Ich habe in einer google Group eine Antwort bekommen, die ich Euch nicht vorenthalten möchte:
# ======================== Tone Configuration Parameters
# Parameters: DialTone
# DialTone2
# BusyTone
# ReorderTone
# RingBackTone
# CallWaitTone
# AlertTone
# Access Code: 920 DialTone
# 927 DialTone2
# 921 BusyTone
# 922 ReorderTone
# 923 RingBackTone
# 924 CallWaitTone
# 925 AlertTone
# Note: When using ATA with CallManager 3.3(3) that has installed ATA
# Network Locale option using locale installer, one should
# the call progress tones using the Network Locale option on the
# CallManager configuration page. Only if the desired locale
# not exist, then one should use the ATA tone parameters for
# configurating call progess tones. To do so, ConnectMode Bit 0
# to be set to 1 to disable CallManager network locale setting.
# Otherwise, CallManager default configuration (US tone) will
# overwrite the ATA tone setting.
# Value Type:
# Tones can be specified using either Basic Format or Extended
# Basic Format:
# For all tones:
# Array of 9 comma-separated short integers
# Extended Format:
# (a) For DialTone, DialTone2, BusyTone, RingbackTone,
# AlertTone:
# Array of 11 comma-separated short integers
# (b) For ReorderTone:
# Array of 17 comma-separated short integers
# NOTE: Basic Format has the same physical number of fields as the
# extended format, so it is recommended that when specifying in
# basic format, the unused extended fields are padded with Zeroes
# (not doing so will not have any detrimental effect but just
# those unused extended fields may be displayed as random value
# in the web page interface).
# Description: Call progress tone specifications
# Basic Format:
# NumOfFreqs,Tfreq1,Tfreq2,Tamp1,Tamp2,Steady,OnTime,OffTime,
# TotalToneTime
# Options: NumOfFreqs: number of frequencies in the tone (1 or 2)
# Tfreq1, Tfreq2: the transformed frequencies of the
first and
# second frequencies, respectively. Calculated as
follows, where
# F is the desired frequency in Hz:
# 32767 * cos(2*pi*F/8000)
# Tamp1, Tamp2: the transformed amplitude of the first
and second # frequencies, respectively. Calculated as
follows, where F is
# desired frequency in Hz, k is the desired volume in
dBm, n
# is the number of frequencies:
# 32767 * A * sin(2*pi*F/8000)
# A = 0.5 * 10^((k+10-(n-1)*3)/20)
# Steady: 0, if a tone with on-off cadence.
# 1, if a steady tone.
# OnTime: the length of time the sound is played
# OffTime: the length of time the silence is played
# OnTime and OffTime are specified as number of samples
# the sampling rate of 8kHz, valid range 1-0xffff
# For examples, for a lenght of 0.3 seconds, set a value
to 2400
# TotalToneTime: the total length of time the tone plays.
# this value is 0, the tone will play until another
event stops
# the tone. For DialTone, DialTone2, BusyTone,
ReorderTone, and
# RingbackTone, the unit is 10 ms (specifying 100 = 1
# For others, the unit is sample with 8 kHz sampling
# (specifying 8000 = 1 second).
# Extended Format:
# a)
# OnTime2,OffTime2,TotalToneTime
# Options: NumOfFreqs: 100 + number of frequencies in the tone
# 101 for one frequency, 102 for two frequencies)
# Tfreq1, Tfreq2: the transformed frequencies of the
first and
# second frequencies, respectively. Calculated as
follows, where
# F is the desired frequency in Hz:
# 32767 * cos(2*pi*F/8000)
# Tamp1, Tamp2: the transformed amplitude of the first
and second # frequencies, respectively. Calculated as
follows, where F is
# desired frequency in Hz, k is the desired volume in
dBm, n
# is the number of frequencies:
# 32767 * A * sin(2*pi*F/8000)
# A = 0.5 * 10^((k+10-(n-1)*3)/20)
# NumOfOnOffPairs: the number of on-off pairs in the
cadence of
# the tone (0, 1, or 2). For a steady tone, use 0.
# OnTime1, OnTime2: the length of time the sound is
played for
# the first and second on-off pairs of a cadence,
# OffTime1, OffTime2: the length of time the silence is
# for the first and second on-off pairs of a cadence,
# respectively
# OnTime1, OnTime2, Offtime1, and OffTime2 are specified
# number of samples with the sampling rate of 8kHz,
# range 1-0xffff
# For examples, for a lenght of 300 ms, set a value to
# TotalToneTime: the total length of time the tone plays.
# this value is 0, the tone will play until another
event stops
# the tone. For DialTone, DialTone2, BusyTone,
ReorderTone, and
# RingbackTone, the unit is 10 ms (specifying 100 = 1
# For others, the unit is sample with 8 kHz sampling
# (specifying 8000 = 1 second).
# b) Sequential,NumOfFreqs,Tfreq1,Tamp1,Tfreq2,Tamp2,Tfreq3,Tamp3,
# NumOfRepeat,TotalToneTime
# Options: Sequential: specifies whether multiple frequencies in a
# play simultaneously (100) or sequentially (101). Set
to 100
# for a tone with one frequency. If Sequential is 101,
# the number of frequencies (NumOfFreqs) has to be the
same value
# as the number of on-off pairs in a cadence
# NumOfFreqs: number of frequencies in the tone (1, 2, or
# Tfreq1, Tfreq2, Tfreq3: the transformed frequencies of
# first, second, and third frequencies, respectively.
# as follows, where F is the desired frequency in Hz:
# 32767 * cos(2*pi*F/8000)
# Tamp1, Tamp2, Tamp3: the transformed amplitude of the
# second, and third frequencies, respectively.
Calculated as
# follows, where F is desired frequency in Hz, k is the
# volume in dBm, n is the number of frequencies (If
# is set to 101, n is equal to 1):
# 32767 * A * sin(2*pi*F/8000)
# A = 0.5 * 10^((k+10-(n-1)*3)/20)
# NumOfOnOffPairs: the number of on-off pairs in the
cadence of
# the tone (0, 1, 2, 3). For a steady tone, use 0.
# OnTime1, OnTime2, OnTime3: the length of time the sound
# played for the first, second, and third on-off pairs
of a
# cadence, respectively.
# OffTime1, OffTime2, OffTime3: the length of time the
# is played for the first, second and third on-off pairs
of a
# cadence, respectively.
# OnTime1, OnTime2, OnTime3, Offtime1, OffTime2, and
# are specified as number of samples with the sampling
rate of
# 8kHz, valid range 1-0xffff
# For examples, for a lenght of 300 ms, set a value to
# NumOfRepeats: number of times that the first on-off
pair of
# the cadence (specified by OnTime1, OffTime1) repeats
# the second on-off pair (specified by OnTime2,
OffTime2) plays
# For example, if NumOfRepeats is 2, the first on-off
pair will
# play three times (it will play once and then repeat
two times)
# then the scond on-off pair will play
# TotalToneTime: the total length of time the tone plays.
# this value is 0, the tone will play until another
event stops
# the tone. For DialTone, DialTone2, BusyTone,
ReorderTone, and
# RingbackTone the unit is 10 ms (specifying 100 = 1
# For others, the unit is sample with 8 kHz sampling
# (specifying 8000 = 1 second).
# Default: