[Problem] Fritx 7390 (International) issues with Freetz (dev trunk)

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3 Mai 2007
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I replaced my old 7140 (Annex A) with a new FritzBox 7390 (International), and already started modifying the firmware with Freetz (latest dev trunk), and I have few questions and problems.

I tried checking german threads (with translations), but can't find answers for my questions :(

  1. Can I put the External package into the internal NAS storage area of the 7390? I tried but when the fritz boot the rc.external isn't executed. I can execute it by hand (from dropbear) and it seem to work after that, but it doesn't start automatically. or do you still recommend using the external usb drive?
  2. The generated image files are missing the checksum for flashing:
    check Firmware Version: xx.04.88
    DEBUG: 4 >= 4
    DEBUG: 88 >= 88
    Accept Firmware Version: xx.04.88
    install: 2.6.19 check files...
    File doesn't contain the checksum, adding
    Calculated checksum is 3393277C
    Adding failed
    chksum for file /var/tmp/kernel.image ok
    install: 2.6.19 getting mtd to install...

    With my old 7140, the checksum was always present, and the building environment is the same since few months now (a VirtualBoxed Ubuntu 10.10 - x64 bit).
  3. cpmaccfg-cgi doesn't show the lan ports, but if i understood correctly (translated), it has something to do with configurations, so no fix soon?
    # cpmaccfg info
    Internal ports: 0
    External ports: 0

If somebody can answer #2, i will be very glad, i don't want to brick my new fritzbox if the image file gets corrupted while copying from the linux.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
1. The internal storage probably doesn't generate an USB-Mount event.
2. The checksum problem probably has to do with big endian / little endian. Normally the image won't get corrupted unless you use FTP, and there are other dangers that aren't recognized by the checksum test. You can always recover the box.
3. The kernel probably doesn't support the necessary ioctls for cpmaccfg.
1. The internal storage probably doesn't generate an USB-Mount event.

Yes, that's the problem, it's a NAND (/var/dev/nand) yaffs2 internal storage, always connected, and as you said, it does not trigger the rc.external caller. any solutions? it will be great to have the external in the internal storage :)
Just call rc.external from rc.custom.

I tried this yesterday, and today i also tried with the onlinechanged-cgi, and in both cases upon boot the startup of the external blocks:
Starting external (/var/media/ftp/FRITZ/external):
Waiting for mod-startup: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
untill i kill it then start it manually, will be checking solutions later
  trap : HUP
  while [ ! -f "$EXTERNAL_PATH"/.external ]; do sleep 3; done
  exec /etc/init.d/rc.external start
) &

Dies Stück Code in der rc.custom leistet bei mir gute Dienste. Man koennte jedoch evtl. noch dafür sorgen, dass die Schleife nicht ewig läuft.
Und wenn die Schleife nicht ewig läuft, was ist der Vorteil?

Heißt das, dass der interne Speicher auch nicht sofort beim Start der Box zur Verfügung steht?
Wo/Wie wird denn das nand gemountet? Können wir da einen autorun/autoend hook unterbringen?

In der rc.S wird es eingehängt, wenn da schon alle AVM- bzw. Freetz-Prerequisiten soweit initialisiert sind, könnte man dort was "autorunnen" lassen.
  trap : HUP
  while [ ! -f "$EXTERNAL_PATH"/.external ]; do sleep 3; done
  exec /etc/init.d/rc.external start
) &

Dies Stück Code in der rc.custom leistet bei mir gute Dienste. Man koennte jedoch evtl. noch dafür sorgen, dass die Schleife nicht ewig läuft.

Thanks, this works great, i've already made 3-4 different builds of freetz, with many reboots, and it works always....
I guess the NAND memory in the Fritz 7390 is not very useful:

After 15 days of uptime with the external, some docs, and some music file, and never having an issue with it, yesterday night after a power failure, the fritz started with the NAND empty (dmesg have 4-5 messages about BAD BLOCK errors in the nand).

I am back to using a usb drive....
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Did you write that to AVM? Perhaps they can do something to recover the data in this case before deleting it.

Did you write that to AVM? Perhaps they can do something to recover the data in this case before deleting it.

No, because by putting Freetz I voided the warranty, and it might be that (cannot be sure for the real reason), and second there was nothing really important, I used it as temporary storage to exchange files between home and work.
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