
  1. F

    Sipgate auf Windows Mobile 6

    Hey guys, Jocky: sorry for taking so long, but I was out on a business tour. Unfortunately I'm not able to copy these files to my PC. I can't see those files in my PC's Windows Explorer and if I would like to copy them within the iPAQ to another directory; I receive an error message, that the...
  2. F

    Sipgate auf Windows Mobile 6

    Hey there, here the information: dnsapi.dll 2072 Bytes, 2007/03/09 16:35:30 ipdialplan.xml 2857 Bytes, 2007/02/11 12:03:12 rtcdll.dll 1644132 Bytes, 2007/04/01 11:31:18 voipphonecanvas.dll 126212 Bytes, 2007/03/09 16:35:30
  3. F

    Sipgate auf Windows Mobile 6

    My HP iPAQ 514 has the VoIP client already installed, but with the shipped HP tool I wasn't able to configure it. With the threads on it worked out without any problems. Send me your setup-values and I'll try them. Maybe I made a mistake. Thanks & Regards, Max
  4. F

    Sipgate auf Windows Mobile 6

    Doesn't work Hey, thanks for that fast answer. I tried and failed :-/ Whenever I execute the SipConfig.exe I receive following error: SipConfig.exe NotSupportedException bei Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAr() bei System.Windows.Forms.Control_InitInstance() bei...
  5. F

    Sipgate auf Windows Mobile 6

    Hey Leute, ich habe mir ein HP iPAQ 514 Voice Messenger mit Windows Mobile 6 zugelegt. Kann ich damit zu sipgate connecten? Wenn ja, wie? Habe mittlerweile Millionen von Konfigurationen ausprobiert, aber irgendwie ist da kein durchkommen. Andere Anbieter wie funktionieren ohne...
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