Neue Laborfirmware 29.04.28-5339 (23.11.2006)

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So would you call an American Internet company based in Cologne, private interest? Would you call the purchase of 10+ WLAN routers private interest?

I'm sorry, but we wanted to install Fritz boxes in the entire workplace, but in the end went to another supplier.

Why are people constantly posting requesting an English firmware for various boxes, private interest?

Have you actually read other peoples comments? Are you aware that people are FORCED to illegally modify their Fritz boxes to have the browser in English.

Have you never seen the Russian, Turkish, African, English, American, Dutch, Etc etc... in Germany. ????

If a French hardware manufacturer designed the Fritz box and only provided a manual in German but the entire interface in French, wouldn't you feel ever so slightly cheated?

Why do other company's provide software in other languages.. Why?? !! Because they listen to what the customers want.
There is nothing illegal about modifying a router which is your own.

AVM's market policy is a specialised product for the german market. It's their decision, not mine or yours. Most FritzBoxes aren't sold via shops. Most of the boxes are sold to providers like 1&1. And those customers don't buy one box at at time but thousands.

I do understand you are interested in english/multilingual versions of AVM firmware. But what does it have to do with the topic of this thread?
tupo schrieb:
Would you call the purchase of 10+ WLAN routers private interest?
jeep, thats for sure nothing else than peanuts :) sorry, but think about it yourself.
If you calculate the throughput of Fritzboxes AVM seels every day, I believe you have an average of perhaps 30 minutes to sell 10 boxes or even less
so, habe auch die neue Laborfirmware installiert. Zuvor war die letzte offizielle FW auf der Box.
Folgende Probleme:

1) Wlan mit aktiviertem WMM --> Mein PocketPC (FSC Loox720) kann sich nicht mehr connecten. Ist wmm deaktiviert --> funzt wieder.

2) Das durchaus größere Problem: Am USB-Port der 7170 hängt ein HP Laserjet1200. Seit AUspielen der neuen FW kann der Dricker nur noch EINEN Druckauftrag verarbeiten. Will ich einen weiteren an den Drucker schicken bekommt dieser den Auftrag nicht und er bleibt in der Druckerwarteschlange hängen.
Erst wenn ich die Box neustarte kann ich wieder (nur einen Auftrag) drucken.

Mit der alten FW lief das alles problemlos.
Hat jemand nen Lösungsansatz?
Downgrade der Firmware

Bei einem der ersten Treads wurde gefragt, ob das mit dem Downgrade

Also ich habe von der Labor 5339 wieder auf die 5184 zurückgedreht und
das klappte ohne irgendwelche Warnhinweise!!

Bei meinem Versatel Anschluss wurde mit der 5339 wieder öfters getrennt im
Gegensatz zur 5184. Der Sync ist zwar dann schnell wieder da aber mit
der 5184 wurde Tagelang die Verbindung bis auf die "Zwangstrennung"
stabil gehalten.
I might be off topic and a troll, but had to reply nonetheless...

tupo schrieb:
So would you call an American Internet company based in Cologne, private interest? Would you call the purchase of 10+ WLAN routers private interest?

I would not call it business interest or wholesales either. Talk about quantities 1000+, and you might be able to convince AVM to issue a proper fully documented english firmware. This would be a sales project though, nothing for the normal b2c market.

Face it, you're way too small ;)

tupo schrieb:
I'm sorry, but we wanted to install Fritz boxes in the entire workplace, but in the end went to another supplier.

Well, tough for AVM, isn't it?! :) Please understand that AVM manufactures those boxes for the DACH and ISDN/ADSL/AnnexB market, where German *is* the primary langugage. Saying this, no, I do not work for AVM but have a good understanding of how they (internally) think.

tupo schrieb:
Why are people constantly posting requesting an English firmware for various boxes, private interest?
Perhaps because these are mostly consumer's requests? Larger companies would address AVM directly, and would not have the need to post here...

tupo schrieb:
Have you actually read other peoples comments? Are you aware that people are FORCED to illegally modify their Fritz boxes to have the browser in English.

"Illegally" modify? You can do all you like with a product you have purchased, but for your own purposes. Knowing this, you will void your warranty if you do so. BUT (capital lettes) at least you are able to do so! And AVM unofficially encourages you to do so by "leaking" out the informations neccessary to to so. And yes I can understand why they do not want to support modified boxes (at their cost; think about the standard 5 yrs warranty they offer - and please show me another international company producing consumer goods doing this).

tupo schrieb:
Have you never seen the Russian, Turkish, African, English, American, Dutch, Etc etc... in Germany. ????

[offtopic, maybe starting to flame here...]Yes, I have. And I underwent the trouble of learning their language (ok, just English, Dutch, French)! You obviously did not do so - may I ask for how long you do already live in Germany? Why are there some people with English as their first langugage always whineing about that the whole world does not speak English? Face it, learn another language![/offtpic]

tupo schrieb:
If a French hardware manufacturer designed the Fritz box and only provided a manual in German but the entire interface in French, wouldn't you feel ever so slightly cheated?

:) No, because with the French I do not expect otherwise. I do work with Thomson on their projects; the internal language is supposed to be English, but actually is French. All the documentation is French first, then English. Go to France and buy a product from a french manufacturer (not intended for the internationa market), and then please restate your quote...

tupo schrieb:
Why do other company's provide software in other languages.. Why?? !! Because they listen to what the customers want.
(Typically american: complaining if the customer does not get what he wants. Well, thankfully things work a bit different here.) ;-)

Other companies provide docs/sw in other languages bc it is neccessary for being able to sell their products in those countries. But how many American companies do not provide docs/sw in other languages than English? Quite a lot; bc it's not neccessary - everyone in the world understands English. If they don't: speak louder ;-) or do not buy our products.

Sorry for Trolling here.
mit der labor sind endlich die Wlan-Probleme unter 16k downstream last zusammenbruch+Routerrestart weg.

+ Wlan speed ist besser geworden
So ich hab die Labor wieder runtergeschmissen.

1. Apache läuft nicht
2. Diverse Internetseiten oder Yahoo Messenger können nicht erreicht werden, da "D1und1/..." nicht erlaubt ist.
3. WLAN sporadisch ab und an aussteigt. (vermutlich wegen dem "Stromsparmodus)

Hat momentan noch keinen Zweck diese Firmware.
Da gibts noch viel zu tun :)

Aber naja Meckern soll man ja trotzdem nicht, dafür isses eben LABOR.

Checkitout schrieb:
2. Diverse Internetseiten oder Yahoo Messenger können nicht erreicht werden, da "D1und1/..." nicht erlaubt ist.
Also zumindest dafür gibt es in diesem Thread ziemlich am Ende Lösungsvorschläge.

Viele Grüße

syslog mit Labor FW

in diesem Thread hatte ich bereits etwas Hilfe erhalten.
Nun frag ich hier nochmal, ob es jemanden gibt, der syslog auf der fbf einsetzt. Ich habe bislang der Box das syslog entlocken können, aber die AVM Busysbox der LaborFW kennt syslog nicht mehr.
Daher lade ich olistudents busysbox nach, und führe in der debug.cfg
/var/tmp/busybox syslogd -R
Aber ausser der Start und Ende Meldung des syslogd Prozesses gibts keinerlei Ausgaben.
Gibts dazu Ideen?
Foschi - For a moderator of this board you show a total lack of common respect for the users of this board. Or is it just me?

"trolling", I think the word you are looking for is "flaming". How a moderator of a board can post such comments is beyond me.

Rather than trying to understand both my needs as an IT professional, and the needs of the business, you instead resort to insulting my integrity.

I hereby give you permission to close my account with immediate effect. I wont be back.

Merry Xmas.
Ich logge mit der Laborfirmware und dsmod. Aber nur lokal auf der Box in den Ringpuffer. Da kommt einiges an...

MfG Oliver
@tupo, @foschi

I havn't often read such strong (and somewhat intolerant) posts on this forum in any thread. I have to say, that I understand many points of both of you. But I do not understand the tone of one of you. The one would like an english firmware, on the other hand there is so much software available in english only, and people around the world (also Germans) have to get along, and foschi emphasises that.
I do not say I think its ok of AVM not to provide an english version, but I do think, as you live in Germany, you should be able to work with the german version (you seem to understand the forum as well), possibly in some parts better than me (beeing German), since you are an IT professional (and if there are ways to get an english mod, just do it, if you please).

Last but not least it does not seem unlikely to me, that AVM plans to offer an english version, since the 7170 seems to be the only one, where the firmware files on the ftp-server are in a special subfolder "deutsch". To me it looks like more folders (languages) are planned here, but not yet ready.
(And believe me: many users (Germans) of e.g. the 7050 hope for new firmware for quite some time, and are unlucky that the only new firmware for month is "labor" for the 7170. So AVM is expected to give several versions of firmware for different boxes in the next weeks (christmas present??)

What I do want to say: I would appreciate if you excused one another, because this was so absolutely unnecessary! Would be nice, if the forum could stay tecnical help, and need not ending in one participant to leave...

Regards, Oliver

@tupo: I do sincerely apologize for my comments! Neither did I want to insult you (though I obviously did), nor did I want to question your integrity (which I never did). I now see that it was wrong (especially as a moderator, normally I am more level-headed...) to react to a posting in such a fashion, and in such a tone.

Please accept my apology! I would like to read again from you in this forum, if you would care to stay on. I fully agree with OliverC: this is a technical forum, and we are all here to discuss technical things.

@OliverC: thanks for your hint/reminder!

This will not happen again.


(PS: Mann, was hat mich denn da heute vormittag geritten... Sorry Leute!)
kinder, kinder :-Ö - na ja, man kann ja miteinander reden ;-)

@topic: gestern Probleme bei Voip - stark rauschende Verbindung, jedoch keine Fehler protokolliert ?!?

Datum Dauer (hh:mm) Kodierung Pakete Verloren Verzögerung Jitter Sonstiges

02.12.2006 15:06 G.711 8720 - 0 ms 0 ms
Ich habe bei meiner FB7170 auch ein Update auf die neuste Labor-Firmware gemacht. Seitdem habe ich das Problem das Telefongespräche (kein VOIP) ständig abbrechen. Die Box startet in diesem Moment neu.

Hat noch jemand das Problem?
@ gforce

a) hast du die Box schon mal 2 min. stromlos gemacht
b) welcher Provider, eventuell 1&1, die haben z.Zt.Probleme kann man hier auch im Forum nachlesen.

mfg Holger
a) nein die Box habe ich noch nicht Stromlos gemacht. Was bewirkt das?
b) T-Online

die Frage ist, wie hast Du das Update gemacht, einfach über die vorhandene Firmware rübergebügelt dann kann es schon mal zu Fehlern kommen.

Eine Möglichkeit wäre dann ein Reset auf Werkseinstellung und hinterher die Daten von Hand neu eingeben.

mfg Holger
Wer als 1und1-3DSL-Kunde wieder in den T-Com-Backbone wechseln möchte, der siehe mal hier nach.

Einen schönen ersten Advent wünscht Markuschen
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