Snom - OpenVPN einrichten (zu einer Watchguard / Firebox)


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da ich gerade erfolgreich versucht habe mein Snom D725 mit einer Watchguard per openvpn zu verbinden und es hier (und auch sonst im Netz) wenig dazu gibt möchte ich die Infos, die mir weitergeholfen haben hier reinkopieren. Vielleicht helfen sie ja einmal jemandem - außerdem ist der Haupttteil der Infos vom Openix Blog, der nicht mehr erreichbar ist und den ich nur über das Internetarchiv wiederfinden konnte.
Ein kleiner Fehler (in Schritt 3.8) hatte sich in der Anleitung eingeschlichen, den ich korrigiert habe.
Da ich Openvpn schon auf meinem Desktoprechner eingerichtet hatte und es nach ein wenig probieren funktioniert hat, war für mich nur der Teil von 2.3 bis 5.6 relevant.

Hier die kopierte Anleitung:

Watchguard SSL VPN for Snom 370
Posted on November 5, 2011

As of version 7.3.23, the Snom 370 (and others) IP phone has built-in support for Openvpn, which is a very nice, secure and simple way to attach a remote IP phone to an IP PBX. By transporting all communication over a TCP tunnel, we don’t have to worry about NAT issues etc etc etc … In this example we will be using:

  • Snom 370 using special firmware with Openvpn support
  • Watchguard XTM505 Firewall
  • A lot of patience
Part 1: Provision the Snom with Openvpn firmware:
  1. For version 7 use:
    For version 8, use
  2. Go to the webinterface of the Snom 370 -> software update -> paste one of the above provisioning url’s -> Click Load
  3. Reboot the Snom 370, after the reboot the phone is now capable of using Openvpn
Part 2: Extract certificates and config files from the Watchguard XTM505
  1. There are multiple possibilities to retrieve the configuration file from the Watchguard XTM505, via a so called ‘support file’, via a Watchguard SSL vpn client installed on a Windows computer of better and faster by providing the following url:
  2. A file will start downloading, named clients.wgssl, rename this file to clients.tgz (it’s an archive, make a temporary directory ‘openvpn’ and extract this file there ( command: tar -zxvf clients.wgssl)
  3. Once extracted (command: tar -zxvf clients.wgssl) you will have the following files:
Part 3: Modify the Watchguard config files for compatibility with Snom
  1. Delete VERSION and MD5SUM
  2. Rename client.ovpn to vpn.cnf (*nix: mv client.opvn vpn.cnf)
  3. Create a new file called auth.cnf, open the file with a texteditor and add the two following line yoursslvpnusername <Enter> yoursslvpnpassword <Enter>
  4. Save this file a auth.cnf
  5. Open vpn.cnf, there are a couple of entries in the config file that are not compatible with the Openvpn client on the Snom phone, so delete the lines:
    tls-remote "/O=WatchGuard_Technologies/OU=Fireware/CN=Fireware_SSLVPN_Server"
    remote-cert-eku "TLS Web Server Authentication"
  6. Then in the same vpn.cnf file modify the following lines:
    ca ca.crt
    cert client.crt
    key client.pem
  7. To:
    ca /openvpn/ca.crt
    cert /openvpn/client.crt
    key /openvpn/client.pem
  8. And add:
    auth-user-pass /openvpn/auth.cnf
  9. Save the file.
Part 4: Build a tarball with the config files: vpnclient.tar
  1. Change ownership and permissions on all the files:
    sudo chown root *
    sudo chmod 700 /folder/with/files
  2. Now it’s time to make a tarball that we will later use to setup openvpn on the Snom 370:
    tar -cvpf vpnclient.tar *
  3. Setup a webserver or use an existing webserver in your network and upload the file vpncient.tar to the root of your webserver directory (/var/www /htdocs /inetpub …)
  4. All done so let’s start using this
Part 5: Configure the Snom 370 to use OpenVpn:
  1. Go to the Snom webinterface -> Advanced -> Qos/Security tab
  2. Set the radio button VPN or VPN tm to on
  3. In the field below paste the url to the vpnclient.tar file eg. http://yourwebserver/vpnclient.tar
  4. Click ‘save’ in the webinterface of the Snom and reboot the phone.
  5. The phone will reboot and fetch the vpnclient.tar from http://yourwebserver/vpnclient.tar, then it will flash the vpn files and reboot once more.
  6. Done, if all worked out ok, the phone is now connected to your Watchguard SSL vpn
Part 6: Troubleshooting:
  1. If you want to have an easy life, use version 8 of the Snom VPN capable firmware, in version 8 there is an extra field below VPN & Unzipped vpn config tarball, named netcat server where you can provide an ip address and port to a Netcat server. When there are issues with the tunnel, all debugging output will be sent to your Netcat server so that you can do further troubleshooting.
  2. Setup a netcat server on your mac, pc, server … with the following command:
    netcat -l -p 5000
  3. Fill the Netcat server field on the Snom phone your.ip.address. <space> 5000
  4. Done
Part 7: Credits

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