Change country code from 99 to 44?


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3 Mai 2006
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Ich habe ein Fritz!box fon wlan umgewandelt in englische Mikroprogrammaufstellung 08.04.02 bin dort irgendwie, die Landeskennzahl von 99 bis 44 umzuwandeln

Übersetzung über babelfish

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Please use english as alternativ language - babelfish` translations are absolutetely rubbish. Noone knows what your problem is and so you will not get any response.

Bitte benutze Englisch als alternative Sprache - Übersetzungen von Babelfish sind absoluter Mist. Niemand weiß was dein Problem ist und deshalb wirst du auch keine Antworten erhalten.
Apologies !!
Didn't realise babelfish was that bad !!
I have flashed a German fon wlan to 08.04.02 English (thanks haveaniceday) but it seems I cannot change the countrycode from 99 to 44 (UK)
Is there any way to modify the country code ?

Just try to use the point "anderer Anbieter" there you can change the countrycode
Wich country-code? Do you mean the prefix for VoIP-Dialouts? But i think without the "international-mod" the FBF don't dial any country codes.
By the way, Germany has 49 as code ... did you mean this by 99 or is there an other problem?
Please change you Titel - an english titel is better than babelfishs :)
So, ive to go to bed now - but with a meaningfully titel other members would help you.

Oh, I'm sorry. The english version is international :) Use the hint bevore.
That doesn't work - i can set it to UK , but when you go back to the setting it is still other . I have flashed the German fon wlan to be a UK fon wlan , also I don't have g729 codec with this ?
dear friend,

i have the same fritz box .as yours ...can you tell me the exact procudure in order to flash mine too in english......
jimbo19 schrieb:
Didn't realise babelfish was that bad !!
It was so bad I could not even translate it back, or imagine what you wanted to say in english. :)

jimbo19 schrieb:
I have flashed a German fon wlan to 08.04.02 English (thanks haveaniceday) but it seems I cannot change the countrycode from 99 to 44 (UK)
jimbo19 schrieb:
Is there any way to modify the country code ?
What he means is that he has flashed his german box with the international english firmware. One setting that the internetional firmware has in english in SYSTEM is a REGIONAL setting. Here there are a number of countries that you can choose from. What they do I have no idea. The number 99 which I think you see in the env refers to OTHER and he would like to choose United Kingdom which in the env is referred to as 44. This may be strange for people with a german box as for example my 7050(german) does not have this setting at all.
trkostas schrieb:
i have the same fritz box .as yours ...can you tell me the exact procudure in order to flash mine too in english......
Please have a look here. If you have a 7050 and are not a linux wizard then the chances of getting your box to english right now are slim to nil.
Yes Darbid is right , exactly what I was trying to say .... :rolleyes:
Wish I could have been as consice !!
Thanks Darbid

Babelfish - more like babel gobblygook
Ahh, now I know what you exact problem is :)

I don't know the funktion of this value, so are there any disfunction caused by not changing the country-code? The only things I can imagine are that there are some DSL or phone specs wich will be changed by this setting. Maybe an other ringtone or an optimized DSL connection.
Do you know more about this function? Or are there some countrys wich you can choose and it will be saved? So you can find out the results (if there are some).
Odysseus schrieb:
Do you know more about this function? Or are there some countrys wich you can choose and it will be saved? So you can find out the results (if there are some).
You are right I wrote to AVM months ago about compatibility with an Australian telephone and they suggested to make sure that the regional setting was set to OTHER. The y said this would make it compatible with other telephones. The problem is that you can change the setting to another country, but then you must reboot. Once this is done the box is back on "OTHER".

I gave up on this function until now. AVM told me that the international boxes support G.729, but our boxes which have the international firmware do not, so I am wondering if this has to do with the regional setting. I believe that main reason they removed G.729 from german boxes was they did not want to pay roylaties for a G.729 license. But Germany is on the regional settings list which means they would have to make sure that g.729 would not be used if set to Germany.
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