
  1. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    Hi Peter. Sorry for this confusing message... I removed part of my post which made it unclear.... I have a box on which it is working fine. The box only has a certificate uploaded using the AVM-interface and stunnel is configured to use that. It's working after applying the latest patches...
  2. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    Is the "use AVM certificate" supposed to work if you don't upload your own certificate? I was expecting it to use the selfsigned certificate that AVM puts there.... If it's supposed to work then it doesn't work on this box. I have yet to test an uploaded certificate through the AVM-interface...
  3. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    Hi Peter, First thing in the morning I went to my client with his unresponsive Fritz!Box. Nothing was working (couldn't even get on it using, but after a powercycle everything was working. I even flashed one of the firmwares on it that I created last Friday... The stunnel...
  4. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    Last evening I tried to flash it one more time. I chose the "remote flash option" this time. After that I completely lost the box. I need to go there Monday morning...
  5. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    It was removed out of the webinterface in the firmware. That the Zabbix 2.4.6 agent with webif was removed out of the dev platform was a mistake. There's a Zabbix 1.8.15 in "Packages" and there I was also looking for the improved Zabbix package, but that one is in the section "Unstable". Because...
  6. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    Now I lost my Zabbix..... It is gone in "make menuconfig" (no 2.4.6 anymore although the folders are there) and in the Freetz AVM Also missing the possibility to add a certificate manually..... Each day I make a back-up of the .config, but taking the one from several days earlier doesn't fix it....
  7. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    I probably didn't properly implement your patch, but I did a "git pull" in the git folder I have from you. It updated several stuff.... I copied the stunnel folder and the privatekeypassword to the "trunk" and did a new make It compiled stunnel and privatekeypassword, but after testing it with...
  8. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    If I would just wait for you to commit the patches you made into the trunk would that last a long time? I can get a working situation by inserting the certificate twice. It would be just more elegant to do that only once. It's not a show-stopper. I would rather give you feedback based on your...
  9. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    I tried your stunnel. I did a checkout of yours, moved ~/trunk/make/stunnel out of the way and copied yours to that folder... Still, after years and years, I haven't investigated github properly. Your additions now gave me the ability to choose between the AVM-certificate and the manually...
  10. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    I'm now underway, but I did test that setup and it first crashed for the permissions of the key file. After I did a "chmod 600" it still crashed after reading the certificate. Later I will post the error output. This problem could of course be specific to my certificate.
  11. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    Yes... But I chose that... It's however not working.. probably because I don't know how. If I leave the 2 blocks empty the stunnel is not running as it misses the certificate & key
  12. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    I have both the stunnel and the AVM-interface working with the same wildcard certificate. But now I want the config to be simpler by letting the stunnel use the certificate that's also in use by the AVM interface. In makemenuconfig there's an option "build with support for FRITZ!OS certificate "...
  13. F

    [Frage] Not enough space in 7390

    Well, I think I nailed it.... I won 192 KB, which is just enough to be able to add the 150 KB of the stunnel. :):):):) The 7360's firmware is still too big. I need to investigate why :(:(:(:( EDIT: By using the option " Remove 2nd Annex firmware" I was able to create a flashable firmware for...
  14. F

    [Frage] Not enough space in 7390

    I investigated this... By default I only have a /etc/htmltext_en.db of 684 KB, no other languages are available. I will do the /etc/ , but I don't expect much gain. These files are only 112 KB and after compression that's probably 15 KB... Still... all extra space is welcome, so I...
  15. F

    [Frage] Not enough space in 7390

    Thanks.... I will investigate how much I can save with that... Still... I never investigated why I have so much problems with space after only adding Zabbix, sudo and dropbear.... I'm removing a lot, like umts, nas, USB-ip, home automation.... I still can't make a flashable firmware for the...
  16. F

    [Frage] Not enough space in 7390

    Thanks opto, but I have not much use for a link with generic info. I have trimmed down the 7390 to the max for years and I wanted to know how I could trim it down a little bit more specific to my needs. It seems I can get another 180 KB of the firmware by emptying the provider files of other...
  17. F

    [Frage] Not enough space in 7390

    Until the 7490's arrived I have always been fighting the small space available. On all Fritzboxes I need the Zabbix agent. This forces me to remove parts of the software, but this is not enough for the 7390. Since Sierra arrived I can't use Windows Server's PPTP and I'm forced to use the...
  18. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    How easy that was to implement. I only expected to get a binary, but this one also has an entry in the webif... I now understand why the webIF has never been changed to https. I now have to do some rewriting of my config backup script so it supports...
  19. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    Thanks... I will investigate that as well. It will probably have a smaller footprint. For the 7390 I have no space left.
  20. F

    [Frage] Freetz in https

    I will check if "tinyproxy" will bring me where I want. Tomorrow I will investigate this and will post my findings here. I have never used "tinyproxy". From what I gather it can not, like "pound", do load balancing nor act as a traffic agent and proxy for many servers based on the domain name...
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