schrieb:
Here in this forum there does not seem to be any english speakers that have managed a full conversion that is reproducable for the noobs like me to do, thus my 7050 speaks german. Go to and learn German, that is the advice you will get when you send an email to AVM.

I know which is a pretty arrogant attitude to a customer. As haveaniceday has said in the past if we knew they wont do anything about this we could simply translate all the german in the html of the german firmware, however that is a lot of work and if 5 mins later avm release a proper international firmware it will be work for nothing.

Haveanice day can you help at all?

Sorry buddy but I do not have a clue when it comes to linux and the program that runs the boxes.

I would have thought that if you follow the steps that opensoft wrote in the initial thread here with the greek software you might have a chance.

You are right all you have to do is to trick the german box into thinking that the software you are updating with is not avme but avm.

H.A.N.D. is working on it, he said so in another thread. You may not know this but you are not allowed to post in this forum modifications to avm software. Thus this is why you get a tool which if you apply that tool to the avm software it modifies it for you. Thus HAND has to make sure that it works perfectly first before he gives it to the masses. If it does not work perfectly then he get people like me complaining that the box is a paperweight.
darbid schrieb:
I would have thought that if you follow the steps that opensoft wrote in the initial thread here with the greek software you might have a chance.

Me too but i dont want to be the first one to try on these versions especially if anyone else has done so.

This tool you mention by hand is it the web tool on the-construct i read in some other threads?
If so maybe we could help him to provide an english version?
kritikal schrieb:
Me too but i dont want to be the first one to try on these versions especially if anyone else has done so.?
Ahhhhh go on have a go. The worst that can happen is that you have to use the recover file. You could even try to use the english recover file and it might 5% chance accept it, but I doubt it.
kritikal schrieb:
This tool you mention by hand is it the web tool on the-construct i read in some other threads?
If so maybe we could help him to provide an english version?
No here is the post where you can see the script which converts other english firmware so that a german box will accept it.

As he is still looking at it I imagine it was not simply changing a few words.
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