7961 an raspbx zeigt ständig "Registrierung"


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14 Jun 2017
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ich habe vor ein paar Wochen begonnen eine VOIP Anlage mit alten CISCO und einem raspberry auzusetzen. Aus Zeitgründen nun nach eine langen Pause wieder dabei und komme nicht weiter.
Ich habe SIP Firmware 41.9-2-1S mit TFPT aufgespielt und passend zur MAC des Phones eine SEP001D452C61DA.cnf.xml hinterlegt und einen Example Dialplan.

Ich habe bis jetzt leider noch keine Anleitung gefunden, die ensprechend der Firmware Version bzw. der Raspberry Version beschreibt, was alles wie einzustellen ist.

Bei der locale denke ich, dass es wahrscheinlich egal ist oder. Die Logs klingen zumindest so, als ob die Trust List auch nicht wichtig sind.

Im Debug Display werden 2 verschiedene IP aufgeführt, von der nur eine von dem phone stammt. Als register SIP wird entweder die IP des Raspbx angezeigt oder eine ganz andere, die des Routers hinter der Firewall.

Ich blicke nicht mehr durch.

Kann mir jemand Tipps geben, wo ich etwas halbwegs aktuelles finde oder wie ich irgendwie weiterkomme?
Das wäre super!

Das Phone zeigt diese Messages
14:25:03 Error Updating Locale
14:25:03 Error Updating Locale
14:28:06 No Trust List Installed
14:28:06 SEP001D452C61DA.cnf.xml
14:28:20 Error Updating Locale
14:28:20 Error Updating Locale
14:31:27 No Trust List Installed
14:31:27 SEP001D452C61DA.cnf.xml
14:31:41 Error Updating Locale
14:31:42 Error Updating Locale
Ein Log sieht so aus:|== Syslogd TNP== Wed Jun 14 13:12:01 2017
4130: NOT 13:12:01.261546 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = ::ffff:
4131: NOT 13:12:01.262465 tftpClient: look up server - 0
4132: WRN 13:12:01.765104 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE
4133: NOT 13:12:01.769442 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa
4134: NOT 13:12:01.771928 tftpClient: ::ffff: is a NONsecure server
4135: NOT 13:12:01.772900 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking
4136: NOT 13:12:01.773759 tftpClient: retval = 10
4137: NOT 13:12:01.774668 tftpClient: Secure file requested
4138: NOT 13:12:01.775538 tftpClient: Non secure file approved -- /g3-tones.xml
4139: NOT 13:12:01.818117 CDP-D: cdpGetPortCfg SPANTOPC CFG:11
4140: NOT 13:12:01.832510 TFTP: [7]:Requesting /g3-tones.xml from with size limit of 550001
4141: NOT 13:12:01.838240 TFTP: [7]:Error --> File not found
4142: NOT 13:12:01.848136 SYSMSG: pid 7 (/sbin/tftpd) Normal Exit, status = 2
4143: INF 13:12:01.848211 runtime = 0.060 secs

4144: INF 13:12:01.848257 user cpu = 0.002567526 secs

4145: INF 13:12:01.848301 system cpu = 0.021256281 secs

4146: INF 13:12:01.848336 child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs

4147: INF 13:12:01.848373 child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs

4148: INF 13:12:01.848418 sys interrupts = 0.001096641 secs for 13 interrupts

4149: INF 13:12:01.848466 total cpu = 0.023823807 secs ( 33% utilization )

4150: NOT 13:12:01.872259 tftpClient: request server6 0 ---> ::
4151: NOT 13:12:01.873385 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, emccMode =0, emccLocalOverride=0, tempTftp1= , tempTftp2 = , tempTftp3 = , tempTftp4 =
4152: NOT 13:12:01.875262 JVM: setTempTftpAddress, emcc_mode=0,retEmccMode=0,LocalOverride=0,retLocalOverride=0, status=1
4153: NOT 13:12:02.159401 SECD: loadTvsSrvrCfg: Not in EMCC mode.Loading the flash file :/flash0/sec/misc/tvs.conf
4154: NOT 13:12:02.162797 ESP: server 2 = ::
4155: NOT 13:12:02.182661 JVM: emccMode=0,localOverride=0, tftpAddr1=, tftpAddr2=,tftpAddr3=,tftpAddr4=
4156: NOT 13:12:02.217597 tftpClient: request server6 1 ---> ::
4157: NOT 13:12:02.218742 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, emccMode =0, emccLocalOverride=0, tempTftp1= , tempTftp2 = , tempTftp3 = , tempTftp4 =
4158: NOT 13:12:02.222043 JVM: setTempTftpAddress, emcc_mode=0,retEmccMode=0,LocalOverride=0,retLocalOverride=0, status=1
4159: WRN 13:12:02.461914 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.l10n.UserLocaleProperty:? - Unable to process LocaleProperty 'device.settings.config.localization.userlocale'
4160: NOT 13:12:02.517498 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.config.localization.userlocale.charset value=ASCII
4161: NOT 13:12:02.520190 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.config.localization.userlocale.charset value=ASCII
4162: NOT 13:12:02.522398 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.config.localization.userlocale.languagecode value=en
4163: NOT 13:12:02.524599 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.config.localization.userlocale.languagecode value=en
4164: WRN 13:12:02.527103 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.l10n.NetworkLocaleProperty:? - Unable to process LocaleProperty 'device.settings.config.localization.networklocale'
4165: WRN 13:12:02.606361 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume UCM NONSECURE
4166: ERR 13:12:02.956982 JVM: ..LOCALCONNECT FAILED
4167: NOT 13:12:03.041995 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_CTRL: sip_restart: In sip_restart
4168: NOT 13:12:03.061917 JVM: set_active_ccm: ccm=PRIMARY_CCM port=0
4169: ERR 13:12:03.062946 JVM: SIP : sip_transport_setup_cc_conn : Admin has not configured a valid cucm for cucm index=SECONDARY_CCM=1.
4170: ERR 13:12:03.064009 JVM: SIP : sip_transport_setup_cc_conn : Admin has not configured a valid cucm for cucm index=TERTIARY_CCM=2.
4171: ERR 13:12:03.065022 JVM: SIP : sip_transport_setup_cc_conn : Admin has not configured a valid cucm for cucm index=SRST_CCM=3.
4172: ERR 13:12:03.065953 JVM: sip_regmgr_setup_cc_conns: NO VALID STANDBY CALL CONTROL AVAILABLE!
4173: NOT 13:12:03.101156 JVM: SIPCC-UI_API: 1/0, ui_set_sip_registration_state: 0
4174: NOT 13:12:03.105031 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_CTRL: sip_restart: sip.taskInited is set to true
4175: NOT 13:12:03.106157 JVM: SIPCC-CC_API: 0/0, cc_int_fail_fallback: SIP -> GSM: FAILOVER_FALLBACK
4176: NOT 13:12:03.112725 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_REG_STATE: 1/51, sip_reg_sm_process_event: SIP_REG_STATE_IDLE <- E_SIP_REG_REG_REQ
4177: NOT 13:12:03.118775 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_MSG_SEND: ccsip_dump_send_msg_info: <>:REGISTE: <sip:[email protected]> :110 REGISTER::[email protected]
4178: NOT 13:12:03.473414 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipCcAdapter: - cmname= cmIp= port=5060 isValid=true
4179: ERR 13:12:03.476149 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipCcAdapter: - addSrstToCAgentList: isSrstSecure=false
4180: NOT 13:12:03.478299 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
4181: NOT 13:12:03.481132 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.d: - initializeLinePlane(): Mgmt Interface is in Service now..
4182: WRN 13:12:03.483400 JVM: Startup Module Loader|DisplayTask:? - Line 1 property added with dn 622
4183: ERR 13:12:03.485536 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.props.u:? - device.settings.energywise.keywords IO error.
4184: NOT 13:12:03.583792 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_REG_STATE: 1/51, sip_reg_sm_process_event: SIP_REG_STATE_REGISTERING <- E_SIP_REG_TMR_RETRY
4185: ERR 13:12:03.642432 JVM: tftpClient dialplan.xml /usr/cache/DP-1678643939 550001 1
4186: NOT 13:12:03.647916 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - --->ConfigManager PropertyChanged: device.callagent.callcount
4187: NOT 13:12:03.651433 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - <---ConfigManager PropertyChanged: device.callagent.callcount
4188: NOT 13:12:03.653637 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
4189: NOT 13:12:03.655330 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = dialplan.xml, dstFile = /usr/cache/DP-1678643939 max size = 550001
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