Freetz-NG für 7272


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18 Jan 2013
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Hello. First of all, I am a beginner in Freetz-NG. My first undertaking with Freetz-NG was with a 7490 version 7.59 for which I have successfully built and applied the patch - it works flawlessly. However, all of my numerous attempts to install Freetz-NG to a 7272 failed (i.e. the fritzbox never boots up successfully), no matter what settings I apply in menuconfig. To provide some details, it is a "1-1" german version of 7272 which has been debranded and converted to international firmware and used for many years. I have tried both with the latest international FritzOS version 6.88 and the german 6.89 after reconverting it to german (in menuconfig I used the associated option in each case), but to no avail.

What apparently happens is that it reboots shortly after coming up , turning on all the LEDs (i.e. I get a response for three pings before recycling). My initial understanding was that the Fritz-NG releases somehow do not support the latest FritzOS version 06.88/06.89, as, e.g., FritzOS has moved to version 7 and the focus is there.

Still, I have also come up with the following thread which looks relevant, but I am not sure if a solution is suggested there (i.e. reverting to an old version of gcc? ):

Does anybody help building a Freetz NG firmware for fritzbox 7272?
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