Labor firmware on FB7170 international annex-a


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18 Feb 2009
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I have a Fritzbox 7170 and i would like to install the labor firmware on it, as i would like to setup some sip clients.
I have done some investigating. Would it be possible to change the DSL drivers as mention in this post . Or would it be possible to extract the new sip features from the labor version into the international version.
I have a Fritzbox 7170 and i would like to install the labor firmware on it, as i would like to setup some sip clients.
I have done some investigating. Would it be possible to change the DSL drivers as mention in this post . Or would it be possible to extract the new sip features from the labor version into the international version.

I have tried the howto i mentioned but the map /lib/modules/dsp_ur8/ doesn't exist, probably because it is aimed at the FB 7270. Doesn't somebody know the correct location for the DSL driver of the FB7170?
The name in 7170 firmware is /lib/modules/microvoip-dsl.bin.

The name in 7170 firmware is /lib/modules/microvoip-dsl.bin.

Thanks for the help, but it seems that this method won't work with the FB7170 international. It denies loading up the forum via the webinterface.
I've no clue what you want to load up via the webinterface but it seems to me that you are wrong because we're in Freetz subform. ;-)

[Edit frank_m24: Mehrere Beiträge zusammengefasst. Man kann seine Beiträge auch editieren. Lies noch mal die Forumregeln.]
Halo Oli,

Ich hab das gemacht. Hab fb7170 International/English/AnnexA. Ich habe ein Image gemacht (58.04.67 EN und neueste Labor). Ich hab aber 2 probleme:

1. In Install datei (var/install) in neues image steht:
# passt der ANNEX ?

(ich habe AnnexA)

2. Die Sprache des neues Images steht Deutsch (HW Problem; ich brauche 127 um Image zu benutzen)

Kannst du mir helfen?

[Beitrag 2:]

Ich habe in menuconfig English annex A gewählt...

Freetz aber macht Image als Englisch aber Annex is B... :(
Wenn du Englisch Annex A wählst, dann kommt ein Annex B Image raus?

MfG Oliver
I see i was on the wrong track. If i change the type from FB7170 to FB7210, i do get an option in "make menuconfig" to change from Annex B to Annex A. But if my modemtype is FB7170, i don't not get such a option in the menu patches.
Hallo Oli,

ja, genau... ich wähle Annex A in make menuconfig und neue FW ist annex B :(
Kann ich nicht nachvollziehen. Bei mir kommt da ein Annex A Image raus.

MfG Oliver
Ich habe noch mal probiert. Und noch einmal Annex B in install file... :(

Ich habe in make menuconfig das gewählt:
1. fb 7170
2. en - international
3. Annex A

ich wieß nicht was ich schlecht mache :((
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