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    [Problem] VPN zwischen Fritz und StrongSwan Ike Error 0x2005?

    Thanks for your feedback, Peter. I see now that I posted my request in a bit hurry; I am sorry for that. My I ask which? StrongSwan does accept aggressive mode but it is not recommended together with PSK and require that i override some security-settings in the global config. Seems...
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    [Problem] VPN zwischen Fritz und StrongSwan Ike Error 0x2005?

    Sorry for writing in English; I can read and understand German so answer in German is welcome. I am trying to set up a VPN between Fritz 7390 and a Ubuntu server with StrongSwan. Even if it looks like straight forward, I am not able to get it running and I end up with IKE-error 0x2005 which...
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    7270: Vorschau auf die offizielle Firmware // Version xx.04.85-18012 vom 09.08.2010

    I have still trouble with DSL-sync on 18012 as I had with all earlier labor-version; it takes long time (=> 40minutes) before I got sync. With the latest released version, the link is up and running after few seconds. (Sorry for writing in english, it is easier for me but I can read german)
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    VPN - Fritz2Linksys/Cisco WRV210

    After some troubling, I succeded: Fritz-Config: connections { enabled = yes; conn_type = conntype_lan; name = "<%ConnectionName%>"; always_renew = no; reject_not_encrypted = no...
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    Fritz 7270 VPN zu Fortinet 60

    Diese fungiert für mich: Fritz-konfig: /* * C:\Documents and Settings\fritzbox.cfg * Sun May 31 16:31:20 2009 */ vpncfg { connections { enabled = yes; conn_type = conntype_lan; name = "<friendlyname>"; always_renew =...
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    7270 und Traffic Shaper

    Thanks; Are there any development on the shaper from what it was like in 7050? Is it easier than it was to configure / customize the shaper-rules?
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    7270 und Traffic Shaper

    Sorry for writing english. I read and understand German very well, so you are welcome to answer in (almost) whatever language you want. I have a 7050 which need to be replaced with something newer. I considere 7270, but wonder however there are any improvment in the Traffic Shaper from 7050...
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    Trafic-shaping - eDonkey

    Sorry for writing in English, I can read german so you are welcome to answer in German language. I have Fritz WLAN 7050, unfortunately I am not able to use it as a primary router, so it is connected after a Speedtouch-router. But there are now computer or network-equipment connected to my...
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    Fritz 7050 als Router ohne NAT

    Sorry for writing in englisch, I am able to read german so you are more than welcome to answer/follow up in German language. I have searched through this excellent forum(!), but havent been able to get answer on my needs here: I have a Fritz7050, where I want to connect lan-A to internett...
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    7050: "CallerID not registered" und noice

    Thanks, stSoft. Seems like that's is. I changed it yesterday evening to 20ms, and seems to be much better. I talked to ip24-support this morning, which say it is set to 40ms (20ms x 2?), so must do some extended testing tonight. I also have some problems where IP24-login is denied...
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    7050: "CallerID not registered" und noice

    Thanks, suggested G729 and G729 is mentioned in the thread Herges mentioned, but I am not able to make them work. I read somewhere else that G729 is not supported (due to license-issues?) so it was a bit confusing. Strange is that G711 give good quality on my both other sip-providers...
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    7050: "CallerID not registered" und noice

    The lineperformence seems to solved, measure result is now about 550-600kbit/s outbound. But outbound noice is still noicy, any idee how to make increase the sound is welcome. Which codec is supported by 7050 with newest firmware? Yngve
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    7050: "CallerID not registered" und noice

    Sorry for writing in English. I can read and understand german, so feel welcome to post answer to this thread in german language. I have a 7050 order by mail-order from Germany. I have configured 5 SIP-accounts from 3 different suppliers (3 x, 1 x and 1 x
  14. Y

    Fehlergrund: (503) / (487)

    Auf meine FBF7050 habe 4 Norwegische SIP-konten und 1 Sipgate-konten. Alle 4 Norwegische konten fungiert gut, aber Sipgate macht folgende fehler bei aus- und eingehende anrufe: 17.10.05 19:13:54 Internettelefonie mit 0047xxxx über fehlgeschlagen. Fehlergrund: (503) 17.10.05...
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    FBF7050 als router hinter externe (kabel(modem). . .

    Geth es? Oder ist LAN A und LAN B in selbe subnet?
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