FRITZ!Box Fon 7240 -> 7270 or 7240 -> English


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Hi all,

I am sorry for english post, please. I don't understand german language.

I have Fritz!Box 7240 with firmware 73.04.68 with web GUI in Germany language.

Can I change language to English?

Can I update firmware to 7270?

I need one LAN port as WAN interface.

Very thanks for any answer.
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Kann ihm denn niemand helfen? Ich hab seine Anfrage mal übersetzen lassen:

Hi alle,
es tut mir leid für Englisch Post. Ich verstehe nicht Deutsch.

Ich habe Fritz! Box 7240 mit Firmware 73.04.68 mit Web-GUI in deutscher Sprache.

Kann ich die Sprache auf Englisch ändern?

Kann ich ein Update der Firmware auf 7270 machen?

Ich brauche einen LAN-Port als WAN-Schnittstelle.

Vielen Dank für eine Antwort.
Can I change language to English?

Can I update firmware to 7270?

I need one LAN port as WAN interface.

- only German language fw is available on avm's ftp firmware server

- NO - I tried this just yesterday, changing HWR number through ftp and flashing with 7270's revovery fw. Result: box identified herself as "7270" but rebooted permanently. So I recovered back to 7240's own 04.68.

- what does this mean "LAN port as WAN interface"? Box BEHIND a modem - receiving dsl signal through lan connector 1 of the box?
- what does this mean "LAN port as WAN interface"? Box BEHIND a modem - receiving dsl signal through lan connector 1 of the box?

I can not use DSL modem. I have wireless line for access to Internet with ethernet interface.
Fritz!Box can have setting up LAN1 port as WAN interface for access throught another device to Internet.
OK, understand. You cannot change to English language and cannot "convert" your 7240 into 7270! You can only use it AS IS.
Cannot use it for PSTN lines (traditional telephony) - only for DSL/Internet and Internet Telephony. If I/we can be of some more help just let me/us know.
OK, understand. You cannot change to English language and cannot "convert" your 7240 into 7270! You can only use it AS IS.
Cannot use it for PSTN lines (traditional telephony) - only for DSL/Internet and Internet Telephony. If I/we can be of some more help just let me/us know.

Yes, I don't use Fritz!Box for PSTN line. I can use LAN1 port like WAN port for access to Internet throught Wireless line with ethernet connection. And for VOIP telephony from DECT/GAP earphones.

Is this possible? Can I confugure LAN1 port as WAN port on Fritz!Box 7240?

Thanks for any reply
Except some rare cases ALL FBs can be used as "ATA only" = getting their DSL/Internet signal through Lan1 behind another modem/router as is also your case.

I feel your problem is to understand the German language menu:

Go to "Einstellungen>Internet>Zugangsdaten" There you configure:

- Internetzugang über Lan1
- Internetverbindung selbst aufbauen (i.e. this makes the box work as an internal router giving you the chance to connect more than one PC/IP-device to your box)
- Zugangsdaten werden nicht benötigt (IP)
- IP-Adresse automatisch über DHCP beziehen -leave name of the DHCP server blank

Good luck - with this configuration my FB always worked behind my provider's modem where I do connect them sometimes for testing purposes
do you know a way to change at least the annex from B to A to the 7240 so it can be used on belgian dsl lines ?

Thanks doc for the info, but that procedure won't work on 7240 due to the fact that in the original firmware is missing the annex A module/library.
Running that scripts have no effects and typing directly via telnet gives an error after restarting the DSL module.
What I'm looking for is a modified firmware for 7240 ( 73.04.68 ) with embedded the annex A module, and it exists due to the fact that the 7240 annex A is for sale on ebay.

@faccione, sure, it is 1th Thread in this Area, german - english
1th Thread in this Area, german - english

@doc456: Dir ist schon klar, dass das veraltet ist?

@faccione: The above cited howto is obsolete!

If you happen to understand Italian (as your name prompts for it) you should have a look at this. These ragazzi did a great job by transferring the applicable parts of the 7270's multilanguage user interface into the 7240 firmware. Chapeau!

If you don't read Italian try Google Translate Be careful with the translated text as Google not only translates the description but also tries on the data. Always take data, instruction codes, addresses etc. from the original page!

The 7240 does have an annex-A/annex-B modem, it only needs to be adjusted to your country's ADSL standard. If you can live with the user interface in German (an official Belgian language :) ), you only need to apply this: fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar

EDIT: This was for fw versions up to 73.04.59 only. Sorry for spreading outdated information
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The 7240 does have an annex-A/annex-B modem, it only needs to be adjusted to your country's ADSL standard. If you can live with the user interface in German (an official Belgian language :) ), you only need to apply this: fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar

telefonicus, maybe from the hardware side the 7240 does have an Annex-A modem already installed, but from the firmware side the module is missing.
Infact doing this telnet procedure to change the annex:

echo "kernel_args annex=A" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment
echo "annex A" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment
export ANNEX='A'
/etc/init.d/ stop
/etc/init.d/ start

i got this:

attempting to load DSL Firmware '/lib'modules/dsp_ur8/ur8-A-dsl.bin'
Error: '/lib'modules/dsp_ur8/ur8-A-dsl.bin' not found
**** ANNEX: 'A'
TELEFONICUS' Link to the Italians contains the solution. It's a "mere" firmware problem. The 7240 needs an annex-a-dsl-driver (ur8-A-dsl.bin). It's the same problem that annex a users encountered with the German fw 04.67 for the 7270. It can be solved by FREETZing this driver from a 7270 fw like 04.59 into the 7240's fw. This is what the Italians are doing.
For the 7270 our FREETZ experts gave us a rather easy solution including this ..-bin as a patch to the FREETZ options for the 7270 fw. As I understood there were also plans to include a complete "ALIEN" fw for the 7240 in FREETZ. Meanwhile it should be possible to transfer a dsl-a-bin into the 7240's fw using DUNJI's FREETZ method explained in [post=1226880]this[/post] Post
Done !


(Italian translation available here: )

- Installed Linux Stinky 1.0.6 on VMWare Fusion (I'm using MAC)
- downloaded Freetz 1.0.3
- executed MAKE (takes 20 minutes and needs internet connectivity)
- downloaded the two firmware from AVM's FTP (7240 73.04.69 e 7270 54.04.67 English)
- executed MAKE MENUCONFIG and modified ONLY the type of router in 7240
- executed ./fwmod -u -d 7240de FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7240.AnnexB.73.04.68.image
- executed ./fwmod -u -d 7270en FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7270.en-de-es-it.54.04.67.image
- open on the desktop the two folders containing the two firmware (.//7240de .//7270en)
- copied the folder ORIGINAL from 7240 to the same folder and renamed MODIFIED
- copied from the folder /filesystem/lib the international libreries including the symbolic links into the same folder of modified 7240
- copied from the folder /filesystem/etc all the files htmltext*.db symlinks included, into the same folder of modified 7240
- removed from the folder /filesystem/etc the folders default* and copied all the folders default* from the 7270's folder.
- edited the file rc.conf present into the folder filesystem/etc/init.d/ of the modified 7240 as follows:

- insert:

- modify:
export OEM in export OEM=”avme”

- modify ALL THE ANNEX SECTION with the following strings:
## Annex
LOADANNEX=`echo ar7cfg.dslglobalconfig.Annex | ar7cfgctl -s 2>/dev/null | sed s/\\"//g`
if [ -z "${LOADANNEX}" ] ; then
if [ -z "${ANNEX}" ] ; then export ANNEX=${CONFIG_ANNEX} ; fi

- **MANDATORY** copied from the directory /filesystem/lib/modules/dsp_ur8/ of 7270 the file ur8-A-dsl.bin
- copied integrally into the same folder of modified 7240 the directory filesystem/usr/share and filesystem/usr/www
- executed ./fwmod -p -d 7240de FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7240.AnnexB.73.04.68.image
- Into the folder .//7240de there will be a file named 7240_.de_2009MMDD-HHMMSS.image where:
- MM = Month / DD = Day - HH = Hour / MM = Minutes / SS=Seconds when the firmware has been compiled.

- Execute the AVM 7240 recovery Executable and restored the original firmware (optional if no changes has been made to the router)
- reboot
- from the web interface of the Fritzbox uploaded the modified firmware image
- reboot
- Web Interface - Choose Nation
- Web Interface - Choose ANNEX *(A)*
- wizard to configure internet connectivity

That's all folks !


- di Lonegunman
- (Freetz Wiki *MUST READ*)
- (come sopra)
- Read the manuals, the guide, the faq, the wiki. Don't be shy to ask to the forums AFTER doing a SEARCH!
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Great Job :)
I am currently working on my conversion, would it not be easier if a modified firmware were uploaded somewhere? This is my first venture into linux... but using stinky xp, first notes on using sticky linux on uk keyboard: change sprache to english, passwort on uk keyboard is stinkz rather than stinky due to different key placings. once in linux change keyboard layout to your native layout.

I am up and running in English on my 7240! I did, as a precaution replace the default and fallback text files as per lonegunman's tutorial,

many thanks for your hard work:groesste:
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