1&1 7270 box reboots after freetz

Ok... Now i build a image with less than 8Mb and it works perfect :groesste: Thanks to all of you :):):)

Regarding the push_firmware, i will try it afternoon, since i have to use an live Linux CD... With virtual machine i cannot do it :(

Best regards

why do you think you can't do it with a VM-machine ? i just did! if you have a VM machine that emulates a ethernet-card - just set ip to (in guess that fits to you box?).
Perhaps he didn't use the bridging function? Did you?

Thanks for all your support :) Slowly, but i made progresses :)

I use the bridging function (In VMWare instead of NAT, is correct?).

I get always the same result:
* No reply from box. Assuming switch-off or restart.
   Trying to re-detect box.

 * Box is back up again.
   Initiating transfer.
   Tip: switch off/on box several times, if FTP client cannot log in ...

ftp: connect: Connection refused
Not connected.
Debugging on (debug=1).
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.

I try in StinkyLinux and also in Ubuntu Live CD.
I install in both systems nftp.
Best Regards
Is the IP of your Linux in the same subnet as the Boot-IP of your FritzBox?

The boot-IP is the same as the IP for normal operation (default: ??

My computer IP is set to with netmask.
Best Regards

the boot-ip does not have to be the same. if you change the IP in the AVM webinterface - the boot-ip still stays the old one!
(you can also change the boot-ip: http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showpost.php?p=1131541&postcount=66 - but i never tried!)

so i assume you never changed the boot-ip - and when your ip ist - it should work! - yes!

(you can so a simple test - if IPs are correct:
- turn box off an on
- in the first 5 secconds try ftp (boot ip) - if there's a connect - everything is fine!
No.... I cannot get ftp connection to the box in the boot (4-5seconds)!
Is important to have an ftp server running in the box ? or i'm trying to reach the box bootloader ?

In my previous post:
I get the "connection refused" message after the box completely boot (after WLAN light on and web interface accessible).
Best regards

EDIT: my_ipaddress

This is what i get with cat /proc/sys/urlader/environment

Ok !!! uiiiiiiiiiiiiipuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!

Thanks to this great forum, my box is now booting with a customized image, "pushed" by push_firmware!!!!
Thanks to all who help me!
Best Regards
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
You are going to connect to the bootloader's ftpd. It doesn't matter what you use in your image.

Can you ping your Box on the first seconds of boot?
Okay. Did you use AVM's recover before? It seems as if it changed the IP to an address in the "Windows Fail Safe"-Range...


vorhin mal ein Image > 8MB erstellt und auf eine 7270 ( 16MB ) via Push geflasht.
Ergebnis: endless reboot ( auch das Löschen des TFFS hilft nichts )
Musste wieder zurück auf die .58 ( das Kernel-Image aus der .58 wieder auf der 7270 via Push draufgebrutzelt ).

Soweit ich das sehe, ist der 16MB Patch bereits im Trunk erhalten.
Muss noch irgendwas berücksichtigt werden, was ich evtl. übersehen habe ?

ok...thanks oli

thanks to recover.exe from AVM
howto get the original

tools/recover-eva can do it for you or you do:
echo my_ipaddress > /proc/sys/urlader/environment


i logged in in adam2 via telnet to SETENV my_ipaddress
failure - its not going
so u have tu UNSETEN my_ipaddress and the original will be back
thanks to all freetz is on board

vorhin mal ein Image > 8MB erstellt und auf eine 7270 ( 16MB ) via Push geflasht.
Ergebnis: endless reboot ( auch das Löschen des TFFS hilft nichts )
Musste wieder zurück auf die .58 ( das Kernel-Image aus der .58 wieder auf der 7270 via Push draufgebrutzelt ).

Soweit ich das sehe, ist der 16MB Patch bereits im Trunk erhalten.
Muss noch irgendwas berücksichtigt werden, was ich evtl. übersehen habe ?


Same Problem here...endless reboot on a 7270 (16MB Version) with Firmware-Version 54.04.63-12749 ...any helpful Hints?
Du musst das Image über push_firmware oder recover-eva flashen.

MfG Oliver
Nutzt du die Freetz openssl-Libs? Kannst du die und das zugehörige Programm mal testweise abwählen?

MfG Oliver
ich bau jetzt mal eine aktuelle svn Version ohne SSL und meld mich wieder

<Status>: building....
The problem in my case turned out to be, that I had set-up the freetz toolchain under my OpenWRT environment. Not really sure what specific settings / variables were the problem but it seemed that something was conflicting.

Once I used a dedicated freetz environment ( I just set-up a freetz user and started off from a clean environment ) I was able to build a freetz image and flash it without issues.

Hope this helps you too.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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