[HowTo] Fritz!box 7362 SL festpath


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20 Aug 2017
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Hello freinds, i changed my DSL from O2 to 1&1 2 days ago but my ping somehow are little more then what i was getting with o2.i had 50Mb with o2 and also 50Mb with 1&1.with O2 i got 8-12 Ping in bf4 servers but with 1&1 i am getting 27-30 ping.even speedtest.net pings went little high too :( is there any method that i can flash old foirmware for my 7362 SL box and then via telnet activate the fastpath etc ? i mistakenly updated my firmware to 6.83 and now i cant find older firmware for my router.These are my DSL infos.can i do fastpath settings through freet and if yes , then how can i install freetz because everytime i try to upload freetz rom for 7362 SL the router give error at 99% and then i have to restart it.


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We are talking about FASTPATH?
We are talking about FASTPATH?
yes sory , fastpath i mean.

with O2 dsl i was using o2 homebox but now i am using FB 7362 SL for 1und1.

kan jemand mich auch in deutsch helfen ?

even if someone gives me older 7362 SL firmware will help me.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
G.INP in DS and US with Fastpath is already active (according to the screenshot in post #1), so there is no need to do anything in this regard.

If 1&1 with L2-BSA (Versatel-Backbone) then this may be the actual reason for the longer RTT. The longer RTT is therefore probaly caused by the backbone of your new Provider and not by the DSL-Connection itself.

Older firmware or freetz does not help, a change of provider would possibly more effective.
G.INP in DS and US with Fastpath is already active (according to the screenshot in post #1), so there is no need to do anything in this regard.

If 1&1 with L2-BSA (Versatel-Backbone) then this may be the actual reason for the longer RTT. The longer RTT is therefore probaly caused by the backbone of your new Provider and not by the DSL-Connection itself.

Older firmware or freetz does not help, a change of provider would possibly more effective.
change of provider is out of question becasue i got very good DSL angebot from 1und1 50,000 DSL for 2 year contract only as low as 16,99 euro per month.No other ISP giving such low price DSL for 2 years.
Indeed fastpath(at VDSL its actually Interleaving Depth 1/1) is allready active in your Profile.
The higher ping compared to O2 is probably because 1&1 recently put some customers into the Versatel backbone.
I saw someone on another forum complaining about the same problem. You can only hope that Versatel will improve the routing in the future, otherwise you have to change your ISP to get better pingtimes.

Post a traceroute to www.heise.de so we can see if it's the first hop or the general routing.
(in windows open a comand prompt (cmd) and put the command "tracert heise.de" *without " ")
Indeed fastpath(at VDSL its actually Interleaving Depth 1/1) is allready active in your Profile.
The higher ping compared to O2 is probably because 1&1 recently put some customers into the Versatel backbone.
I saw someone on another forum complaining about the same problem. You can only hope that Versatel will improve the routing in the future, otherwise you have to change your ISP to get better pingtimes.

Post a traceroute to www.heise.de so we can see if it's the first hop or the general routing.
(in windows open a comand prompt (cmd) and put the command "tracert heise.de" *without " ")

Here it is :

Tracing route to heise.de [2a02:2e0:3fe:1001:302::]
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 200116b80051b700ca0e14fffed854d8.dip.versatel-1u1.de [2001:16b8:51:b700:ca0e:14ff:fed8:54d8]
2 73 ms 117 ms 19 ms 2001:1438::62:214:63:82
3 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms 2001:1438:0:1::17:21
4 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms 2001:1438:0:1::4:2302
5 * * 12 ms te0-0-2-3.c350.f.de.plusline.net [2001:7f8::3012:0:2]
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms 2a02:2e0:12:32::2
9 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms 2a02:2e0:3fe:0:c::1
10 10 ms 9 ms 9 ms redirector.heise.de [2a02:2e0:3fe:1001:302::]

Trace complete.

i played Battlefield 1 now and on DE servers i was getting 18 , On holland servers it was 46 and in US servers i was getting 96 Ping after i did some einstelling in my router today.Last 2 days my ping on US servers were 107 and now its 96.

### Zusammenführung Doppelpost ###

i was Alice/O2 DSL Kunde since 2008 (fast 8-9 years) and i asked o2 to give me angebot on 50,000 so i will extend my vertrag but they did not want to give me more cheap price so i have to quit O2 :( i was paying 24,99 für 50Mbit and since i was Alice Kunde so it was Ohne Drosslung for me.In these 9 years i never had any single problem with O2 NEVER ..anyway i think i have to live with it now.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Your Ping to Frankfurt (heise.de) looks pretty good !! 9ms is perfect.
i was paying 24,99 für 50Mbit
Sorry but I would say 24,99 isn't bad for 50k, im also a old Alice/O2 customer and i pay 34,99 without "Drosselung" for VDSL50. I wouldn't even think of a change when i only had to pay 24,99 per month. ;)
So your saying that your pingtimes to foreign countries/servers are a bit higher than with O2 before ?
Maybe the routing of 1&1/versatel isn't at it's best at the moment but that could easy change in the future...
Your Ping to Frankfurt (heise.de) looks pretty good !! 9ms is perfect.

Sorry but I would say 24,99 isn't bad for 50k, im also a old Alice/O2 customer and i pay 34,99 without "Drosselung" for VDSL50. I wouldn't even think of a change when i only had to pay 24,99 per month. ;)
So your saying that your pingtimes to foreign countries/servers are a bit higher than with O2 before ?
Maybe the routing of 1&1/versatel isn't at it's best at the moment but that could easy change in the future...
hmm only 7-10 ms pings went high.in Bf4 i was getting 8 ping on german servers and now its like 16 ping.Bf1 pings are same for me but bf4 changed little bit.one more thing since you are alice kunde why tou did not ask for angebot ? you paying 34,99 every month.I am also on 34,99 but i am getting 10 euro Rabat everymonth because 4 years ago i asked O2 to give me angebot for VDSL 50 or i change ISP because my 16000 contract was near to end and then they offered me 50Mb with 10 euro Rabbat and i was paying 24,99 for 50Mb ohne Drosslung now since 4 years but last year i saw 1und1 was offering 50Mb only für 16,99 and 2 years contract only for wechseler and i went for it.Ahh i was just little greedy.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Well i can quit my contract any month. I'll give O2 a call and ask for VDSL100 without "Drosselung". If they dont want to give it to me im gonne change my ISP 100%. Maybe they give it to me as a old Alice customer... ;)
I play Counter Strike(1.3-1.5 as HL Mod) CS:S and CS:GO

I also was "Serveradmin" from a Gamingcommunity with different Servers.

I know the problems with 'high-ping'...

Wich Platform do you use to play?

I had made hundrets of tracerts from the RootServers (Nürnberg and FFM) to the client so find out whats the problem or where is it.

The "problem" what you see is a little bit ridiculous

Your Ping is fine. U know the distanz to USA from your point?

Show us a tracert (mtr) to one of those Servers in the US
Well i can quit my contract any month. I'll give O2 a call and ask for VDSL100 without "Drosselung". If they dont want to give it to me im gonne change my ISP 100%. Maybe they give it to me as a old Alice customer... ;)
i dont understand one thing , you said that you are alice kunde then how are you getting drosslung ? because o2 told me that since i was alice kunde drosslung was not applicable on me unless i make a new O2 contract but i was every time extending my alice contract every 2 years.i think u made a new o2 contract after ur alice contract was finished and thats why u were getting drosslung.
I play Counter Strike(1.3-1.5 as HL Mod) CS:S and CS:GO

I also was "Serveradmin" from a Gamingcommunity with different Servers.

I know the problems with 'high-ping'...

Wich Platform do you use to play?

I had made hundrets of tracerts from the RootServers (Nürnberg and FFM) to the client so find out whats the problem or where is it.

The "problem" what you see is a little bit ridiculous

Your Ping is fine. U know the distanz to USA from your point?

Show us a tracert (mtr) to one of those Servers in the US

USA West/Los Angeles region :

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 6 ms 5 ms 5 ms dus1901aihr001.versatel.de []
3 5 ms 6 ms 6 ms
4 12 ms 12 ms 12 ms
5 28 ms 16 ms 16 ms 20ge.de-cix.inxn-1.i3d.net []
6 23 ms 23 ms 23 ms 20ge.cr1-fr0.smartdc.rtm.i3d.net []
7 97 ms 97 ms 97 ms
8 173 ms 174 ms 174 ms 10ge.uslax1-rt002i.i3d.net []

USA East/Washington DC region :

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 6 ms 6 ms 5 ms dus1901aihr001.versatel.de []
3 5 ms 5 ms 5 ms
4 12 ms 12 ms 12 ms
5 17 ms 17 ms 17 ms 20ge.de-cix.inxn-1.i3d.net []
6 23 ms 23 ms 23 ms 20ge.cr1-fr0.smartdc.rtm.i3d.net []
7 28 ms 28 ms 28 ms 30ge.lr0-cr1.th-n.lhr.i3d.net []
8 100 ms 100 ms 111 ms 10ge.iadr0-lr0.csva01.iad.i3d.net []
Look mate it's quite easy... im an old Alice Kunde... Alice=O2 nowadays.
I have a "old" VDSL50 contract (5 years old) without "Drosselung" but if i change my contract now they will give me one "with Drosselung".

All i want is VDSL100 without Drosselung for a decent price ! If O2 wont give me a contract without Drosselung im gone...
Dammit it feels so weird to type english + german in the same sentence but i dont know the english word for "Drosselung" ;)

edit: You have the same ping as me (o2)
root@LEDE:~# ping -c5
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=52 time=172.443 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=52 time=172.363 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=52 time=172.612 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=52 time=172.294 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=52 time=172.199 ms doesn't return any pings for me (timeout)....
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