If possible convert WLAN 7050 german to International English (AnnexB)?


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24 Feb 2006
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Is possible to convert FBF WLAN 7050 German version to International English version (Annex B too)?

I read this http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=93808 but i have WLAN 7050 and english firmware not nound on avm ftp :-(

I need English firmware for WLAN 7050 at all, but on AVM FTP not found!!

Or is German version FBF 7050 fully functional on Annex B lines in Poland, Czech Republic, etc.?

Please reply this thread or thread www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=93073 with identical querys. Many thanks for any tips!!!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
none ideas? :-((

and also:

I have hardware FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050, Firmware (english) Version 14.03.91 inside, please help with telnet or ssh enabling

(starttelnet.image not work with this version :-(
Hello All!

Have anyone FBF WLAN7050? Thanx!
I have a german box.

Telnet should work. It might be possible to rebrand german/english.
But there are some internal "problems".

- HWRevision, firmware_version and language needs to be modified
- It's not possible with a simple upload file
- so a special modified image is required.
- Do not know how Annex A/Annex B will react.


PS: Busy during the next days... So not many replies from me..
Thx for reply. I have AnnexB Intl. revision, PN: 20002327.

Is this HW identical with German version (PN: 20002306)? German ver. have AnnexB too?

And inversible mod is possible? German 7050 PN:20002306 convert to Intl. AnnexB PN:pN: 20002327? Have anyone experience with this?

And please, please help me with telnet (on 20002327 or 20002306), i need cmd acces to fbf, many many thx.
I do not know the product numbers.

This thread contains the telnet file:

File: http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/attachment.php?attachmentid=3602&d=1106239999

The telnet password will be the same password as for your fritzbox web interface.

You can see from the Major version if a firmware matches.
Additionally the HWRevision ( gives Annex A/B ) and firmware_version ( avm/avme) and language defines if a firmware is loadable.

See here for some Major/HWRevision information: http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?p=541836#post541836

Be _very_ careful with modification. You can easy crash the settings and
you need to do a "hardcore" recover..

Thanx, i again try this, resume is:

The firmware update failed:

No error.

See picture

But telnet works, enjoy.

I have another question, i have experience With Asus WL500 and this have resistent bootcore, have FBF this technology too, or if I crash firmware flash, only JTAG or RS232 is solution?


  • wpit99vc.gif
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Yes, there is an error within this telnet upload. It reports "error: no error".
I am too lazy to fix :)

The firmware has a bootloader so called "adam2".
The Flash contains several section:
mtd0 + mtd1 => kernel, filesystem size of the parts differs on different boxes.
mtd2: adam2 boot manager => can be reached for recovery via IP and managed with partial working ftp commands. No full ftp-protocol !
mtd3+mtd4=> storage for configuration/environment settings.

mtd2 destroyed/touched: JTAG requird
mtd3/mtd4 destroyed/wrong configured: reaction varies, no boot, no web interface, ...

The configuration is partially mapped to /var/flash/*. ( access is critical ! )

Do only read: cat /proc/avalanche/env

Makes sense: save mtd3 + mtd4
=> cat /dev/mtdblock/3 > /var/tmp/mtd3.sav
+ save with tftp to a linux/pc/unix
Same for mtd4

Unfortunately I do not know an english written description...

haveaniceday schrieb:
Yes, there is an error within this telnet upload. It reports "error: no error".
I am too lazy to fix :)

The firmware has a bootloader so called "adam2".
The Flash contains several section:
mtd0 + mtd1 => kernel, filesystem size of the parts differs on different boxes.
mtd2: adam2 boot manager => can be reached for recovery via IP and managed with partial working ftp commands. No full ftp-protocol !
mtd3+mtd4=> storage for configuration/environment settings.

mtd2 destroyed/touched: JTAG requird
mtd3/mtd4 destroyed/wrong configured: reaction varies, no boot, no web interface, ...

The configuration is partially mapped to /var/flash/*. ( access is critical ! )

Do only read: cat /proc/avalanche/env

Makes sense: save mtd3 + mtd4
=> cat /dev/mtdblock/3 > /var/tmp/mtd3.sav
+ save with tftp to a linux/pc/unix
Same for mtd4

Unfortunately I do not know an english written description...


thx, backup of mtd3 and mtd4 english and restore in german version be enough?

Deutsch step-by-steb available? Babelfish translate for me :) Thx.

Again question - have fritz G729 or not? If you call Sipura and set in fritz compress codec always, sipura announce always G711 :-(
s cc
You have to tell us the HWrevision and the Annex.
I never had an international version to test or see.

mtd3+mtd4 backup can just be used with the firmware where it belongs to.

Trouble beside Annex A/B

mtd3+mtd4 settings: International "provider" avme, + "language" de
Web interface: /var/html => /usr/www/<avme>/<de>/... all web stuff

mtd3+mtd4 settings: "provider" avm, language do not care
Web interface: /var/html => /usr/www/avm/... all web stuff

The web interface and box does not start proper if /var/html does not point to a regular index.html + web stuff

Depending on the firmware it only contains one of:

Also: Annex A Hardware should never be used for Annex B PSTN. The frequency
Annex B Hardware should work with less quality if set up as Annex A, if the
DSL-firmware supports.

For "perfekt" ADSL2+ firmware it will not be possible to have a unique Annex A/B support.

I do not know which "avme" international software is for annex A and which for annex B.
I just can tell if I unpack the firmware.

haveaniceday schrieb:
Makes sense: save mtd3 + mtd4
=> cat /dev/mtdblock/3 > /var/tmp/mtd3.sav
+ save with tftp to a linux/pc/unix

Could you provide us with instructions about using tftp ?
In English or in German or any link to a relevant page?

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
mtd flash

mtd flash mtd flashmtd flashmtd flashmtd flashmtd flash

edit: (Firmware entfernt)
Es wurde schon so oft gesagt: Für AVM-Firmware nur zu AVM verlinken.
edit: (Firmware entfernt)
Es wurde schon so oft gesagt: Für AVM-Firmware nur zu AVM verlinken.

- Firmware removed
- Often said, AVM firmware just as link to original AVM sites.

More translated: :idea:
AVM complains about offering firmware outside their web site.
Would give also trouble by german laws cause of parts with AVM copyright.

And last question - in Germany - PSTN is Annex B or Annex A or Annex B only ISDN Lines? Have in germany PSTN Analog lines? Thx.
Yes, PSTN have analog lines. But everybody uses Annex B only, also in combination
with analog lines.

Might give less bandwidth or no connection in rare cases, but the provider do
not care for those connection. They just tell you: No DSL possible in these


PS: I use e.g. an analog line, cause it's cheaper and voip gives a second line..
OK, FBF Intl version (English version) have Annex B only, this is different only by software.

I will try german software in my English box (eng updates not avaliable).

I have question - how (step by step) i flash german firmware (mtdXY block) to my FBF?

If necessary, i connect serial console (if sw operation progress step-by-step available). JTAG interface do not have (under Windows not available software)


  • SerialniKonzola.jpg
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I would wait until a new version is out.
You have already *.03.91 on your box.

I never did a migration from avm => avme or avme => avm.
There are some descriptions around, but I expect they are in german
and also more for the other way. avm("e"nglish) => avm german.

Regular you do not need the jtag interface.
- mtd2: _neeever_ touch, it's the bootloader adam2 ( or you need jtag..)
Should be the same for all boxes without specific language settings.

- mtd0 => filesystem
- mtd1 => kernel ( + see below )
- mtd3+mtd4 : flash archive for the settings.
- "mtd6" should be a hidden filesystem, mapped from inside mtd1 (behind kernel)

I compared the german 03.88 => 04.01 web interface. It might be a too ugly job
to combine/convert 03.91 englisch / 04.01 german for a proper english version.

But just ask AVM about an international update for your box.
They might do this as support.


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