
  1. R

    incoming caller does not hear a busy signal when outhoing call is active

    Would connecting a telephone on the second FON-output be a solution. I can live with a scenario that the second telephone would keep ringing. Everything better than getting connected to nowhere after one ring.
  2. R

    incoming caller does not hear a busy signal when outhoing call is active

    Hi, I'd prefer to speak english, since my knowledge of german is very limited. I have the following problem: When an outgoing internet call is active, and an incoming call is coming trhough the fixed line network, the calling person does not hear a busy signal. Instead he hears the phone...
  3. R

    English firmware for german boxes

    Thanks, I'll do that this evening, not at home now.
  4. R

    English firmware for german boxes

    I must have missed a hack, unable to telnet :) # telnet Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
  5. R

    English firmware for german boxes

    Thanks haveaniceday, I'm now running the english firmware without any problems! Althoug I had Perl installed on my Ubuntu Linux machine, I had to install the "libcompress-zlib-perl" package also: apt-get install libcompress-zlib-perl One more small question: Do I have to convert future...
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