Dsl = Wan ?


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2 Feb 2006
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Hello guys!

Sorry for this new thread, but I dont understand the german language, so I could not read this threads about my question:

Is it possible to connect an UTP cable (from a wireless router) to the FBF WLAN "DSL" port?

Or it can be only connected with DSL line from an ISP?

Thanks: Zsolt
Hi Zsolt,

the DSL port of the FBF WLAN is hardwired to the integrated DSL Modem. That means, you can't connect anything else than a DSL splitter to that port.
If I understand you correctly, you want to integrate an FBF WLAN into an existing IP network, right? I'm afraid that's not possible with the FBF WLAN: as it has only one ethernet interface, it does not support ATA mode.
The FBF WLAN can be configured to ATA Mode with the latest Firmware. You have to connect your WAN Cable to the LAN port.

You could also use it as a router behind DSL/Cable.Modem but clients can only access through WLAN and USB.

rollo schrieb:
The FBF WLAN can be configured to ATA Mode with the latest Firmware. You have to connect your WAN Cable to the LAN port.

You could also use it as a router behind DSL/Cable.Modem but clients can only access through WLAN and USB.



And is it possible to use the WLAN (with several computers) and the USB with a connected PC at the same time? In this case it is working like a router isn't it?

TO your first sentence: can it be working like router if I connect the cable (from a AP) to the LAN port?
rollo schrieb:
The FBF WLAN can be configured to ATA Mode with the latest Firmware. You have to connect your WAN Cable to the LAN port.

You could also use it as a router behind DSL/Cable.Modem but clients can only access through WLAN and USB.

OK, new for me. One never stops learning :)
blackbile schrieb:

And is it possible to use the WLAN (with several computers) and the USB with a connected PC at the same time? In this case it is working like a router isn't it?

TO your first sentence: can it be working like router if I connect the cable (from a AP) to the LAN port?
Yes, everything is possible depending on the settings ;)

Could somebody tell me those setting for the Box where it is connected to an existing network via the LAN.

By the way for the Box does LAN = WAN. I am not that much of an expert.
First, LAN is an Ethernet port... WAN normally implies some external broadband or narrowband connection, which essentially also amounts to being an Ethernet port or ISDN or DSL or ...

It's more important what you do with the port, and how you set up routing or to what network you attach that port. Depending on that, a port may technically be a WAN port (because it directly or indirectly connects to the Internet via WAN - from the perspective of the device), but effektively be a LAN port (connecting as an ATA to the local network). *sigh*

Check the Wikipedia for more detail on such terminology ;-)

Thanks for your reply. I maybe should have explained better.

I have written this in German but I am not understading fully.

Internet is only by WLAN. So i have a Siemens 108 repeater in Ethernet Adapter mode. From this Siemens 108 I know that I must use WAN. Can I connect direct to the Firtzbox LAN port or do I need to put a router in between?

If it works what are the choices on the Internet setting of the Fritzbox do I use.

I might be getting this in german but maybe somebody would indulge those people that do not understand english perfectly. ;-)
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