ändert bei mir leider nix
interval=15 ; Number of seconds between trying to connect to devices
context=incoming-datacard ; context for incoming calls
audio=/dev/ttyUSB1 ; tty port for audio connection
data=/dev/ttyUSB2 ; tty port for AT commands
rxgain=3 ; increase the incoming volume
txgain=3 ; increase the outgoint volume
autodeletesms=yes ; auto delete incoming sms
resetdatacard=yes ; reset datacard during initialization
u2diag=0 ; set U2DIAG parameter (0 = disable everything except modem function)
usecallingpres=yes ; use the caller ID presentation or not
callingpres=allowed_passed_screen ; set caller ID presentation
disablesms=yes ; chan_datacard has currently a bug with SMS reception. When a SMS gets in during a
; call chan_datacard might crash. Enable this option to disable sms reception.
; Default = no
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