ich versuche gerade callreflection mit mISDN zu realisieren, aber leider ohne Erfolg.
ich bekomme ainen Ruf über ein ISDN Port herein und leite diesen mittels
misdn send calldeflect auf del CLI weiter. Leider ohne Erfolg es klingelt nach wie vor das angerufende Telefon.
Auch ein calldeflection über den Dialplan funktioniert nicht:
Nutzt jemand erfolgreich calldeflection?
ich versuche gerade callreflection mit mISDN zu realisieren, aber leider ohne Erfolg.
ich bekomme ainen Ruf über ein ISDN Port herein und leite diesen mittels
misdn send calldeflect auf del CLI weiter. Leider ohne Erfolg es klingelt nach wie vor das angerufende Telefon.
FreePBX*CLI> misdn send calldeflect mISDN/1-1 0171xxxxxxxx
Sending Calldeflection (0171xxxxxx) to mISDN/1-1
P[ 1] SENDEVENT: stack->nt:0 stack->uperid:40000104
P[ 1] I SEND:FACILITY oad: dad:713230 pid:19
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:4 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:3 keypad: sending_complete:1
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:1
P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20013 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:FAC_NONE out_facility:FAC_CALLDEFLECT
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:81abfc8 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:36280 addr:41000104 dinfo:20013
P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:36282
P[ 1] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000103 prim 36282 dinfo 20013
P[ 1] I IND :FACILITY oad: dad:713230 pid:19 state:ALERTING
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:4 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:3 keypad: sending_complete:1
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:1
P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20013 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:FAC_NONE out_facility:FAC_CALLDEFLECT
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:81abfc8 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] --> unknown
P[ 1] --> not yet handled
P[ 1] Freeing Msg on prim:36282
-- SIP/24-082083e8 is ringing
Auch ein calldeflection über den Dialplan funktioniert nicht:
exten => s,1,Ringing
exten => s,n,misdn_facility(calldeflect,017xxxxxx)
exten => s,n,Wait(5)
P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:3f082
P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:30582
P[ 1] set_channel: bc->channel:0 channel:1
P[ 1] find_free_chan: req_chan:1
P[ 1] --> found chan (preselected): 1
P[ 1] set_chan_in_stack: 1
P[ 1] Idx:0 stack->cchan:0 in_use:1 Chan:1
P[ 1] Idx:1 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:2
P[ 1] Idx:2 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:3
P[ 1] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000103 prim 30582 dinfo 20007
P[ 1] $$$ find_chan: No channel found for oad:171xxxxxx dad:713xxx
P[ 1] I IND :SETUP oad:171xxxxxx dad:713xxx pid:6 state:none
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:4 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:FAC_NONE out_facility:FAC_NONE
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:81abfc8 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] $$$ find_chan: No channel found for oad:171xxxxxx dad:713xxx
P[ 1] --> Bearer: Speech
P[ 1] --> Codec: Alaw
P[ 0] --> * NEW CHANNEL dad:713xxx oad:171xxxxxx
P[ 1] read_config: Getting Config
P[ 1] config_jb: Called
P[ 1] --> * CallGrp: PickupGrp:
P[ 1] --> CTON: Unknown
P[ 1] --> EXPORT_PID: pid:6
P[ 1] --> PRES: Restricted (0)
P[ 1] --> SCREEN: Unscreened (0)
P[ 1] * Queuing chan 0x8189380
P[ 1] CONTEXT:from-pstn
P[ 1] SENDEVENT: stack->nt:0 stack->uperid:40000104
P[ 1] I SEND:PROCEEDING oad:0171xxxxxx dad:713xxx pid:6
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:4 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:FAC_NONE out_facility:FAC_NONE
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:81abfc8 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:30280 addr:41000104 dinfo:20007
P[ 1] Freeing Msg on prim:30582
-- Executing Set("mISDN/1-1", "__FROM_DID=713xxxx") in new stack
-- Executing Goto("mISDN/1-1", "deflection|s|1") in new stack
-- Goto (deflection,s,1)
-- Executing misdn_facility("mISDN/1-1", "calldeflect|0171xxxxxx") in new stack
P[ 1] SENDEVENT: stack->nt:0 stack->uperid:40000104
P[ 1] I SEND:FACILITY oad:0171xxxxxx dad:71xxxx pid:6
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:4 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:FAC_NONE out_facility:FAC_CALLDEFLECT
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:81abfc8 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:36280 addr:41000104 dinfo:20007
P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:36282
P[ 1] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000103 prim 36282 dinfo 20007
P[ 1] I IND :FACILITY oad:0171xxxxxx6 dad:71xxxx pid:6 state:DIALING
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:4 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:FAC_NONE out_facility:FAC_CALLDEFLECT
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:81abfc8 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] --> unknown
P[ 1] --> not yet handled
P[ 1] Freeing Msg on prim:36282
P[ 1] * IND : HANGUP pid:6 ctx:deflection dad:s oad:0171xxxxxx State:DIALING
P[ 1] --> l3id:20007
P[ 1] --> cause:16
P[ 1] --> out_cause:16
P[ 1] --> state:DIALING
P[ 1] ph_control: c1:2310 c2:12
P[ 1] SENDEVENT: stack->nt:0 stack->uperid:40000104
P[ 1] I SEND:DISCONNECT oad:0171xxxxxx dad:71xxxx pid:6
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:4 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:FAC_NONE out_facility:FAC_CALLDEFLECT
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:81abfc8 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] --> Channel: mISDN/1-1 hanguped new state:CLEANING
P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:34580 addr:41000104 dinfo:20007
P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:34d82
P[ 1] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000103 prim 34d82 dinfo 20007
P[ 1] I IND :RELEASE oad:0171xxxxxx dad:71xxxx pid:6 state:CLEANING
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:4 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:FAC_NONE out_facility:FAC_CALLDEFLECT
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:81abfc8 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] ast_hangup already called, so we have no ast ptr anymore in event(RELEASE)
P[ 1] hangup_chan called
P[ 1] --> No need to queue hangup
P[ 1] Cannot hangup chan, no ast
P[ 1] release_chan: bc with l3id: 20007
P[ 1] SENDEVENT: stack->nt:0 stack->uperid:40000104
P[ 1] I SEND:RELEASE_COMPLETE oad:0171xxxxxx dad:71xxxx pid:6
P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:4 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1
P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1] --> facility:FAC_NONE out_facility:FAC_CALLDEFLECT
P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1] --> bc:81abfc8 h:0 sh:0
P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:6
P[ 1] $$$ Already cleaned up bc with stid :0
P[ 1] empty_chan_in_stack: 1
P[ 1] Idx:0 stack->cchan:0 in_use:1 Chan:1
P[ 1] Idx:1 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:2
P[ 1] Idx:2 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:3
P[ 1] Freeing Msg on prim:34d82
P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:3f182
P[ 1] --> lib: RELEASE_CR Ind with l3id:20007
P[ 1] --> lib: CLEANING UP l3id: 20007
P[ 1] $$$ find_chan: No channel found for oad: dad:
P[ 1] I IND :CLEAN_UP oad: dad: pid:6 state:none
P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:6
P[ 1] $$$ Already cleaned up bc with stid :0
P[ 1] Idx:0 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:1
P[ 1] Idx:1 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:2
P[ 1] Idx:2 stack->cchan:0 in_use:0 Chan:3
P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:35a80 addr:41000104 dinfo:20007
P[ 0] Got empty Msg..
P[ 0] Got empty Msg..
Nutzt jemand erfolgreich calldeflection?