Asterisk wählt nicht richtig, erst freizeichen dann wählen


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14 Dez 2008
Punkte für Reaktionen

Ich habe mir ganz frisch ein Debian mit Asterisk 1.4.22, FreePBX und eine Fritz Card PCI mit Chan Capi 1.1.1 in einer DomU (XEN) aufgesetzt.

es funktioniert soweit auch alles super, ich kann Anrufe auf meine Softphone oder E51 empfangen und auch rauswählen nur das rauswählen ist noch nicht ganz perfekt.

Wenn ich die Nummer wähle und dann abhebe bekomm ich einfach nur ein freizeichen und muss dann die Nummer nochmal wählen damit tatsächlich ein Anruf zustande kommt.
Ich denke es ist nur ein kleiner helbel in der config, hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.

dann habe ich noch ein paar schönheitsfehler, ein anruf an meinem device kommen immer als sip:nummer@asterisk an kann man das aussehen ändern? Also das es nur als nummer an dem device erscheint?

mein Voicemail funktioniert auch schon super, nur leider sendet asterisk mir keine e-mails. Mails allgemein über das system zu versenden funktioniert, leider gibt asterisk in den logfiles nichts her, und ich sehe auch das erst garkeine mails am mailsystem rausehen. Habe schon versucht in der voicemail.conf an dem sendmail parameter zu drehen, hat aber irgendwie nix gebracht, das zugrunde liegende mailsystem ist postfix.

wenn die 3. Probleme jetzt gelöst werden wäre ich total zufrieden, hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.

Grüße und danke schonmal
wenn die 3. Probleme jetzt gelöst werden wäre ich total zufrieden, hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.

Wie sollen wir die helfen wenn du uns keine Infos über deine Konfiguration gibst?

Poste doch mal die entsprechenden Config-Files (sip, extensions, voicemail,...)
Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das keiner eine Antwort hat.
Ich arbeite seit Jahre mit Linux, bin also nicht unerfahren, aber die asterisk logs geben nichts her.
Ich hoffe wirklich das mir hier jemand helfen kann. Zumindest für das rauswählen Problem muss es eine Lösung geben
Poste doch mal die entsprechenden Config-Files (sip, extensions, voicemail,...)

Schieb Deine Files doch mal (bitte mit Code-Tags versehen) in diesen Thread - ich hatte auch keine Lust, Deinen Link anzuklicken ;-)


; Voicemail Configuration

; NOTE: Asterisk has to edit this file to change a user's password.  This does
; not currently work with the "#include <file>" directive for Asterisk
; configuration files, nor when using realtime static configuration.
; Do not use them with this configuration file.

; Formats for writing Voicemail.  Note that when using IMAP storage for
; voicemail, only the first format specified will be used.
; If you change the list of formats that you record voicemail in
; when you have mailboxes that contain messages, you _MUST_ absolutely
; manually go through those mailboxes and convert/delete/add the
; the message files so that they appear to have been stored using
; your new format list. If you don't do this, very unpleasant
; things may happen to your users while they are retrieving and
; manipulating their voicemail.
; In other words: don't change the format list on a production system
; unless you are _VERY_  sure that you know what you are doing and are
; prepared for the consequences.
; Who the e-mail notification should appear to come from
;[email protected]
; Should the email contain the voicemail as an attachment
; Maximum number of messages per folder.  If not specified, a default value
; (100) is used.  Maximum value for this option is 9999.
; Maximum length of a voicemail message in seconds
; Minimum length of a voicemail message in seconds for the message to be kept
; The default is no minimum.
; Maximum length of greetings in seconds
; How many milliseconds to skip forward/back when rew/ff in message playback
; How many seconds of silence before we end the recording
; Silence threshold (what we consider silence: the lower, the more sensitive)
; Max number of failed login attempts
; User context is where entries from users.conf are registered.  The
; default value is 'default'
; If you need to have an external program, i.e. /usr/bin/myapp
; called when a voicemail is left, delivered, or your voicemailbox 
; is checked, uncomment this.  It can also be set to 'smdi' to use
; smdi for external notification.  If it is 'smdi', smdiport should
; be set to a valid port as specified in smdi.conf.



; If you need to have an external program, i.e. /usr/bin/myapp
; called when a voicemail password is changed, uncomment this:
; For the directory, you can override the intro file if you want
; The character set for voicemail messages can be specified here
; The ADSI feature descriptor number to download to 
; The ADSI security lock code
; The ADSI voicemail application version number.
; Skip the "[PBX]:" string from the message title
; Change the From: string
;fromstring=The Asterisk PBX
; Permit finding entries for forward/compose from the directory
; Voicemail can be stored in a database using the ODBC driver.
; The value of odbcstorage is the database connection configured
; in res_odbc.conf.
; The default table for ODBC voicemail storage is voicemessages.
; Change the from, body and/or subject, variables:
; Note: The emailbody config row can only be up to 512 characters due to a
;       limitation in the Asterisk configuration subsystem.
emailsubject=[PBX]: New message ${VM_MSGNUM} in mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX}
; The following definition is very close to the default, but the default shows
; just the CIDNAME, if it is not null, otherwise just the CIDNUM, or "an unknown
; caller", if they are both null.
emailbody=Dear ${VM_NAME}:\n\n\tjust wanted to let you know you were just left a ${VM_DUR} long message (number ${VM_MSGNUM})\nin mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX} from ${VM_CALLERID}, on ${VM_DATE}, so you might\nwant to check it when you get a chance.  Thanks!\n\n\t\t\t\t--Asterisk\n
; You can also change the Pager From: string, the pager body and/or subject.
; The above defined variables also can be used here
;pagerfromstring=The Asterisk PBX
;pagersubject=New VM
;pagerbody=New ${VM_DUR} long msg in box ${VM_MAILBOX}\nfrom ${VM_CALLERID}, on ${VM_DATE}
; Set the date format on outgoing mails. Valid arguments can be found on the
; strftime(3) man page
; Default
;emaildateformat=%A, %B %d, %Y at %r
; 24h date format
emaildateformat=%A, %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S
; You can override the default program to send e-mail if you wish, too
mailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail -t
; Users may be located in different timezones, or may have different 
; message announcements for their introductory message when they enter 
; the voicemail system. Set the message and the timezone each user 
; hears here. Set the user into one of these zones with the tz= attribute 
; in the options field of the mailbox. Of course, language substitution 
; still applies here so you may have several directory trees that have 
; alternate language choices. 
; Look in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ for names of timezones. 
; Look at the manual page for strftime for a quick tutorial on how the 
; variable substitution is done on the values below. 
; Supported values: 
; 'filename'    filename of a soundfile (single ticks around the filename
;               required)
; ${VAR}        variable substitution 
; A or a        Day of week (Saturday, Sunday, ...) 
; B or b or h   Month name (January, February, ...) 
; d or e        numeric day of month (first, second, ..., thirty-first) 
; Y             Year 
; I or l        Hour, 12 hour clock 
; H             Hour, 24 hour clock (single digit hours preceded by "oh") 
; k             Hour, 24 hour clock (single digit hours NOT preceded by "oh") 
; M             Minute, with 00 pronounced as "o'clock" 
; N             Minute, with 00 pronounced as "hundred" (US military time)
; P or p        AM or PM 
; Q             "today", "yesterday" or ABdY
;               (*note: not standard strftime value) 
; q             "" (for today), "yesterday", weekday, or ABdY
;               (*note: not standard strftime value) 
; R             24 hour time, including minute 
; Each mailbox is listed in the form <mailbox>=<password>,<name>,<email>,<pager_email>,<options>
; if the e-mail is specified, a message will be sent when a message is
; received, to the given mailbox. If pager is specified, a message will be
; sent there as well. If the password is prefixed by '-', then it is
; considered to be unchangeable.
; Advanced options example is extension 4069
; NOTE: All options can be expressed globally in the general section, and
; overridden in the per-mailbox settings, unless listed otherwise.
; tz=central 		; Timezone from zonemessages below. Irrelevant if envelope=no.
; attach=yes 		; Attach the voicemail to the notification email *NOT* the pager email
; attachfmt=wav49	; Which format to attach to the email.  Normally this is the
			; first format specified in the format parameter above, but this
			; option lets you customize the format sent to particular mailboxes.
			; Useful if Windows users want wav49, but Linux users want gsm.
			; [per-mailbox only]
saycid=no 		; Say the caller id information before the message. If not described, 
			;     or set to no, it will be in the envelope
; cidinternalcontexts=intern	; Internal Context for Name Playback instead of 
			; extension digits when saying caller id.
; sayduration=no 	; Turn on/off the duration information before the message. [ON by default]
; saydurationm=2        ; Specify the minimum duration to say. Default is 2 minutes
; dialout=fromvm ; Context to dial out from [option 4 from mailbox's advanced menu]. 
                 ; If not specified, option 4 will not be listed and dialing out 
                 ; from within VoiceMailMain() will not be permitted.
sendvoicemail=yes ; Allow the user to compose and send a voicemail while inside 
                  ; VoiceMailMain() [option 5 from mailbox's advanced menu].
                  ; If set to 'no', option 5 will not be listed.
; searchcontexts=yes	; Current default behavior is to search only the default context
			; if one is not specified.  The older behavior was to search all contexts.
			; This option restores the old behavior [DEFAULT=no]
; callback=fromvm 	; Context to call back from  
			;     if not listed, calling the sender back will not be permitted
; exitcontext=fromvm    ; Context to go to on user exit such as * or 0
                        ;     The default is the current context.
; review=yes 		; Allow sender to review/rerecord their message before saving it [OFF by default
; operator=yes 		; Allow sender to hit 0 before/after/during  leaving a voicemail to 
			;     reach an operator  [OFF by default]
; envelope=no 		; Turn on/off envelope playback before message playback. [ON by default] 
			;     This does NOT affect option 3,3 from the advanced options menu
; delete=yes		; After notification, the voicemail is deleted from the server. [per-mailbox only]
			;     This is intended for use with users who wish to receive their 
			;     voicemail ONLY by email. Note:  "deletevoicemail" is provided as an
			;     equivalent option for Realtime configuration.
; volgain=0.0		; Emails bearing the voicemail may arrive in a volume too
			;     quiet to be heard.  This parameter allows you to specify how
			;     much gain to add to the message when sending a voicemail.
			;     NOTE: sox must be installed for this option to work.
; nextaftercmd=yes	; Skips to the next message after hitting 7 or 9 to delete/save current message.
			;     [global option only at this time] 
; forcename=yes		; Forces a new user to record their name.  A new user is
			;     determined by the password being the same as
			;     the mailbox number.  The default is "no".
; forcegreetings=no	; This is the same as forcename, except for recording
			;     greetings.  The default is "no".
; hidefromdir=yes	; Hide this mailbox from the directory produced by app_directory
			;     The default is "no".
;tempgreetwarn=yes	; Remind the user that their temporary greeting is set

eastern=America/New_York|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IMp
central=America/Chicago|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IMp
central24=America/Chicago|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H N 'hours'
military=Zulu|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H N 'hours' 'phonetic/z_p'
european=Europe/Copenhagen|'vm-received' a d b 'digits/at' HM

; Define maximum number of messages per folder for a particular context.

1234 => 4242,Example Mailbox,root@localhost
;4200 => 9855,Mark Spencer,[email protected],[email protected],attach=no|[email protected]|tz=central|maxmsg=10
;4300 => 3456,Ben Rigas,[email protected]
;4310 => -5432,Sales,[email protected]
;4069 => 6522,Matt Brooks,[email protected],,|tz=central|attach=yes|saycid=yes|dialout=fromvm|callback=fromvm|review=yes|operator=yes|envelope=yes|sayduration=yes|saydurationm=1
;4073 => 1099,Bianca Paige,[email protected],,delete=1
;4110 => 3443,Rob Flynn,[email protected]
;4235 => 1234,Jim Holmes,[email protected],,Tz=european

; Mailboxes may be organized into multiple contexts for
; voicemail virtualhosting

10 => 5521,E51,[email protected],,attach=yes|saycid=no|envelope=no|delete=no
;The intro can be customized on a per-context basis
1234 => 5678,Company2 User,root@localhost

; Do NOT edit this file as it is auto-generated by FreePBX. All modifications to ;
; this file must be done via the web gui. There are alternative files to make    ;
; custom modifications, details at:       ;


; These files will all be included in the [general] context
#include sip_general_additional.conf

;sip_general_custom.conf is the proper file location for placing any sip general 
;options that you might need set. For example: enable and force the sip jitterbuffer. 
;If these settings are desired they should be set the sip_general_custom.conf file.
; jbenable=yes
; jbforce=yes
;It is also the proper place to add the lines needed for sip nat'ing when going
;through a firewall.  For nat'ing you'd need to add the following lines: 
; nat=yes , externip= , localhost= , and optionally fromdomain= .
#include sip_general_custom.conf

;sip_nat.conf is here for legacy support reasons and for those that upgrade 
;from previous versions.  If you have this file with lines in it please make
;sure they are not duplicated in sip_general_custom.conf, if so remove them 
;from sip_nat.conf as sip_general_custom.conf will have precedence.
#include sip_nat.conf

;sip_registrations_custom.conf is for any customizations you might need to do to
;the automatically generated registrations that FreePBX makes.
#include sip_registrations_custom.conf
#include sip_registrations.conf

; These files should all be expected to come after the [general] context
#include sip_custom.conf
#include sip_additional.conf

;sip_custom_post.conf If you have extra parameters that are needed for a 
;extension to work to for example, those go here.  So you have extension 
;1000 defined in your system you start by creating a line [1000](+) in this 
;file.  Then on the next line add the extra parameter that is needed.  
;When the sip.conf is loaded it will append your additions to the end of 
;that extension. 
#include sip_custom_post.conf

; Do NOT edit this file as it is auto-generated by FreePBX. All modifications to ;
; this file must be done via the web gui. There are alternative files to make    ;
; custom modifications, details at:       ;

; FreePBX
; Copyright (C) 2004 Coalescent Systems Inc (Canada)
; Copyright (C) 2006 Why Pay More 4 Less Pty Ltd (Australia)
; Copyright (C) 2007 Astrogen LLC (USA)
; Released under the GNU GPL Licence version 2.

; dialparties.agi (
; Asterisk::AGI (
; gsm (!INDEX.short.html)
; loligo sounds (
; mpg123 (

;**************************  -WARNING-  ****************************************
;                                                                              *
; This include file is to be used with extreme caution. In almost all cases    *
; any custom dialplan SHOULD be put in extensions_custom.conf which will       *
; not hurt a FreePBX generated dialplan. In some very rare and custom          *
; situations users may have a need to override what freepbx automatically      *
; generates. If so anything in this file will do that.  If you come up with a  *
; situation where you need to modify the existing dialplan or macro, please    *
; put it here and also notify the FreePBX development team so they can take it *
; into account in the future.                                                  *
;                                                                              *
#include extensions_override_freepbx.conf
;                                                                              *
;**************************  -WARNING-  ****************************************

; include extension contexts generated from AMP
#include extensions_additional.conf

; Customizations to this dialplan should be made in extensions_custom.conf
; See extensions_custom.conf.sample for an example.
; If you need to use [macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook], [ext-did-custom], or 
; [from-internal-custom] for example, place these in this file or they will get overwritten.
#include extensions_custom.conf

[from-trunk]							; just an alias since VoIP shouldn't be called PSTN
include => from-pstn

include => from-pstn-custom                     ; create this context in extensions_custom.conf to include customizations
include => ext-did
include => ext-did-post-custom
include => from-did-direct		; MODIFICATOIN (PL) for findmefollow if enabled, should be bofore ext-local
include => ext-did-catchall		; THIS MUST COME AFTER ext-did
exten => fax,1,Goto(ext-fax,in_fax,1)

; Required to assure that direct dids go to personal ring group before local extension.
; This could be auto-generated however I it is prefered to be put here and hard coded
; so that it can be modified if ext-local should take precedence in certain situations.
; will have to decide what to do later.
include => ext-findmefollow
include => ext-local

; ############################################################################
; Macros [macro]
; ############################################################################

; Rings one or more extensions.  Handles things like call forwarding and DND
; We don't call dial directly for anything internal anymore.
; ARGS: $TIMER, $OPTIONS, $EXT1, $EXT2, $EXT3, ...
; Use a Macro call such as the following: 
;  Macro(dial,$DIAL_TIMER,$DIAL_OPTIONS,$EXT1,$EXT2,$EXT3,...)
exten => s,1,GotoIf($["${MOHCLASS}" = ""]?dial)
exten => s,n,SetMusicOnHold(${MOHCLASS})
exten => s,n(dial),AGI(dialparties.agi)
exten => s,n,NoOp(Returned from dialparties with no extensions to call and DIALSTATUS: ${DIALSTATUS})

exten => s,n+2(normdial),Dial(${ds})                               ; dialparties will set the priority to 10 if $ds is not null
exten => s,n,GosubIf($["${SCREEN}" != ""]?${DIALSTATUS},1)

exten => s,20(huntdial),NoOp(Returned from dialparties with hunt groups to dial )
exten => s,n,Set(HuntLoop=0)
exten => s,n(a22),GotoIf($[${HuntMembers} >= 1]?a30)  ; if this is from rg-group, don't strip prefix
exten => s,n,NoOp(Returning there are no members left in the hunt group to ring)

; dialparties.agi has setup the dialstring for each hunt member in a variable labeled HuntMember0, HuntMember1 etc for each iteration
; and The total number in HuntMembers. So for each iteration, we will update the CALLTRACE Data.
exten => s,n+2(a30),Set(HuntMember=HuntMember${HuntLoop})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[$["${CALLTRACE_HUNT}" != "" ] & $["${RingGroupMethod}" = "hunt" ]]?a32:a35)
exten => s,n(a32),Set(CT_EXTEN=${CUT(FILTERED_DIAL,,$[${HuntLoop} + 1])})
exten => s,n,Goto(s,a42)

;Set Call Trace for each hunt member we are going to call "Memory groups have multiple members to set CALL TRACE For hence the loop
exten => s,n(a35),GotoIf($[$["${CALLTRACE_HUNT}" != "" ] & $["${RingGroupMethod}" = "memoryhunt" ]]?a36:a50)  
exten => s,n(a36),Set(CTLoop=0)
exten => s,n(a37),GotoIf($[${CTLoop} > ${HuntLoop}]?a42)  ; if this is from rg-group, don't strip prefix
exten => s,n,Set(CT_EXTEN=${CUT(FILTERED_DIAL,,$[${CTLoop} + 1])})
exten => s,n,Set(CTLoop=$[1 + ${CTLoop}])
exten => s,n,Goto(s,a37)
exten => s,n(a42),Dial(${${HuntMember}}${ds})
exten => s,n,Set(HuntLoop=$[1 + ${HuntLoop}])
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[$[$["foo${RingGroupMethod}" != "foofirstavailable"] & $["foo${RingGroupMethod}" != "foofirstnotonphone"]] | $["foo${DialStatus}" = "fooBUSY"]]?a46)
exten => s,n,Set(HuntMembers=0)
exten => s,n(a46),Set(HuntMembers=$[${HuntMembers} - 1])
exten => s,n,Goto(s,a22)

exten => s,n(a50),DBdel(CALLTRACE/${CT_EXTEN})
exten => s,n,Goto(s,a42)

; For call screening
exten => NOANSWER,n,GotoIf($["${IVR_RETVM}" != "RETURN" | "${IVR_CONTEXT}" = ""]?bye)
exten => NOANSWER,n,Return
exten => NOANSWER,n(bye),Macro(hangupcall)
exten => TORTURE,1,Goto(app-blackhole,musiconhold,1)
exten => TORTURE,n,Macro(hangupcall)
exten => DONTCALL,1,Answer
exten => DONTCALL,n,Wait(1)
exten => DONTCALL,n,Zapateller()
exten => DONTCALL,n,Playback(ss-noservice)
exten => DONTCALL,n,Macro(hangupcall)

; make sure hungup calls go here so that proper cleanup occurs from call confirmed calls and the like
exten => h,1,Macro(hangupcall)

; Ring an extension, if the extension is busy or there is no answer send it
; to voicemail
exten => s,1,Macro(user-callerid)

exten => s,n,Set(RingGroupMethod=none)
exten => s,n,Set(VMBOX=${ARG1})
exten => s,n,Set(EXTTOCALL=${ARG2})
exten => s,n,Set(CFUEXT=${DB(CFU/${EXTTOCALL})})
exten => s,n,Set(CFBEXT=${DB(CFB/${EXTTOCALL})})
exten => s,n,Set(RT=${IF($[$["${VMBOX}"!="novm"] | $["foo${CFUEXT}"!="foo"]]?${RINGTIMER}:"")})
exten => s,n,Macro(record-enable,${EXTTOCALL},IN)
exten => s,n,Macro(dial,${RT},${DIAL_OPTIONS},${EXTTOCALL})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[ $["${VMBOX}" != "novm"] & $["${SCREEN}" != ""] & $["${DIALSTATUS}" = "NOANSWER"] ]?exit,return)
exten => s,n,GosubIf($[$["${SV_DIALSTATUS}"="NOANSWER"] & $["${CFUEXT}"!=""] & $["${SCREEN}" = ""]]?docfu,1) ; check for CFU in use on no answer
exten => s,n,GosubIf($[$["${SV_DIALSTATUS}"="BUSY"] & $["${CFBEXT}"!=""]]?docfb,1) ; check for CFB in use on busy
exten => s,n,NoOp(Voicemail is '${VMBOX}')
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${VMBOX}" = "novm"]?s-${DIALSTATUS},1) ; no voicemail in use for this extension
exten => s,n,NoOp(Sending to Voicemail box ${EXTTOCALL})
exten => s,n,Macro(vm,${VMBOX},${DIALSTATUS},${IVR_RETVM})

; Try the Call Forward on No Answer / Unavailable number
exten => docfu,1,Set(RTCFU=${IF($["${VMBOX}"!="novm"]?${RINGTIMER}:"")})
exten => docfu,n,Dial(Local/${CFUEXT}@from-internal/n,${RTCFU},${DIAL_OPTIONS})
exten => docfu,n,Return

; Try the Call Forward on Busy number
exten => docfb,1,Set(RTCFB=${IF($["${VMBOX}"!="novm"]?${RINGTIMER}:"")})
exten => docfb,n,Dial(Local/${CFBEXT}@from-internal/n,${RTCFB},${DIAL_OPTIONS})
exten => docfb,n,Return

; Extensions with no Voicemail box reporting BUSY come here
exten => s-BUSY,1,NoOp(Extension is reporting BUSY and not passing to Voicemail)
exten => s-BUSY,n,GotoIf($["${IVR_RETVM}" = "RETURN" & "${IVR_CONTEXT}" != ""]?exit,1)
exten => s-BUSY,n,Playtones(busy)
exten => s-BUSY,n,Busy(20)

; Anything but BUSY comes here
exten => _s-.,n,GotoIf($["${IVR_RETVM}" = "RETURN" & "${IVR_CONTEXT}" != ""]?exit,1)
exten => _s-.,n,Playtones(congestion)
exten => _s-.,n,Congestion(10)

; Short burst of tones then return
exten => exit,1,Playback(beep&line-busy-transfer-menu&silence/1)
exten => exit,n(return),MacroExit()

; [macro-vm]
; CONTEXT:      macro-vm
; PURPOSE:      call voicemail system and extend with personal ivr
; Under normal use, this macro will call the voicemail system with the extension and
; desired greeting mode of busy, unavailable or as specified with direct voicemail
; calls (usually unavailable) when entered from destinations.
; The voicemail system's two greetings have been 'hijacked' as follows to extend the
; system by giving the option of a private 'ivr' for each voicemail user. The following
; applies to both the busy and unavailable modes of voicemail and can be applied to one
; or both, and differently.
; Global Defaults:
; The following are default values, used in both busy and unavail modes if no specific
; values are specified.
;					The number of times to repeat the users message if no option is pressed.
;					The timeout to wait after playing message before repeating or giving up.
;					The number of times it should replay the message and check for an option when
;					an invalid option is pressed.
;					Default voicemail option to use if vm is chosen as an option. No options will
;					cause Allison's generic message, 's' will go straight to beep.
;					Default voicemail option to use if it times out with no options. No options will
;					cause Allison's generic message, 's' will go straight to beep.
;					IF THE USER PRESSES # - it will look like a timeout as well since no option will
;					be presented. If the user wishes to enable a mode where a caller can press #
;					during their message and it goes straight to voicemail with only a 'beep' then
;					this should be set to 's'.
;					Default voicemail option to use if to many wrong options occur. No options will
;					cause Allison's generic message, 's' will go straight to beep.
;					Default context for user destinations if not supplied in the user's settings
;					Default priority for user destinations if not supplied in the user's settings
;					Default context for timeout destination if not supplied in the user's settings
;					Default extension for timeout destination if not supplied in the user's settings
;					Default priority for timeout destination if not supplied in the user's settings
;					Default context for loops  destination if not supplied in the user's settings
;					Default extension for loops  destination if not supplied in the user's settings
;					Default priority for loops  destination if not supplied in the user's settings
; The AMPUSER database variable has been extended with a 'vmx' tree (vm-extension). A
; duplicate set is included for both unavail and busy. You could choose for to have an
; ivr when unavail is taken, but not with busy - or a different once with busy.
; The full list is below, each specific entry is futher described:
; state:		Whether teh current mode is enabled or disabled. Anything but 'enabled' is
;						treated as disabled.
; repeat:		This is the number of times that the users message should be played after the
;						timeout if the user has not entered anything. It is just a variable to the
;						Read() function which will do the repeating.
; timeout:	This is how long to wait after the message has been read for a response from
;						the user. A caller can enter a digit any time during the playback.
; loops:		This is the number of loops that the system will allow a caller to retry if
;						they enter a bad menu choice, before going to the loop failover destination
; vmxopts:	This is the vm options to send to the voicemail command used when a specific
;						voicemail destination is chosen (inidcated by 'dovm' in the ext field). This is
;						typically either set to 's' or left blank. When set to 's' there will be no
;						message played when entering the voicemail, just a beep. When blank, you will
;						have Allison's generic message played. It is not typical to play the greetings
;						since they have been 'hijacked' for these IVR's and from a caller's perspecitive
;						this system appears interconnected with the voicemail so instructions can be
;						left there.
; timedest: The three variables: ext, context and pri are the goto destination if the caller
;						enters no options and it timesout. None have to be set and a system default
;						will be used. If just ext is set, then defaults will be used for context and
;						pri, etc.
; loopdest:	This is identical to timedest but used if the caller exceeds the maximum invalid
;						menu choices.
; [0-9*]:		The user can specify up to 11 ivr options, all as single digits from 0-9 or *. The
;						# key can not be used since it is used as a terminator key for the Read command
;						and will never be returned. A minimum of the ext must be specified for each valid
;						option and as above, the context and priority can also be specified if the default
;						is not to be used.
;						Option '0' takes on a special meaning. Since a user is able to break out of the
;						voicemail command once entering it with a 0, if specified, the 0 destination will
;						be used.
;						Option '*' can also be used to breakout. It is undecided at this point whether
;						providing that option will be used as well. (probably should).
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/state:								enabled|disabled
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/repeat:								n (times to repeat message)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/timeout:							n (timeout to wait for digit)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/loops:								n (loop returies for invalid entries)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/vmxopts/dovm:					vmoptions (if ext is dovm)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/vmxopts/timeout:			vmoptions (if timeout)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/vmxopts/loops:				vmoptions (if loops)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/timedest/ext:					extension (if timeout)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/timedest/context:			context (if timeout)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/timedest/pri:					priority (if timeout)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/loopdest/ext:					extension (if too many failures)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/loopdest/context:			context (if too many failures)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/loopdest/pri:					priority (if too many failures)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/[0-9*]/ext:						extension (dovm for vm access)
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/[0-9*]/context:				context 
; /AMPUSER/<ext>/vmx/[busy|unavail]/[0-9*]/pri:						priority 
; ARG1 - extension
; ARG3 - RETURN makes macro return, otherwise hangup
exten => s,1,Macro(user-callerid,SKIPTTL)
exten => s,n,Set(VMGAIN=${IF($["foo${VM_GAIN}"!="foo"]?"g(${VM_GAIN})":"")})
; If BLKVM_OVERRIDE is set, then someone told us to block calls from going to
; voicemail. This variable is reset by the answering channel so subsequent
; transfers will properly function.
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["foo${DB(${BLKVM_OVERRIDE})}" != "fooTRUE"]?vmx,1)
; we didn't branch so block this from voicemail
exten => s,n,Noop(CAME FROM: ${NODEST} - Blocking VM cause of key: ${DB(BLKVM_OVERRIDE)})
exten => s,n,Hangup

; If vmx not enabled for the current mode,then jump to normal voicemail behavior
; also - if not message (no-msg) is requested, straight to voicemail
exten => vmx,1,GotoIf($["${ARG2}"="NOMESSAGE"]?s-${ARG2},1)
exten => vmx,n,Set(MODE=${IF($["${ARG2}"="BUSY"]?busy:unavail)})
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${ARG2}" != "DIRECTDIAL"]?notdirect)
exten => vmx,n,Set(MODE=${IF($["${REGEX("[b]" ${VM_DDTYPE})}" = "1"]?busy:${MODE})})
exten => vmx,n(notdirect),Noop(Checking if ext ${ARG1} is enabled: ${DB(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/state)})
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${DB(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/state)}" != "enabled"]?s-${ARG2},1)

; If the required voicemail file does not exist, then abort and go to normal voicemail behavior
; TODO: there have been errors using System() with jump to 101 where asterisk works fine at the begining and
;       then starts to jump to 101 even on success. This new mode is being tried with the SYSTEM Status which
;       returns SUCCESS when the command returned succcessfully with a 0 app return code.
exten => vmx,n,Macro(get-vmcontext,${ARG1})
;exten => vmx,n,TrySystem(/bin/ls ${ASTSPOOLDIR}/voicemail/${VMCONTEXT}/${ARG1}/${MODE}.[wW][aA][vV])
exten => vmx,n,AGI(checksound.agi,${ASTSPOOLDIR}/voicemail/${VMCONTEXT}/${ARG1}/temp)
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${SYSTEMSTATUS}" = "SUCCESS"]?tmpgreet)
exten => vmx,n,AGI(checksound.agi,${ASTSPOOLDIR}/voicemail/${VMCONTEXT}/${ARG1}/${MODE})
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${SYSTEMSTATUS}" != "SUCCESS"]?nofile)

; Get the repeat, timeout and loop times to use if they are overriden form the global settings
exten => vmx,n,Set(LOOPCOUNT=0)
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/repeat)}" = "0"]?vmxtime)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_REPEAT=${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n(vmxtime),GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/timeout)}" = "0"]?vmxloops)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_TIMEOUT=${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n(vmxloops),GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/loops)}" = "0"]?vmxanswer)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_LOOPS=${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n(vmxanswer),Answer()

; Now play the users voicemail recording as the basis for their ivr, the Read command will repeat as needed and if it timesout
; then we go to the timeout. Otherwise handle invalid options by looping until the limit until a valid option is played.
exten => vmx,n(loopstart),Read(ACTION,${ASTSPOOLDIR}/voicemail/${VMCONTEXT}/${ARG1}/${MODE},1,skip,${VMX_REPEAT},${VMX_TIMEOUT})
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${EXISTS(${ACTION})}" = "1"]?checkopt)

; If we are here we timed out, go to the required destination
exten => vmx,n(noopt),Noop(Timeout: going to timeout dest)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_OPTS=${VMX_OPTS_TIMEOUT})
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/vmxopts/timeout)}" = "0"]?chktime)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_OPTS=${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n(chktime),GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/timedest/ext)}" = "0"]?dotime)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_TIMEDEST_EXT=${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/timedest/context)}" = "0"]?timepri)
exten => vmx,n(timepri),GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/timedest/pri)}" = "0"]?dotime)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_TIMEDEST_PRI=${DB_RESULT})

; We got an option, check if the option is defined, or one of the system defaults
exten => vmx,n(checkopt),GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/${ACTION}/ext)}" = "1"]?doopt)
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${ACTION}" = "0"]?o,1)
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${ACTION}" = "*"]?adef,1)

; Got invalid option loop until the max
exten => vmx,n,Set(LOOPCOUNT=$[${LOOPCOUNT} + 1])
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($[${LOOPCOUNT} > ${VMX_LOOPS}]?toomany)
exten => vmx,n,Playback(pm-invalid-option&please-try-again)
exten => vmx,n,Goto(loopstart)

; tomany: to many invalid options, go to the specified destination
exten => vmx,n(toomany),Noop(Too Many invalid entries, got to invalid dest)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_OPTS=${VMX_OPTS_LOOPS})
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/vmxopts/loops)}" = "0"]?chkloop)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_OPTS=${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n(chkloop),GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/loopdest/ext)}" = "0"]?doloop)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_LOOPDEST_EXT=${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/loopdest/context)}" = "0"]?looppri)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_LOOPDEST_CONTEXT=${DB_RESULT}) ;TODO make configurable per above
exten => vmx,n(looppri),GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/loopdest/pri)}" = "0"]?doloop)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_LOOPDEST_PRI=${DB_RESULT}) ;TODO make configurable per above

; doopt: execute the valid option that was chosen
exten => vmx,n(doopt),Noop(Got a valid option: ${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_EXT=${DB_RESULT})
; Special case, if this option was to go to voicemail, set options and go
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${VMX_EXT}" != "dovm"]?getdest)
exten => vmx,n(vmxopts),Set(VMX_OPTS=${VMX_OPTS_DOVM})
exten => vmx,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/vmxopts/dovm)}" = "0"]?vmxdovm)
exten => vmx,n(vmxopts),Set(VMX_OPTS=${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n(vmxdovm),goto(dovm,1)
; General case, setup the goto destination and go there (no error checking, its up to the GUI's to assure
; reasonable values
exten => vmx,n(getdest),GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/${ACTION}/context)}" = "0"]?vmxpri)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_CONTEXT=${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n(vmxpri),GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/${ACTION}/pri)}" = "0"]?vmxgoto)
exten => vmx,n,Set(VMX_PRI=${DB_RESULT})
exten => vmx,n(vmxgoto),Goto(${VMX_CONTEXT},${VMX_EXT},${VMX_PRI})

; If the required voicemail file is not present, then revert to normal voicemail
; behavior treating as if it was not set
exten => vmx,n(nofile),Noop(File for mode: ${MODE} does not exist, SYSTEMSTATUS: ${SYSTEMSTATUS}, going to normal voicemail)
exten => vmx,n,Goto(s-${ARG2},1)
exten => vmx,n(tmpgreet),Noop(Temporary Greeting Detected, going to normal voicemail)
exten => vmx,n,Goto(s-${ARG2},1)

; Drop into voicemail either as a direct destination (in which case VMX_OPTS might be set to something) or
; if the user timed out or broke out of the loop then VMX_OPTS is always cleared such that an Allison
; message is played and the caller know's what is going on.
exten => dovm,1,Noop(VMX Timeout - go to voicemail)
exten => dovm,n,Voicemail(${ARG1}@${VMCONTEXT},${VMX_OPTS}${VMGAIN}) ; no flags, so allison plays please leave ...
exten => dovm,n,Goto(exit-${VMSTATUS},1)

exten => s-BUSY,1,NoOp(BUSY voicemail)
exten => s-BUSY,n,Macro(get-vmcontext,${ARG1})
exten => s-BUSY,n,Voicemail(${ARG1}@${VMCONTEXT},${VM_OPTS}b${VMGAIN})   ; Voicemail Busy message
exten => s-BUSY,n,Goto(exit-${VMSTATUS},1)

exten => s-NOMESSAGE,1,NoOp(NOMESSAGE (beeb only) voicemail)
exten => s-NOMESSAGE,n,Macro(get-vmcontext,${ARG1})
exten => s-NOMESSAGE,n,Voicemail(${ARG1}@${VMCONTEXT},s${VM_OPTS}${VMGAIN})
exten => s-NOMESSAGE,n,Goto(exit-${VMSTATUS},1)

exten => s-DIRECTDIAL,1,NoOp(DIRECTDIAL voicemail)
exten => s-DIRECTDIAL,n,Macro(get-vmcontext,${ARG1})
exten => s-DIRECTDIAL,n,Voicemail(${ARG1}@${VMCONTEXT},${VM_OPTS}${VM_DDTYPE}${VMGAIN})
exten => s-DIRECTDIAL,n,Goto(exit-${VMSTATUS},1)

exten => _s-.,1,Macro(get-vmcontext,${ARG1})
exten => _s-.,n,Voicemail(${ARG1}@${VMCONTEXT},${VM_OPTS}u${VMGAIN})     ; Voicemail Unavailable message
exten => _s-.,n,Goto(exit-${VMSTATUS},1)

; If the user has a 0 option defined, use that for operator zero-out from within voicemail
; as well to keep it consistant with the menu structure
exten => o,1,Background(one-moment-please)      ; 0 during vm message will hangup
exten => o,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/0/ext)}" = "0"]?doopdef)

exten => o,n,Set(VMX_OPDEST_EXT=${DB_RESULT})
exten => o,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/0/context)}" = "1"]?opcontext)
exten => o,n,Set(DB_RESULT=${VMX_CONTEXT})
exten => o,n(opcontext),Set(VMX_OPDEST_CONTEXT=${DB_RESULT})
exten => o,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/0/pri)}" = "1"]?oppri)
exten => o,n,Set(DB_RESULT=${VMX_PRI})
exten => o,n(oppri),Set(VMX_OPDEST_PRI=${DB_RESULT})

exten => o,n(doopdef),GotoIf($["x${OPERATOR_XTN}"="x"]?nooper:from-internal,${OPERATOR_XTN},1)
exten => o,n(nooper),GotoIf($["x${FROM_DID}"="x"]?nodid)
exten => o,n,Dial(Local/${FROM_DID}@from-pstn)
exten => o,n,Macro(hangup)
exten => o,n(nodid),Dial(Local/s@from-pstn)
exten => o,n,Macro(hangup)

; If the user has a * option defined, use that for the * out from within voicemail
; as well to keep it consistant with the menu structure
exten => a,1,Macro(get-vmcontext,${ARG1})
exten => a,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/*/ext)}" = "0"]?adef,1)

exten => a,n,Set(VMX_ADEST_EXT=${DB_RESULT})
exten => a,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/*/context)}" = "1"]?acontext)
exten => a,n,Set(DB_RESULT=${VMX_CONTEXT})
exten => a,n(acontext),Set(VMX_ADEST_CONTEXT=${DB_RESULT})
exten => a,n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/vmx/${MODE}/*/pri)}" = "1"]?apri)
exten => a,n,Set(DB_RESULT=${VMX_PRI})
exten => a,n(apri),Set(VMX_ADEST_PRI=${DB_RESULT})

exten => adef,1,VoiceMailMain(${ARG1}@${VMCONTEXT})
exten => adef,n,GotoIf($["${ARG3}" = "RETURN"]?exit-RETURN,1)
exten => adef,n,Hangup

exten => exit-FAILED,1,Playback(im-sorry&an-error-has-occured)
exten => exit-FAILED,n,GotoIf($["${ARG3}" = "RETURN"]?exit-RETURN,1)
exten => exit-FAILED,n,Hangup()

exten => exit-SUCCESS,1,GotoIf($["${ARG3}" = "RETURN"]?exit-RETURN,1)
exten => exit-SUCCESS,n,Playback(goodbye)
exten => exit-SUCCESS,n,Hangup()

exten => exit-USEREXIT,1,GotoIf($["${ARG3}" = "RETURN"]?exit-RETURN,1)
exten => exit-USEREXIT,n,Playback(goodbye)
exten => exit-USEREXIT,n,Hangup()

exten => exit-RETURN,1,Noop(Returning From Voicemail because macro)

exten => t,1,Hangup()

; [macro-simple-dial]
; This macro was derived from macro-exten-vm, which is what is normally used to
; ring an extension. It has been simplified and designed to never go to voicemail
; and always return regardless of the DIALSTATUS for any incomplete call.
; It's current primary purpose is to allow findmefollow ring an extension prior
; to trying the follow-me ringgroup that is provided.
; Ring an extension, if the extension is busy or there is no answer, return
exten => s,1,Set(EXTTOCALL=${ARG1})
exten => s,n,Set(RT=${ARG2})
exten => s,n,Set(CFUEXT=${DB(CFU/${EXTTOCALL})})
exten => s,n,Set(CFBEXT=${DB(CFB/${EXTTOCALL})})

exten => s,n,Macro(dial,${RT},${DIAL_OPTIONS},${EXTTOCALL})


; if we return, thus no answer, and they have a CFU setting, then  we try that next
exten => s,n,GosubIf($[$["${PR_DIALSTATUS}"="NOANSWER"] & $["foo${CFUEXT}"!="foo"]]?docfu,1) ; check for CFU in use on no answer
exten => s,n,GosubIf($[$["${PR_DIALSTATUS}"="BUSY"] & $["foo${CFBEXT}"!="foo"]]?docfb,1) ; check for CFB in use on busy

; Nothing yet, then go to the end (which will just return, but in case we decide to do something with certain
; return situations, this is left in.
exten => s,n,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)

; Try the Call Forward on No Answer / Unavailable number.
; We want to try CFU if set, but we want the same ring timer as was set to our call (or do we want the
; system ringtimer? - probably not). Then if no answer there (assuming it doesn't drop into their vm or
; something we return, which will have the net effect of returning to the followme setup.)
; want to avoid going to other follow-me settings here. So check if the CFUEXT is a user and if it is
; then direct it straight to ext-local (to avoid getting intercepted by findmefollow) otherwise send it
; to from-internal since it may be an outside line.
exten => docfu,1,GotoIf( $[ "foo${DB(AMPUSER/${CFUEXT}/device)}" = "foo" ]?chlocal)
exten => docfu,n,Dial(Local/${CFUEXT}@ext-local,${RT},${DIAL_OPTIONS})
exten => docfu,n,Return
exten => docfu,n(chlocal),Dial(Local/${CFUEXT}@from-internal/n,${RT},${DIAL_OPTIONS})
exten => docfu,n,Return

; Try the Call Forward on Busy number
exten => docfb,1,GotoIf( $[ "foo${DB(AMPUSER/${CFBEXT}/device)}" = "foo" ]?chlocal)
exten => docfb,n,Dial(Local/${CFBEXT}@ext-local,${RT},${DIAL_OPTIONS})
exten => docfb,n,Return
exten => docfb,n(chlocal),Dial(Local/${CFBEXT}@from-internal/n,${RT},${DIAL_OPTIONS})
exten => docfb,n,Return

; In all cases of no connection, come here and simply return, since the calling dialplan will
; decide what to do next
exten => _s-.,1,NoOp(Extension is reporting ${EXTEN})

; get the voicemail context for the user in ARG1
exten => s,1,Set(VMCONTEXT=${DB(AMPUSER/${ARG1}/voicemail)})
exten => s,2,GotoIf($["foo${VMCONTEXT}" = "foo"]?200:300)
exten => s,200,Set(VMCONTEXT=default)
exten => s,300,NoOp()

; For some reason, if I don't run setCIDname, CALLERID(name) will be blank in my AGI
; ARGS: none
exten => s,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=${CALLERID(name)})

; Ring groups of phones
; ARGS: comma separated extension list
; 1 - Ring Group Strategy
; 2 - ringtimer
; 3 - prefix
; 4 - extension list
exten => s,1,Macro(user-callerid,SKIPTTL) ; already called from ringgroup
exten => s,2,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(name):0:${LEN(${RGPREFIX})}}" != "${RGPREFIX}"]?4:3)  ; check for old prefix
exten => s,3,Set(CALLERID(name)=${CALLERID(name):${LEN(${RGPREFIX})}}) ; strip off old prefix
exten => s,4,Set(RGPREFIX=${ARG3})  ; set new prefix
exten => s,5,Set(CALLERID(name)=${RGPREFIX}${CALLERID(name)})  ; add prefix to callerid name
exten => s,6,Set(RecordMethod=Group)  ; set new prefix
exten => s,7,Macro(record-enable,${MACRO_EXTEN},${RecordMethod})
exten => s,8,Set(RingGroupMethod=${ARG1})     ;
exten => s,9,Macro(dial,${ARG2},${DIAL_OPTIONS},${ARG4})
exten => s,10,Set(RingGroupMethod='')     ;

; Outgoing channel(s) are busy ... inform the client
; but use noanswer features like ringgroups don't break by being answered
; just to play the message.
exten => s,1,Playback(all-circuits-busy-now,noanswer)
exten => s,n,Playback(pls-try-call-later,noanswer)
exten => s,n,Macro(hangupcall)

; What to do on hangup.                                         
exten => s,1,ResetCDR(w)
exten => s,n,NoCDR()
; Cleanup any remaining RG flag
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[ "x${USE_CONFIRMATION}" = "x" | "x${RINGGROUP_INDEX}" = "x" | "${CHANNEL}" != "${UNIQCHAN}"]?skiprg)
exten => s,n,Noop(Cleaning Up Confirmation Flag: RG/${RINGGROUP_INDEX}/${CHANNEL})
exten => s,n,DBDel(RG/${RINGGROUP_INDEX}/${CHANNEL})

; Cleanup any remaining BLKVM flag
exten => s,n(skiprg),GotoIf($[ "x${BLKVM_BASE}" = "x" | "BLKVM/${BLKVM_BASE}/${CHANNEL}" != "${BLKVM_OVERRIDE}" ]?skipblkvm)
exten => s,n,Noop(Cleaning Up Block VM Flag: ${BLKVM_OVERRIDE})
exten => s,n,DBDel(${BLKVM_OVERRIDE})

; Cleanup any remaining FollowMe DND flags
exten => s,n(skipblkvm),GotoIf($[ "x${FMGRP}" = "x" | "x${FMUNIQUE}" = "x" | "${CHANNEL}" != "${FMUNIQUE}" ]?theend)
exten => s,n,DBDel(FM/DND/${FMGRP}/${CHANNEL})

exten => s,n(theend),Hangup

exten => s,1,Set(FAXFILE=${ASTSPOOLDIR}/fax/${UNIQUEID}.tif)
exten => s,2,Set(EMAILADDR=${FAX_RX_EMAIL})
exten => s,3,rxfax(${FAXFILE})
exten => s,103,Set(EMAILADDR=${FAX_RX_EMAIL})
exten => s,104,Goto(3)

; dialout and strip the prefix
exten => s,1,Macro(user-callerid,SKIPTTL)
exten => s,2,GotoIf($["${ECID${CALLERID(number)}}" = ""]?5) 	;check for CID override for exten
exten => s,3,Set(CALLERID(all)=${ECID${CALLERID(number)}})
exten => s,4,Goto(7)
exten => s,5,GotoIf($["${OUTCID_${ARG1}}" = ""]?7) 		;check for CID override for trunk
exten => s,6,Set(CALLERID(all)=${OUTCID_${ARG1}})
exten => s,7,Set(length=${LEN(${DIAL_OUT_${ARG1}})})
exten => s,8,Dial(${OUT_${ARG1}}/${ARG2:${length}})
exten => s,9,Playtones(congestion)
exten => s,10,Congestion(5)
exten => s,109,Macro(outisbusy)

; dialout using default OUT trunk - no prefix
exten => s,1,Macro(user-callerid,SKIPTTL)
exten => s,2,Macro(record-enable,${CALLERID(number)},OUT)
exten => s,3,Macro(outbound-callerid,${ARG1})
exten => s,4,Dial(${OUT}/${ARG1})
exten => s,5,Playtones(congestion)
exten => s,6,Congestion(5)
exten => s,105,Macro(outisbusy)

; this macro intentially left blank so it may be safely overwritten for any custom
; requirements that an installation may have.
;                    if set to "BYPASS" then this trunk will be skipped
exten => s,1,MacroExit()

; This macro is for dev purposes and just dumps channel/app variables.  Useful when designing new contexts. 
exten => s,4,Noop(CALLERID=${CALLERID(all)})
exten => s,5,Noop(CALLERID(name)=${CALLERID(name)})
exten => s,6,Noop(CALLERID(number)=${CALLERID(number)})
exten => s,8,Noop(CHANNEL=${CHANNEL})
exten => s,9,Noop(CONTEXT=${CONTEXT})
exten => s,10,Noop(DATETIME=${DATETIME})
exten => s,13,Noop(DIALEDTIME=${DIALEDTIME})
exten => s,14,Noop(DIALSTATUS=${DIALSTATUS})
exten => s,15,Noop(DNID=${DNID})
exten => s,16,Noop(EPOCH=${EPOCH})
exten => s,17,Noop(EXTEN=${EXTEN})
exten => s,18,Noop(HANGUPCAUSE=${HANGUPCAUSE})
exten => s,19,Noop(INVALID_EXTEN=${INVALID_EXTEN})
exten => s,20,Noop(LANGUAGE=${LANGUAGE})
exten => s,21,Noop(MEETMESECS=${MEETMESECS})
exten => s,22,Noop(PRIORITY=${PRIORITY})
exten => s,23,Noop(RDNIS=${RDNIS})
exten => s,24,Noop(SIPDOMAIN=${SIPDOMAIN})
exten => s,25,Noop(SIP_CODEC=${SIP_CODEC})
exten => s,26,Noop(SIPCALLID=${SIPCALLID})
exten => s,29,Noop(TXTCIDNAME=${TXTCIDNAME})
exten => s,30,Noop(UNIQUEID=${UNIQUEID})
exten => s,31,Noop(TOUCH_MONITOR=${TOUCH_MONITOR})
exten => s,32,Noop(MACRO_CONTEXT=${MACRO_CONTEXT})
exten => s,33,Noop(MACRO_EXTEN=${MACRO_EXTEN})

; check device type
exten => s,1,Set(DEVICETYPE=${DB(DEVICE/${CALLERID(number)}/type)})
exten => s,n,Answer()
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${DEVICETYPE}" = "fixed"]?s-FIXED,1)
; get user's extension
exten => s,n,Set(AMPUSER=${ARG1})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${AMPUSER}" != ""]?gotpass)
exten => s,n(playagain),Read(AMPUSER,please-enter-your-extension-then-press-pound,,,4)
; get user's password and authenticate
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${AMPUSER}" = ""]?s-MAXATTEMPTS,1)
exten => s,n(gotpass),GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(AMPUSER/${AMPUSER}/password)}" = "0"]?s-NOUSER,1)
exten => s,n,Set(AMPUSERPASS=${DB_RESULT})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${AMPUSERPASS})} = 0]?s-NOPASSWORD,1)
; do not continue if the user has already logged onto this device
exten => s,n,Set(DEVICEUSER=${DB(DEVICE/${CALLERID(number)}/user)})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${DEVICEUSER}" = "${AMPUSER}"]?s-ALREADYLOGGEDON,1)
exten => s,n,Authenticate(${AMPUSERPASS})
exten => s,n,DeadAGI(user_login_out.agi,login,${CALLERID(number)},${AMPUSER})
exten => s,n,Playback(vm-goodbye)

exten => s-FIXED,1,NoOp(Device is FIXED and cannot be logged into)
exten => s-FIXED,n,Playback(ha/phone)
exten => s-FIXED,n,SayDigits(${CALLERID(number)})
exten => s-FIXED,n,Playback(is-curntly-unavail&vm-goodbye)
exten => s-FIXED,n,Hangup ;TODO should play msg indicated device cannot be logged into 

exten => s-ALREADYLOGGEDON,1,NoOp(This device has already been logged into by this user)
exten => s-ALREADYLOGGEDON,n,Playback(vm-goodbye)
exten => s-ALREADYLOGGEDON,n,Hangup ;TODO should play msg indicated device is already logged into 

exten => s-NOPASSWORD,1,NoOp(This extension does not exist or no password is set)
exten => s-NOPASSWORD,n,Playback(pbx-invalid)
exten => s-NOPASSWORD,n,Goto(s,playagain)

exten => s-MAXATTEMPTS,1,NoOp(Too many login attempts)
exten => s-MAXATTEMPTS,n,Playback(vm-goodbye)
exten => s-MAXATTEMPTS,n,Hangup

exten => s-NOUSER,1,NoOp(Invalid extension ${AMPUSER} entered)
exten => s-NOUSER,n,Playback(pbx-invalid)
exten => s-NOUSER,n,Goto(s,playagain)

; check device type
exten => s,1,Set(DEVICETYPE=${DB(DEVICE/${CALLERID(number)}/type)})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${DEVICETYPE}" = "fixed"]?s-FIXED,1)
exten => s,n,DeadAGI(user_login_out.agi,logout,${CALLERID(number)})
exten => s,n(done),Playback(vm-goodbye)

exten => s-FIXED,1,NoOp(Device is FIXED and cannot be logged out of)
exten => s-FIXED,n,Playback(an-error-has-occured&vm-goodbye)
exten => s-FIXED,n,Hangup ;TODO should play msg indicated device cannot be logged into 

; Privacy Manager Macro makes sure that any calls that don't pass the privacy manager are presented
; with congestion since there have been observed cases of the call continuing if not stopped with a 
; congestion, and this provides a slightly more friendly 'sorry' message in case the user is
; legitamately trying to be cooperative. 
; Note: the following options are configurable in privacy.conf:
;	maxretries = 3 ; default value, number of retries before failing
;	minlength = 10 ; default value, number of digits to be accepted as valid CID
exten => s,1,Set(KEEPCID=${CALLERID(num)})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["foo${CALLERID(num):0:1}"="foo+"]?CIDTEST2:CIDTEST1)
exten => s,n(CIDTEST1),Set(TESTCID=${MATH(1+${CALLERID(num)})})
exten => s,n,Goto(TESTRESULT)
exten => s,n(CIDTEST2),Set(TESTCID=${MATH(1+${CALLERID(num):1})})
exten => s,n(TESTRESULT),GotoIf($["foo${TESTCID}"="foo"]?CLEARCID:PRIVMGR)
exten => s,n(CLEARCID),Set(CALLERID(num)=)
exten => s,n(PRIVMGR),PrivacyManager()
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${PRIVACYMGRSTATUS}"="FAILED"]?fail)
exten => s,n,SetCallerPres(allowed_passed_screen); stop gap until app_privacy.c clears unavailble bit
exten => s,n,Playback(sorry-youre-having-problems)
exten => s,n,Playback(goodbye)
exten => s,n,Playtones(congestion)
exten => s,n,Congestion(5)

; Text-To-Speech related macros
; These all follow common actions.  First try to playback a file "tts/custom-md5" 
; where "md5" is the md5() of whatever is going to be played. If that doesn't exist,
; try to playback using macro-tts-sayXXXXX (where XXXXX is text/digits/etc, same as
; the macro below). If that macro exits with MACRO_OFFSET=100, then it's done, 
; therwise, fallback to the default asterisk method. 
; say text is purely for text-to-speech, there is no fallback
exten => s,1,Noop(Trying custom SayText playback for "${ARG1}")
exten => s,n,Playback(tts/custom-${MD5(${ARG1})})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${PLAYBACKSTATUS}"="SUCCESS"]?done)
; call tts-saytext. This should set MACRO_OFFSET=101 if it was successful
exten => s,n(tts),Macro(tts-saytext,${ARG1},${ARG2},${ARG3})
exten => s,n,Noop(No text-to-speech handler for SayText, cannot say "${ARG1}")
exten => s,n,Goto(done)
exten => s,tts+101,Noop(tts handled saytext)

; say name is for saying names typically, but fallsback to using SayAlpha
; (saying the word letter-by-letter)
exten => s,1,Noop(Trying custom SayName playback for "${ARG1}")
exten => s,n,Playback(tts/custom-${MD5(${ARG1})})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${PLAYBACKSTATUS}"="SUCCESS"]?done)
; call tts-sayalpha. This should set MACRO_OFFSET=101 if it was successful
exten => s,n(tts),Macro(tts-sayalpha,${ARG1},${ARG2},${ARG3})
exten => s,n,SayAlpha(${ARG1})
exten => s,n,Goto(done)
exten => s,tts+101,Noop(tts handled sayname)

; Say number is for saying numbers (eg "one thousand forty six") 
exten => s,1,Noop(Trying custom SayNumber playback for "${ARG1}")
exten => s,n,Playback(tts/custom-${MD5(${ARG1})})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${PLAYBACKSTATUS}"="SUCCESS"]?done)
; call tts-saynumber. This should set MACRO_OFFSET=101 if it was successful
exten => s,n(tts),Macro(tts-saynumber,${ARG1},${ARG2},${ARG3})
exten => s,n,SayNumber(${ARG1})
exten => s,n,Goto(done)
exten => s,tts+101,Noop(tts handled saynumber)

; Say digits is for saying digits one-by-one (eg, "one zero four six")
exten => s,1,Noop(Trying custom SayDigits playback for "${ARG1}")
exten => s,n,Playback(tts/custom-${MD5(${ARG1})})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${PLAYBACKSTATUS}"="SUCCESS"]?done)
; call tts-saydigits. This should set MACRO_OFFSET=101 if it was successful
exten => s,n(tts),Macro(tts-saydigits,${ARG1},${ARG2},${ARG3})
exten => s,n,SayDigits(${ARG1})
exten => s,n,Goto(done)

; ############################################################################
; Inbound Contexts [from]
; ############################################################################

;give external sip users congestion and hangup
; Yes. This is _really_ meant to be _. - I know asterisk whinges about it, but 
; I do know what I'm doing. This is correct.
exten => _.,1,NoOp(Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to ${EXTEN})
exten => _.,n,Set(DID=${IF($["${EXTEN:1:2}"=""]?s:${EXTEN})})
exten => _.,n,Goto(s,1)
exten => s,1,GotoIf($["${ALLOW_SIP_ANON}"="yes"]?from-trunk,${DID},1)
exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=15)
exten => s,n,Answer
exten => s,n,Wait(2)
exten => s,n,Playback(ss-noservice)
exten => s,n,Playtones(congestion)
exten => s,n,Congestion(5)
exten => h,1,NoOp(Hangup)
exten => i,1,NoOp(Invalid)
exten => t,1,NoOp(Timeout)

; applications are now mostly all found in from-internal-additional in _custom.conf
include => parkedcalls
include => from-internal-custom
;allow phones to dial other extensions
include => ext-fax
;allow phones to access generated contexts
; Currently the include for findmefollow is being auto-generated before ext-local which is the desired behavior.
; However, I haven't been able to do anything that I know of to force this. We need to determine if it should
; be hardcoded into here to make sure it doesn't change with some configuration. For now I will leave it out
; until we can discuss this.
include => ext-local-confirm
include => findmefollow-ringallv2
include => from-internal-additional
; This causes grief with '#' transfers, commenting out for the moment.
; include => bad-number
exten => s,1,Macro(hangupcall)
exten => h,1,Macro(hangupcall)

include => from-internal-xfer
include => bad-number

; [macro-setmusic]
; CONTEXT:      macro-setmusic
; PURPOSE:      to turn off moh on routes where it is not desired
exten => s,1,NoOp(Setting Outbound Route MoH To: ${ARG1})
exten => s,2,SetMusicOnHold(${ARG1})

; ##########################################
; ## Ring Groups with Confirmation macros ##
; ##########################################
; Used by followme and ringgroups

; [macro-dial-confirm]
; This has now been incorporated into dialparties. It still only works with ringall
; and ringall-prim strategies. Have not investigated why it doesn't work with
; hunt and memory hunt.
; This was written to make it easy to use macro-dial-confirm instead of macro-dial in generated dialplans.
; This takes the same paramaters, with an additional paramater of the ring group Number
; ARG1 is the timeout
; ARG3 is a list of xtns to call - 203-222-240-123123123#-211
; ARG4 is the ring group number

; This sets a unique value to indicate that the channel is ringing. This is used for warning slow
; users that the call has already been picked up.
exten => s,1,Set(DB(RG/${ARG4}/${CHANNEL})=RINGING)

; We need to keep that channel variable, because it'll change when we do this dial, so set it to
; fallthrough to every sibling.
exten => s,n,Set(__UNIQCHAN=${CHANNEL})

; The calling ringgroup should have set RingGroupMethod appropriately. We need to set two
; additional parameters:
; Thse are passed to inform dialparties to place external calls through the [grps] context
exten => s,n,Set(RINGGROUP_INDEX=${ARG4})
exten => s,n,Set(ARG4=) ; otherwise it gets passed to dialparties.agi which processes it (prob bug) 

exten => s,n,Macro(dial,${ARG1},${ARG2},${ARG3})

; delete the variable, if we are here, we are done trying to dial and it may have been left around
exten => s,n,DBDel(RG/${RINGGROUP_INDEX}/${CHANNEL})
exten => s,n,Set(USE_CONFIRMATION=)
exten => s,n,Set(RINGGROUP_INDEX=)

; [ext-local-confirm]
; If call confirm is being used in a ringgroup, then calls that do not require confirmation are sent
; to this extension instead of straight to the device.
; The sole purpose of sending them here is to make sure we run Macro(auto-confirm) if this
; extension answers the line. This takes care of clearing the database key that is used to inform
; other potential late comers that the extension has been answered by someone else.
; ALERT_INFO is deprecated in Asterisk 1.4 but still used throughout the FreePBX dialplan and
; usually set by dialparties.agi. This allows ineritance. Since no dialparties.agi here, set the
; header if it is set.
exten => _LC-.,1,Noop(IN ext-local-confirm with - RT: ${RT}, RG_IDX: ${RG_IDX})
exten => _LC-.,n,GotoIf($["x${ALERT_INFO}"="x"]?godial)
exten => _LC-.,n,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: ${ALERT_INFO})
exten => _LC-.,n(godial),dial(${DB(DEVICE/${EXTEN:3}/dial)},${RT},M(auto-confirm^${RG_IDX})${DIAL_OPTIONS})

; [findmefollow-ringallv2]
; This context, to be included in from-internal, implements the PreRing part of findmefollow
; as well as the GroupRing part. It also communicates between the two so that if DND is set
; on the primary extension, and mastermode is enabled, then the other extensions will not ring
exten => _FMPR-.,1,Noop(In FMPR ${FMGRP} with ${EXTEN:5})
exten => _FMPR-.,n,Set(RingGroupMethod=)
exten => _FMPR-.,n,Set(USE_CONFIRMATION=)
exten => _FMPR-.,n,Set(RINGGROUP_INDEX=)
exten => _FMPR-.,n,Macro(simple-dial,${EXTEN:5},${FMREALPRERING})
exten => _FMPR-.,n,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" != "BUSY"]?nodnd)
exten => _FMPR-.,n,Set(DB(FM/DND/${FMGRP}/${FMUNIQUE})=DND)
exten => _FMPR-.,n(nodnd),Noop(Ending FMPR ${FMGRP} with ${EXTEN:5} and dialstatus ${DIALSTATUS})
exten => _FMPR-.,n,Hangup()

exten => _FMGL-.,1,Noop(In FMGL ${FMGRP} with ${EXTEN:5})
exten => _FMGL-.,n,GotoIf($["${DB(FM/DND/${FMGRP}/${FMUNIQUE})}" = "DND"]?dodnd)
exten => _FMGL-.,n,Wait(1)
exten => _FMGL-.,n,GotoIf($["${DB(FM/DND/${FMGRP}/${FMUNIQUE})}" = "DND"]?dodnd)
exten => _FMGL-.,n,Wait(1)
exten => _FMGL-.,n,GotoIf($["${DB(FM/DND/${FMGRP}/${FMUNIQUE})}" = "DND"]?dodnd)
exten => _FMGL-.,n,Wait(${FMPRERING})
exten => _FMGL-.,n,GotoIf($["${DB(FM/DND/${FMGRP}/${FMUNIQUE})}" = "DND"]?dodnd)
exten => _FMGL-.,n,DBDel(FM/DND/${FMGRP}/${FMUNIQUE})
exten => _FMGL-.,n(dodial),Macro(dial,${FMGRPTIME},${DIAL_OPTIONS},${EXTEN:5})
exten => _FMGL-.,n,Noop(Ending FMGL ${FMGRP} with ${EXTEN:5} and dialstatus ${DIALSTATUS})
exten => _FMGL-.,n,Hangup()
exten => _FMGL-.,n+10(dodnd),DBDel(FM/DND/${FMGRP}/${FMUNIQUE})
exten => _FMGL-.,n,GotoIf($["${FMPRIME}" = "FALSE"]?dodial)
exten => _FMGL-.,n,Noop(Got DND in FMGL ${FMGRP} with ${EXTEN:5} in ${RingGroupMethod} mode, aborting)
exten => _FMGL-.,n,Hangup()

; [block-cf]
; This context is set as a target with FORWARD_CONTEXT when Call Forwarding is set to be
; ignored in a ringgoup or other features that may take advantage of this. Server side
; CF is done in dialparties.agi but if a client device forwards a call, it will be caught
; and blocked here.
exten => _X.,1,Noop(Blocking callforward to ${EXTEN} because CF is blocked)
exten => _X.,n,Hangup()


; ############################################################################
; Extension Contexts [ext]
; ############################################################################

exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,2,Goto(in_fax,1)
exten => in_fax,1,StopPlayTones  
exten => in_fax,2,GotoIf($["${FAX_RX}" = "system"]?3:analog_fax,1)
exten => in_fax,3,Macro(faxreceive)
exten => in_fax,4,Hangup
exten => analog_fax,1,GotoIf($["${FAX_RX}" = "disabled"]?4:2)  ;if fax is disabled, just hang up
exten => analog_fax,2,Set(DIAL=${DB(DEVICE/${FAX_RX}/dial)});
exten => analog_fax,3,Dial(${DIAL},20,d)
exten => analog_fax,4,Hangup
;exten => out_fax,1,wait(7)
exten => out_fax,1,txfax(${TXFAX_NAME},caller)
exten => out_fax,2,Hangup
exten => h,1,system(/var/lib/asterisk/bin/ --to ${EMAILADDR} --from ${FAX_RX_FROM} --dest "${FROM_DID}" --subject "Fax from ${URIENCODE(${CALLERID(number)})} ${URIENCODE(${CALLERID(name)})}" --attachment fax_${URIENCODE(${CALLERID(number)})}.pdf --type application/pdf --file ${FAXFILE});
exten => h,2,Hangup()

;this is where parked calls go if they time-out.  Should probably re-ring
include => ext-local
exten => s,1,Playback(vm-goodbye)
exten => s,2,Macro(hangupcall)

sorry fürs doppelposting, hatte probleme mit der schnellantwort und der zurück taste... falls noch configfiles gebraucht werden, einfach sagen bzw alle files liegen auf
ein Problem habe ich schon selbst gelöst,
und zwar das mit dem Rauswählen, der Dialstring darf nicht
CAPI/contr1/$/ob heißen, sondern CAPI/contr1/$OUTNUM$/ob

bleibt, noch das mail problem und die anzeige der Nummer also "nicht_sip_anzeige"
so nun habe ich alle Probleme allein gelöst.
Das mit der Nummernanzeige ist ein Handy Problem, kann man mit einem kleinen zusatzprogramm von Nokia lösen.

Das E-Mail problem hat sich erledigt nachdem ich die asterisk 1.4.23R3 installiert hatte.

schade ich alles allein lösen musste, hat mich viel zeit gekostet
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