wenns der gleiche port ist (z.b. http) wie bei mir muss auch nginx gehen,
klinkt danach das das ding auch son klotz wie der apache ist.
p.s. wenns einer kompelirt bekommt fuer die frizbox, ich brauche es auch noch ;-)
nginx [engine x] is a HTTP server and mail proxy server written by me (Igor Sysoev).
nginx has been running for more than three years on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Rambler (RamblerMedia.com). In March 2007 about 20% of all Russian virtual hosts were served or proxied by nginx. According to Google Online Security Blog nginx serves or proxies about 4% of all Internet virtual hosts, although Netcraft shows much less percent.
Architecture and scalability:
* one master process and several workers processes. The workers run as unprivileged user;
* kqueue (FreeBSD 4.1+), epoll (Linux 2.6+), rt signals (Linux 2.2.19+), /dev/poll (Solaris 7 11/99+), event ports (Solaris 10), select, and poll support;
* various kqueue features support including EV_CLEAR, EV_DISABLE (to disable event temporalily), NOTE_LOWAT, EV_EOF, number of available data, error codes;
* sendfile (FreeBSD 3.1+), sendfile (Linux 2.2+), sendfile64 (Linux 2.4.21+), and sendfilev (Solaris 8 7/01+) support;
* accept-filter (FreeBSD 4.1+) and TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT (Linux 2.4+) support;
* 10,000 inactive HTTP keep-alive connections take about 2.5M memory;
* data copy operations are kept to a minimum.