Ton Einstellungen für ATA 186


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Hallo alle,

Ich habe an einem ATA 186 ein analoges Phone angeschlossen. Das
Freizeichen, sowie der Rufton klingen sehr amerikanisch. Weiss jemand
was ich im ATA einstellen muss, damit das Ganze deutsch klingt?

Vielen Dank!


Ich habe in einer google Group eine Antwort bekommen, die ich Euch nicht vorenthalten möchte:

# ======================== Tone Configuration Parameters
# Parameters: DialTone
# DialTone2
# BusyTone
# ReorderTone
# RingBackTone
# CallWaitTone
# AlertTone
# Access Code: 920 DialTone
# 927 DialTone2
# 921 BusyTone
# 922 ReorderTone
# 923 RingBackTone
# 924 CallWaitTone
# 925 AlertTone
# Note: When using ATA with CallManager 3.3(3) that has installed ATA
# Network Locale option using locale installer, one should
# the call progress tones using the Network Locale option on the

# CallManager configuration page. Only if the desired locale
# not exist, then one should use the ATA tone parameters for
# configurating call progess tones. To do so, ConnectMode Bit 0
# to be set to 1 to disable CallManager network locale setting.
# Otherwise, CallManager default configuration (US tone) will
# overwrite the ATA tone setting.
# Value Type:
# Tones can be specified using either Basic Format or Extended
# Basic Format:
# For all tones:
# Array of 9 comma-separated short integers
# Extended Format:
# (a) For DialTone, DialTone2, BusyTone, RingbackTone,
# AlertTone:
# Array of 11 comma-separated short integers
# (b) For ReorderTone:
# Array of 17 comma-separated short integers
# NOTE: Basic Format has the same physical number of fields as the
# extended format, so it is recommended that when specifying in
# basic format, the unused extended fields are padded with Zeroes
# (not doing so will not have any detrimental effect but just
# those unused extended fields may be displayed as random value
# in the web page interface).
# Description: Call progress tone specifications
# Basic Format:
# NumOfFreqs,Tfreq1,Tfreq2,Tamp1,Tamp2,Steady,OnTime,OffTime,
# TotalToneTime
# Options: NumOfFreqs: number of frequencies in the tone (1 or 2)
# Tfreq1, Tfreq2: the transformed frequencies of the
first and
# second frequencies, respectively. Calculated as
follows, where
# F is the desired frequency in Hz:
# 32767 * cos(2*pi*F/8000)
# Tamp1, Tamp2: the transformed amplitude of the first
and second # frequencies, respectively. Calculated as
follows, where F is
# desired frequency in Hz, k is the desired volume in
dBm, n
# is the number of frequencies:
# 32767 * A * sin(2*pi*F/8000)
# A = 0.5 * 10^((k+10-(n-1)*3)/20)
# Steady: 0, if a tone with on-off cadence.
# 1, if a steady tone.
# OnTime: the length of time the sound is played
# OffTime: the length of time the silence is played
# OnTime and OffTime are specified as number of samples
# the sampling rate of 8kHz, valid range 1-0xffff
# For examples, for a lenght of 0.3 seconds, set a value
to 2400
# TotalToneTime: the total length of time the tone plays.
# this value is 0, the tone will play until another
event stops
# the tone. For DialTone, DialTone2, BusyTone,
ReorderTone, and
# RingbackTone, the unit is 10 ms (specifying 100 = 1
# For others, the unit is sample with 8 kHz sampling
# (specifying 8000 = 1 second).
# Extended Format:
# a)
# OnTime2,OffTime2,TotalToneTime
# Options: NumOfFreqs: 100 + number of frequencies in the tone
# 101 for one frequency, 102 for two frequencies)
# Tfreq1, Tfreq2: the transformed frequencies of the
first and
# second frequencies, respectively. Calculated as
follows, where
# F is the desired frequency in Hz:
# 32767 * cos(2*pi*F/8000)
# Tamp1, Tamp2: the transformed amplitude of the first
and second # frequencies, respectively. Calculated as
follows, where F is
# desired frequency in Hz, k is the desired volume in
dBm, n
# is the number of frequencies:
# 32767 * A * sin(2*pi*F/8000)
# A = 0.5 * 10^((k+10-(n-1)*3)/20)
# NumOfOnOffPairs: the number of on-off pairs in the
cadence of
# the tone (0, 1, or 2). For a steady tone, use 0.
# OnTime1, OnTime2: the length of time the sound is
played for
# the first and second on-off pairs of a cadence,
# OffTime1, OffTime2: the length of time the silence is
# for the first and second on-off pairs of a cadence,
# respectively
# OnTime1, OnTime2, Offtime1, and OffTime2 are specified
# number of samples with the sampling rate of 8kHz,
# range 1-0xffff
# For examples, for a lenght of 300 ms, set a value to
# TotalToneTime: the total length of time the tone plays.
# this value is 0, the tone will play until another
event stops
# the tone. For DialTone, DialTone2, BusyTone,
ReorderTone, and
# RingbackTone, the unit is 10 ms (specifying 100 = 1
# For others, the unit is sample with 8 kHz sampling
# (specifying 8000 = 1 second).
# b) Sequential,NumOfFreqs,Tfreq1,Tamp1,Tfreq2,Tamp2,Tfreq3,Tamp3,
# NumOfRepeat,TotalToneTime
# Options: Sequential: specifies whether multiple frequencies in a
# play simultaneously (100) or sequentially (101). Set
to 100
# for a tone with one frequency. If Sequential is 101,
# the number of frequencies (NumOfFreqs) has to be the
same value
# as the number of on-off pairs in a cadence
# NumOfFreqs: number of frequencies in the tone (1, 2, or
# Tfreq1, Tfreq2, Tfreq3: the transformed frequencies of
# first, second, and third frequencies, respectively.
# as follows, where F is the desired frequency in Hz:
# 32767 * cos(2*pi*F/8000)
# Tamp1, Tamp2, Tamp3: the transformed amplitude of the
# second, and third frequencies, respectively.
Calculated as
# follows, where F is desired frequency in Hz, k is the
# volume in dBm, n is the number of frequencies (If
# is set to 101, n is equal to 1):
# 32767 * A * sin(2*pi*F/8000)
# A = 0.5 * 10^((k+10-(n-1)*3)/20)
# NumOfOnOffPairs: the number of on-off pairs in the
cadence of
# the tone (0, 1, 2, 3). For a steady tone, use 0.
# OnTime1, OnTime2, OnTime3: the length of time the sound
# played for the first, second, and third on-off pairs
of a
# cadence, respectively.
# OffTime1, OffTime2, OffTime3: the length of time the
# is played for the first, second and third on-off pairs
of a
# cadence, respectively.
# OnTime1, OnTime2, OnTime3, Offtime1, OffTime2, and
# are specified as number of samples with the sampling
rate of
# 8kHz, valid range 1-0xffff
# For examples, for a lenght of 300 ms, set a value to
# NumOfRepeats: number of times that the first on-off
pair of
# the cadence (specified by OnTime1, OffTime1) repeats
# the second on-off pair (specified by OnTime2,
OffTime2) plays
# For example, if NumOfRepeats is 2, the first on-off
pair will
# play three times (it will play once and then repeat
two times)
# then the scond on-off pair will play
# TotalToneTime: the total length of time the tone plays.
# this value is 0, the tone will play until another
event stops
# the tone. For DialTone, DialTone2, BusyTone,
ReorderTone, and
# RingbackTone the unit is 10 ms (specifying 100 = 1
# For others, the unit is sample with 8 kHz sampling
# (specifying 8000 = 1 second).

# Default:

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