[Problem] Asterisk auf gefreetzten Fritz Wlan 7140


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entschuldigen mich fur mein schlechtes Deutsch, aber ich komme aus Griechenland und kann nicht so gut Deutsch schreiben.

Ich habe einen Fritz Box Fon Wlan 7140 mit Freetz und moechte Asterisk mit ihm nutzen.
Ich habe das gelesen, aber ich konnte es leider nicht Kompilieren (es geht alles ok, bis es "fakeroot : Kommando kann nicht gefunden" schreibt).

Ich habe viele Themas hier gelesen, aber leider konnte ich nichts finden.

Wenn man mir helfen konnte, waere ich sehr dankbar!

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Hi Andreas,

your german is good, but we can stay in english if you prefer.
I have seen this compiling descrition as you have linked quite a while ago, but also for me it is not working, so i think please forget it.

As far as i remember the 7140 has usb to connect an usb stick to?

please try first the classic installation for this box via => " Asterisk on FBF 7270 / 7170 / 7150 / 7050 ( last update 16.01.2009 )" which you have already seen.
That meens if you have an unmodified fritzbox:
- connect USB stick to the fritzbox
- activate telnet via phone shortcut
- cd "to usbstick"
- wget http://demirel.biz/opensrc/fbox/cfg_asterisk16
- ./cfg_asterisk16
- ./cfg_asterisk16 usb_install
- asterisk -vvvvvvvc

As you have Freetz on your box you can activate either telnet or ssh via Freetz Webinterface (depends what you have installed) but telnet is always included

I think this way is still a good starting point when you have no gib experience with linux and so on.
Did you try this howto? It works quite well and as you have already installed Freetz, it won't be a big deal.

the language doesn't make me any difference, but let's stay in english:)

I'd like to really thank you for your quick responce. Dear Waldoo, I had asterisk for a few months installed on my fbf with the recommended method, but decided to remove it as it caused me a lot of problems. First of all, if calls weren't answered in the first 2 rings, they got dropped and I should use "answer" command in order to keep them ringing and 2) first seconds of every outgoing call were cutted, as asterisk didn't recognize the "answer" immediately.

I tried to copy all chan_capi files to my directories, but then asterisk didn't even load.

As a result of that, I thought that by installing asterisk with freetz, in order to use chan_capi would make the things better.

Please share your opinion...
Thanks in advance:)
In former times i have successully run the classical Asterisk for Fritzbox version vom spblinux and dynamic on my 7170 also with capi and it was working in that time quite good.
But this is long ago and i don´t use every feature. My situation is very special - and i play a lot, but from time to time it is also then not working as it should.

Currently i still have this formerly used cfg_asterisk16 (usb_install) script to start my asterisk.
But to get newer versions i always use the freetz asterisk patch also linked from rentier-s to create new binarys.
Them i will always transfer to the cfg_asterisk16 created directories on the usb stick and this is all the time working on currently main Fritzbox 7270.

As your fritbox has an usb-host you can also try to run usbroot, then you mount your usb stick as root filesystem and can start asterisk directly.
It is only the first time a bit difficult so get it running, but in principle it is very good.

But i cannot guarantee that after that you don´t have any more problems with chan_capi.
Am i right that the 7140 has only USB 1.0? No idea if this is enough.
Thank you very much for your answers!

I will firstly try the freetz asterisk patch, as rentier-s suggested and I will let you know of the results.

If anything goes wrong, I will try to install asterisk as root on my usb. (Yep, you're right. 7140 has an 1.0 USB slot).

Edit: I tried to install asterisk as a patch, everything went well by the installation but I don't see "asterisk" in the Patches category when I do make menuconfig :(
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Would you please remove the fullquote in your post above! Please quote only what's neccessary.

If the patch really was applied without errors, Asterisk can be selected under Packages -> Testing, and afterwards in External-Processing.
I once had the case, that the Asterisk makefile lines could not be inserted into make/Config.in and make/external.in, mayby some write permission issues.
Ok, I removed it.

I went to Packages -> Testing, but there is no "External-Processing" subfolder there. There are only the Testing Packages.

Did I misunderstand something?
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And just made another fullquote, why again?

Did you read through the output of the patch command, was there any error? Check if you have one of make/Config.in.rej or make/external.in.rej

Asterisk can be found in two differenz submenus, first in Packages->Testing and second in the External menu, which you can only see if you have advanced options view activated.
Installation of * is successful, but even if I chose advanced settings,there was no external menu on freetz make menuconfig.

Freetz is not necessary for me. I can use the usb installation of asterisk, but I thought that by using it through freetz I'd have no more problems. My problems are the following:

i) CAPI shows "ringing" only for 2 seconds on incoming calls, even if I've selected 90 seconds on extensions.conf. If I don't use "answer" capi drops off the call. If I use "answer", all people that call from mobiles will get charged for unreal minutes.

ii) On outgoing calls, the first two seconds of the call get cut off and most of the called parties hang up.

iii) I cannot register to SIP providers. If I register to a provider through FBF-Interface, everything goes fine. If I register through asterisk-auf-fbf the channel doesn't register.

Thanks in advance again
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
For the first one try an exten=>...,1,Ringing() to avoid the channel canceling the call in case the target needs to long to send a "Ringing" SIP message.

Maybe your network is a little slow? That would explane i and ii as well.

Which provider do you have and how does your register command (sip.conf [general]) look like? Do you get any warnings on CLI (verbose>=3) after a sip reload?

I've tried to use Ringing with no further success. I don't think that my network is slow, as I've used it with a lot of analog PBXs. Anyway.

On the iii, the only msg I get is "ast_get_srv: SRV lookup for '_sip._UDP.voips.modulus.gr' mapped to host voips.modulus.gr, port 5060"

When an incoming call comes, every 2 seconds, asterisk CLI shows "Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5"!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
so when running asterisk on fritzbox you must do a portforwarding of the UDP ports you are using like in the "rtp.conf" and the "sip.conf"
Otherwise everything won´t reach you in the right way :)

Portforwarding can be changed via "nvi /var/flash/ar7.cfg" => very soon after modification "ar7cfgchanged" and better reboot
Please search in the forum for more information.
The best for beginning is not to change the fritzbox default Ports. Better to use own new ports and set this in asterisk configs and in the fritzbox to the same values

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