Black vs. Red FRITZ! 7050 - differences?


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5 Dez 2006
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Hallo :)

Erste - entschuldigung aber mein deutsch ist nicht gut, eigentlich ich spreche kein deutsch :/ also ich schreibe auf englisch:

Does anybody know if there are any differences between black /that one i have/ and red FRITZ! 7050?


Hello and welcome!

The difference is only the color. the technic inside and the firmware are the same...

yes, also with this box its no problem change to annex a :)
thanks again

but one more question - my computer knowledge is not big, so
step-by-step it looks like this?:

1. download "fritz_als_avm_annex_A_new.tar"
2. open FRITZ! panel /in www browser - ""/
3. in section "system" click something like "upgarde sftware"
4. target => fritz_als_avm_annex_A_new.tar /UNCOMPRESSED!/
5. click on UPGARDE
6. wait - smoke 3-5 cigaretts
7. if done and OK - be happy

but if

8. if not OK?

thanks for help, M.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
If it's not ok, and you can't use the dsl-part from the box, use an external dsl-modem (connected to LAN A) . Then you can ask again ;)
Another question:
What about if 6 is NOK (e.g. if you are non-smoker)?


6. U can try to relaks ;)

but - the procedure in my post is right?

thanks for answers and help, M.
Yes, as stated by Novize, the procedure is OK!
You should have a recovery image with you in case of problems in order to come back to the original configuration ;-)

I suppose you do mean the correct thing, but to say it again:

4. load fritz_als_avm_annex_A_new.tar as it is, do not uncompress it. (So it stays compressed, not uncompressed! ;))

8. most times nothing happens if it doesn't work. So ask again if you should come to 8! :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ok, works on annex A

Thanks Novize! :)

But - what if i want back to annex B? What i mast to do?

Thanks again, M.
i upload my FRITZ! with fritz_als_annex_b.tar file and...

diagnose works - annex B but nothig else :( Power LED blinkt and i can't open panel with in my browser. I read all posts on this foru and recover annex A and works - but i still don't know haw i can back to annex B :)

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