7390 with latest firmware is giving problems with WiFi

Please check out the newest rev. there you can see that replace kernel is not useable for 05.51.en.
It was deaktivated this night because more user had the same problem.

More you can read in the timeline: http://freetz.org/changeset/10474
I compared the two logs and the cause for the wlan probs is:
avm_alloc_static_mem: ERROR: not enough static memory, mem_usage=811008, current_addr=0x05ff2000
failed to allocate rx descriptors: -12
It looks like AVM changed the kernel config option for wlan static memory...
If you want to try you can change this option in the kernel config. I can post a patch if you can't find it...


I tried current labor (5.55) with current trunk.
At least with my box there is still no wifi. Should this be fixed?

In Config.iks.7390_05.52
is set to 0x41C.

But I can't find Config.iks.7390_05.55? Can I just copy Config.iks.7390_05.52 to Config.iks.7390_05.55?Do I need to do so?

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
My wifi is working very well with the latest labor (Labor_7390_05.55-rev25667_labor-10703M.de)

I have only checked out the latest trunk without any modifikation
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Did you use "replace kernel"?

This is an old post and the issue was solved.
Read the whole thread.
Kennel replacement was disabled for 05.5x because sources were unavailable.
So, no. I did not use kennel replacement.
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