Direct SIP phone from outside in W 900v


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9 Jun 2009
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Hello friends I write in English because I do not understand German.
I had a Linksys router WTRP54G, configured to receive calls directly without passing through a SIP provider. As noted here (
I recently bought a T-com w 900v, which adds more functionality through Speedport2Fritz, and pass to English.
The w 900v that function very well. What I need is set to receive IP calls directly, as it did with WRTP54G.
I searched the forum, and trying several alternatives to no avail. I speak Spanish and I was difficult to search in German
I await your advice.
Nobody answered. It can be:
* It can not do.
* I don't explain it properly, and not understood.
* I have to put the question in another part of the forum.
My Speedport w920v has a german firmware, anyway i post my steps for Voip:

go to "Einstellungen"
on the left "internettelefonie"
"neue Internetrufnummer"

and enter your sipprovider settings
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