English firmware for german boxes


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14 Okt 2004
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Hi to everybody,

I made some small scripts to convert the official english firmware version en.*.04.01.image
for the german Fon, Fon WLAN and Fon ATA

This works without the modification of the box from "avm" to "avme".
The modification avm => avme might generate trouble.
The images generate by the script can be overwritten by the regular german image.

How to do:
  1. "rebrand" the internal settings from 1und1 (UI), AOL,freenet, etc to AVM.
    => Use this file http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/attachment.php?attachmentid=6391&d=1139740176
    from thread http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=68979
  2. download one the official firmware of the international Fritz!Boxes
    - 06 for fon, 08 for Fon WLAN, 11 for Fon Ata
    AVM schrieb:
  3. Download the attached script. ( should work with linux or cygwin )
  4. tar xvf fritz_avme_avm.tar
    cd fritz_avme_avm

    This should give an output like:
    fritz_avme_avm.sh schrieb:
    Use image fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.04.01.image as source
    File doesn't contain the checksum, adding
    Calculated checksum is FA27C171
    Added successfully
    -rw-r----- 1 nobody users 2428936 2006-03-15 23:25 fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.04.01.image.4/var/tmp/filesystem.image
    Use image fritz.box_fon.en.06.04.01.image as source
    File doesn't contain the checksum, adding
    Calculated checksum is 5BE70E8C
    Added successfully
    -rw-r----- 1 nobody users 2678792 2006-03-15 23:25 fritz.box_fon.en.06.04.01.image.4/var/tmp/filesystem.image
    Use image fritz.box_fon_wlan.en.08.04.01.image as source
    File doesn't contain the checksum, adding
    Calculated checksum is D2BE1246
    Added successfully
    -rw-r----- 1 nobody users 3018760 2006-03-15 23:25 fritz.box_fon_wlan.en.08.04.01.image.4/var/tmp/filesystem.image
    The checksum can vary. ( different timestamps, etc )
  5. Upload the right *.image file for your box.
  6. Hope you get enjoy an english interface...

Warning: AVM does not give support. Everything is on your own Risk.
I tested it on my Fon WLAN. Works fine.

Internals: The script set "internally" the avme settings. So german provider menues
might disappear.
- 7050: not official firmware available... ( yet ?)

Best regards,

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Vielen Dank!

Koenntest du das auch mal fuer die .DE Versionen pruefen. ;-)

Dann kann man die internationalen Features auch mit deutscher Sprache nutzen. :)

Habe eine FBF_ATA und eine FBF_WLAN mit der .DE (A/CH) Version klaglos am laufen.

haveaniceday schrieb:
#enable country settings
sed -i -e "s/LKZ 0/LKZ 1/g" usr/www/all/html/de/fon/sip1.js

# enum schaltbar
#sed -i -e "s/avme/avm/g" usr/www/all/html/de/fon/sipoptionen.js
Warum aktivierst du die Country Settings? Diese sind doch in der internationalen Version schon per default vorhanden?
Enum ist dort bereits per default aktiverbar.

Small update.. typo inside the script.
Please use the updated file.


Country settings are enabled by the international version.
The script does it "double".
I had some trouble with avm/avme mixed settings first.
The web code is really ugly...



  • fritz_avme_avm.0.1.2.tar
    390 KB · Aufrufe: 535
I have debranded my FBF WLAN and it is updated to version 08.04.01.
I tried put the above file into the update firmware and I got the following in red.

"Es trat ein nicht näher spezifizierter fehler während des Updates auf"

My german is not good but I would say that if you get this it means....

"There appeared to be an unspecified error which occurred during the update"

What did I do wrong?
Exact steps I did.

First I uploaded the unbranding software. This went ok no more (UI).

I then uploaded the fritz_avme_avm_0.1.2.tar file and got the error after clicking on update.

How do i get this information that you need the fritz_avme_avm.sh


fritz_avme_avm_0.1.2.tar is a convertion script for firmware.

See step 4-6 above.

I am sorry H.A.N.D. but I am dumb what do I do at step 4. I am a total beginner with linux etc.
May be somebody else can help ? I am busy at work. Can just give short answers.

You might try cygwin under windows.

What did i do wrong?

I am using cygwin after doing a very fast "google learning curve". :)

I downloaded fritz.box_fon_wlan.en.08.04.01.image
I downloaded your script fritz_avme_avm[1].0.1.2.tar
tar xvf /fritz_avme_avm[1].0.1.2.tar
I put the image in home/user (one directory up from the fritz_avme_avm directory)
cd fritz_avme_avm

Here is the result

user@David ~/fritz_avme_avm
$ ./fritz_avme_avm.sh
no image fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.04.01.image at /home/user
no image fritz.box_fon.en.06.04.01.image at /home/user
Use image fritz.box_fon_wlan.en.08.04.01.image as source
./20_unpackfs: tools/dumpsquashfs: /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file
or directory
./30_convertfs: line 12: cd: etc: No such file or directory
sed: can't read init.d/rc.init: No such file or directory
./30_convertfs: line 14: cd: default.Fritz_Box_*: No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `avme': No such file or directory
./30_convertfs: line 34: cd: usr/www: No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `avme/de': No such file or directory
./30_convertfs: line 42: cd: all/html: No such file or directory
ln: creating symbolic link `en' to `de': File exists
sed: cannot rename ./fritz_avme_avm//sedYm8oaB: Permission denied
sed: cannot rename ./fritz_avme_avm//sedBFsSiU: Permission denied
rmdir: avme/cgi-bin: No such file or directory
sed: can't read usr/www/all/html/de/fon/sip1.js: No such file or directory
Image /home/user/fritz_avme_avm/fritz.box_fon_wlan.en.08.04.01.image.4//var/tmp/
filesystem.image is too large (0), expect a size of 0 < 3145728.
Perl not installed:

/usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file
Thanks haveaniceday it works perfectly which I am sure is no surprise to you or the users of the forum.

Should I now change my signature to "haveaniceday Fon Wlan....." as you have designed it? :)

I think you should shorten your name to THE HAND.

Thanks again.
darbid schrieb:
Should I now change my signature to "haveaniceday Fon Wlan....."

No thanks, most of the fame belongs to AVM as vendor.

You are welcome.


Does this script change the Webinterface from German into English ...?
Yes for the described boxes.
haveaniceday schrieb:
Yes for the described boxes.

haveaniceday, we will be unable to put english firmware on the 7050, 7140 or 7170 until AVM releases an International version of the firmware?
I will not put any effort in it. Too much work which might be obsolete
5 minutes later if AVM offers an english version.

Way I could imagine:
- take e.g german 8.4.1 and englisch 8.4.1 => do "diff -Nur" to work with patch.
( do not forget to correct "avme/de/en" to get a proper /usr/www patch)
- take german 7050, x.4.1 => apply patch
- double check + ...

Might give a partial englisch version. But to do this as a proper clean solution :noidea:
Too much effort...

Annex A?

Will it be possible both to do an German->English mod and an Annex B to Annex A mod on the same box?

inshadow schrieb:
Will it be possible both to do an German->English mod and an Annex B to Annex A mod on the same box?/Stig

Which box?

See here


Besically if you have a FritzBox fon Wlan then you follow the steps above. Then you get the fritzbox_als_avme_annexA_new.tar from here http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=97250 , put this file into the box the same way in which you would do a firmware update.

There appears to be mixed results with the change from Annex B to A. Also once you have done this there MAY be problems with future updates.

Certainly where people have a German box and change it to Annex A they first have had to change it back to annex B before they can update, then they have changed it back to Annex A. From what I have read the update (GERMAN) checks to see that the box is Annex B and when it is not rejects the update.

I am unsure if anyone knows that will happen for English updates. For example I have a Fritzbox fon Wlan and it is Annex B/English. I will have to wait for the next English update to check. :)

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