[Problem] Fritz 7390 VOIP VLAN


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28 Sep 2009
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I have a voip problem with vlan tagging. My ISP is Fibre from Portugal (Meo Fibre) and i can connect my 7390 (lan1) directly to ONT with vlan 10 for internet. All is ok, but voip use vlan 12 and always have a registration faile, site not responding...i think the main problem is with vlan tagging of voip. Someone one can help me?

have you set up a second PVC? Normally the Provider will set up the Box during the Provisioning. Ask the ISP what to do or have a look after the startup-pin. ;)
What is this?
Hi, how i setup a second PVC?
I´m going to explain the the problem:
1 - My ISP is Meo Fibre Portugal and at home have a ONT connect to a Thomson. I know there are 2 vlans: vlan 10 for internet and vlan 12 for voip.
2- My first setup was: ONT ----->Thomson ( this router with internet off and voip on) and fritz (lan1)----->> thomson (lan1) and thomson (phone)----> fritz (fixe line) In this case fritz don´t need vlan for internet but the fixe line of the telefone have problems with caller id.
3ª My prefer setup: ONT------------------->>Fritz (lan1) In this case i must put vlan 10 for internet and vlan 12 for voip. Internet works fine but the voip number of my isp don´t work (remote site not responding).
Yesterday i do a test with another voip number ( this number don´t request vlan because to work just need to have internet, it isn´t associate to my
isp) and works correctly, my question is, if i configure on fritz voip with
vlan12 why this number works?
4º Details of voip numbers:
user: +3512******** (number associate to my ISP) don´t work
pass: *********
regist: sip.sapo.pt:5060
Proxy server: proxy.ims.iptv.telecom.pt:5070 Use Internet telephone number for registration

user: +3513******** (works fine)
pass: ******
regist: voip.sapo.pt:5060
Proxy server: proxy.voip.sapo.pt:5070 Use Internet telephone number for registration
5ª I think the problem is with vlan12, the proxy of my isp (IMS) or any problema with settings
Can you help me?
Correct me, if i misunderstand you, but you don't need to set a VLAN-Tagg at the Fritz, because it's configured as a Client via LAN1 with the Thomson-Box. Therefor you only need to set up the Phone-Accounts right at the FritzBox and keep the Line alive.
No, i have fritz connect directly to ONT ( without thomsom) in lan 1 and i must put vlan 10 to internet and vlan 12 to voip
Well, with voip number voip.sapo.pt it works because is a number that i can work in somewhere with net but with sip.sapo.pt only works on my isp because it uses vlan 12
For IP telephony using your second internet connection, you are most probably connected to a provider internal network. What does the log say about it? Do you get a public or private IP address for the second connection?
The problem is i do not know if vlan 12 of voip is working or not, the cerne of question is, why voip.sapo.pt is working because i use vlan 12? I think like you, is using internal internet(vlan 10)
For IP telephony using your second internet connection, you are most probably connected to a provider internal network. What does the log say about it? Do you get a public or private IP address for the second connection?
How i see the log of second coonection?
There should be an entry in the log like "Internet connection (Telephony) was created successfully. IP-Address: x.x.x.x
I saw only one internet connection, nothing o telephony connection
How i see if vlan 12 (voip) is working?
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