Speedport2Fritz. The resulting firmware is T-Com or AVM?


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27 Feb 2005
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Greetings to all

I am sorry but my German is not good enough for this, so i will ask in English.

I have been using a Siemens SX541 (bought from Germany) for 3 years in Greece with no problem thanks to this forum. As an upgrade I have ordered a T-Com W900V, and i am reading in the forum about the Speedport2Fritz project.

In the end the only question i still can not answer is this:
The firmware you get after you compile everything is "Avm firmware and interface" with support for Dect coming from the W900v firmware, OR "T-Com firmware" with only the interface borrowed from Avm?

I someone could clarify this to me...

Thank you,

Hi Asxetos,

depends on the source firmwares you use to build the image, also you can toggle this by some switches in the relevant firmware.conf (e.g. DSL driver, just have a look at the bottom of the file). DECT part is always taken from TCOM Image as AVM 7170 has no DECT ability.


Lazy me... Did not read the hole file (then again there are a lot of files).

Thank's for the info Mckey...
In the end the only question i still can not answer is this:
The firmware you get after you compile everything is "Avm firmware and interface" with support for Dect coming from the W900v firmware, OR "T-Com firmware" with only the interface borrowed from Avm?

If you use a skript version later as 2.2.2008, then for sure all within the new Firmware comes from the AVM source firmware exept one driver for the XILINX binary this file must come from t-com firmware.
Aditionaly some System variabels must be adjusted.
DSL driver can come from t-com depends on the Options you use.
(Fon and piglet also but for newer versions the AVM Driver work well with W900.)
As for the DECT, some of the related web pages are added from other sources or are witten (edited, ... ) by members of the forum but all is in the fassion of AVM web GUI.

The actual dect firmware is independet and is not changed, by updating to a Firmware manipulated by speed-to-fritz.
Thanks a lot for your help All...

I will flash it tonight.


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