[Problem] Fritz 7390 International + 2nd PVC for IPTV


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28 Sep 2009
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Hi, it is possible to create a 2nd PVC for IPTV? i have 1 vlan 10 for internet, vlan 12 for VOIP and want to configure a vlan12 for IPTV, to connect a STB. It is possible? i must create a 2nd PVC? can i configure stb only on lan 4?

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Reaktionen: JasonH
Würde mich auch interessieren. Nach allem was ich so erfahren habe, wohl nicht ... ;)

Ich denke mal der Herr hat das selbe Problem wie ich mit meiner 7390. IPTV benutzt hier (Kroatien) LAN Ports 3 + 4 im bridge modus also bleibt wohl nichts anderes übrig als einen Router vorzuschalten bei dem dies möglich ist bis jemand eine Möglichkeit findet.

If you found a solution, ecobird, let me know about it.
For me the solution is to use a router for iptv like you...i write to avm but they said that is impossible to use a second PVC....if you enconter a solution, tell me please
Here too, a similar issue with 7360 (DE) directly connected to KPN's (NL) VDSL2 stream. The OS is 05.50 which offers a second VLAN for VoIP in the web interface which could be used for IPTV *if* I could find the CLI command to bridge that targets entry to an Ethernet (ethn) port.

I have programmed in many arcane computer languages but I cannot (as of now) untangle the AR7 configuration for networking - where is the bridge for VoIP (and internet)? Possibly a kernel implementation using the AR7 targets configuration data?

To answer the OP question, it is possible to add IPTV to the AR7 vccs/dslifaces/targets sections to create an additional PVC with FBeditor.
Are you saying that is possible changing the AR7 and create another PVC?
Indeed, it is possible:
[FONT=Courier New][SIZE=3]vccs {
                          connections = "internet", "voip"[B], "iptv"[/B];
dslifaces {
        } [B]{
                enabled = yes;
                name = "iptv";
                dsl_encap = dslencap_inherit;
                dslinterfacename = "dsl";
                pppoevlanauto = no;
                pppoevlanauto_startwithvlan = no;
                vlancfg {
                        vlanencap = vlanencap_fixed_prio;
                        vlanid = 4;
                        vlanprio = 0;
                ppptarget = "iptv";
[/B]                ...
targets {
        } [B]{
                type = pppcfg_target_internet;
                name = "iptv";

It should be obvious that the necessary definitions for a properly functioning IPTV PVC have been omitted because they are provider specific (and I have no idea what they could be - assistance from others is welcome). Further, the routing of the packets to the correct ethn interface is the open question I have to this thread appended for AR7 configuration experts.

The usual disclaimers apply regarding the possible creation of a new FB brick.
I want to connect stb to port 4, vlan 12,how i configure? these are the configurations of my ISP:

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Yes, I have through FBEditor altered the ar7cfg - with the additional configuration of
[SIZE=4]mcupstream = "internet", "voip"[B], "iptv"[/B];[/SIZE]

During intialisation, the definition for the iptv target is determined to be invalid. Perhaps the target types are hardcoded in the parser. Further, it is not possible to separate a ethn port from the internal bridge - the ar7cfg analyser invalidates / removes ethn values (FBEditor invokes the analyser for rewriting the configuration).

N.B. splitting the bridge is possible - eth3 can be defined in 05.50 as a guest LAN (port 4).

Send an enhancement request to AVM Support for the feature to add a VLAN value on the guest LAN 4 port. This might be that the solution we require to support IPTV.
Hi, i have a answer from avm: it is not possible....
Hi, someone have news about this configs?

I'm interested in this solution as well. I have a 2. PVC with PPPoE for VoIP and want to use this PPPoE session for LAN4 (guest LAN).
My 2. PVC is not restricted (habe access to the internet as well - not only VoIP network internal).
Any ideas? Thx.

If I understand well what are you asking I think there is solution, at least it works for me. I am from Serbia and here we have provider Telekom who distributes routers with LAN2 and LAN3 dedicated to their IPTV. I wanted to make it work on my 7390 with 05.51 international sw. First I reset router to factory defaults and after I chose country Netherland and provider XS4ALL IPTV. After that using FBEDIT I edited VPI and VCI values to match values from my original router for internet conection (8/35) and for IPTV (8/37) and encap type.
I also changed;
active_provider = "other"
active_name = "Telekom ADLS IPTV"
After router reboot I filled in other paramters like user name and password for Internet conection and that was it. IPTV works on LAN4 and on LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3 there is internet connection.
As I mentioned before the key to success is to use configuration from XS4ALL IPTV which has separate bridge for IPTV. If somebody wants can study and change other parameters if needed.

Hope this will help.

I played around a lot with an export and import of the 7390 config but was not able to get it working until now.
I have a second PVC running and want to "connect" it to the guest LAN4. I dont know how to connect the vccs, dslifaces to the brinterface guest.
Is there any good explanation? I will be fine if i can route some IPs over the voip vccs. Any ideas?

Someone have the ar7.CFG for xs4all vdsl2???

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