|== Syslogd TNP== Mon Jun 9 11:35:22 2014
1212: ERR 11:35:22.771482 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipCcAdapter: - addSrstToCAgentList: isSrstSecure=false
1213: NOT 11:35:22.772930 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
1214: NOT 11:35:22.774637 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.d: - initializeLinePlane(): Mgmt Interface is in Service now..
1215: WRN 11:35:22.776038 JVM: Startup Module Loader|DisplayTask:? - Line 1 property added with dn 622
1216: ERR 11:35:22.777435 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.props.u:? - device.settings.energywise.keywords IO error.
1217: ERR 11:35:22.778847 JVM: Startup Module Loader|JniJSesssionApi:isThisFailureFromNewCause - old unregReason =105 newUnregReason=25
1218: WRN 11:35:22.781692 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipEnhancedAlarmInfo:setLastDeregistrationReason - new reason=LastTimeInitialized current=
1219: NOT 11:35:22.834804 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - --->ConfigManager PropertyChanged: device.callagent.callcount
1220: NOT 11:35:22.836304 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - <---ConfigManager PropertyChanged: device.callagent.callcount
1221: NOT 11:35:22.837760 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
1222: NOT 11:35:23.428230 JVM: SIPCC-UI_API: 1/0, ui_set_sip_registration_state: 1
1223: NOT 11:35:23.628571 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_DM_EVT: 1/0, dm_shr_sm: Dispatch event handler: ffffffff: DM_SUB_S_INACTIVE <- DM_SUB_E_SUBSCRIBE_LINE
1224: NOT 11:35:23.629769 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_DM_STATE: 1/0, dm_shr_change_state: Update subscription state: ffffffff: DM_SUB_S_INACTIVE -> DM_SUB_S_DISABLED
1225: NOT 11:35:24.030533 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_MSG_SEND: ccsip_dump_send_msg_info: <>:REFER s: <sip:> :1000 REFER::[email protected]
1226: NOT 11:35:24.033494 JVM: sip_platform_udp_channel_destroy:closed UDP socket successfully
1227: NOT 11:35:24.055569 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_MSG_RECV: ccsip_dump_recv_msg_info: < >:420 Bad: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=002333196c600005cc35e754-ea3dcfd0 :1000 REFER::[email protected]
1228: ERR 11:35:24.096111 JVM: tftpClient dialplan.xml /usr/cache/DP-1138948339 550001 1
1229: WRN 11:35:24.101764 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipEnhancedAlarmInfo:getLastUnregistrationTimeReason - TimeStamp=14023064756021402306495076,1402306499465,14023065126671402306522154; Reasons =25
1230: WRN 11:35:24.115470 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipEnhancedAlarmInfo:propertyChanged - name=device.settings.fullyregistered value=true
1231: NOT 11:35:24.118611 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
1232: ERR 11:35:24.121193 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipCcAdapter: - Last available line is 6
1233: NOT 11:35:24.184772 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.fullyregistered value=true
1234: NOT 11:35:24.187010 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - FULLY_REGISTERED - Resetting retry installer interval
1235: NOT 11:35:24.189385 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.pushregistry.e:? - setAcceptConnections - ENABLED
1236: NOT 11:35:24.192924 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
1237: NOT 11:35:24.196315 xxtpClient: xxtp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = dialplan.xml, dstFile = /usr/cache/DP-1138948339 max size = 550001
1238: NOT 11:35:24.212854 xxtpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = ::ffff:
1239: NOT 11:35:24.213829 xxtpClient: look up server - 0
1240: WRN 11:35:24.216927 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE
1241: NOT 11:35:24.221231 xxtpClient: secVal = 0xa
1242: NOT 11:35:24.222290 xxtpClient: ::ffff: is a NONsecure server
1243: NOT 11:35:24.223153 xxtpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking
1244: NOT 11:35:24.223979 xxtpClient: retval = 10
1245: NOT 11:35:24.224834 xxtpClient: Secure file requested
1246: NOT 11:35:24.225637 xxtpClient: Non secure file approved -- dialplan.xml
1247: NOT 11:35:24.268671 HTTPCL: downdload will be limited to 537 KB
1248: ERR 11:35:24.277349 HTTPCL: connect() failed
1249: NOT 11:35:24.288839 SYSMSG: pid 19 (/sbin/httpcl) Normal Exit, status = 102
1250: INF 11:35:24.288907 runtime = 0.050 secs
1251: INF 11:35:24.288950 user cpu = 0.001995591 secs
1252: INF 11:35:24.288989 system cpu = 0.035843201 secs
1253: INF 11:35:24.289021 child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs
1254: INF 11:35:24.289051 child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs
1255: INF 11:35:24.289090 sys interrupts = 0.000964821 secs for 10 interrupts
1256: INF 11:35:24.289132 total cpu = 0.037838792 secs ( 60% utilization )
1257: WRN 11:35:24.292868 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.mmgr.dt:? - [MediaMgrSM]: Unhandled Event, State = StateOnHook Event = EventServicesTxStop
1258: WRN 11:35:24.294509 xxtpClient: HTTP failed with code 102
1259: NOT 11:35:24.370789 TFTP: [26]:Requesting dialplan.xml from with size limit of 550001
1260: WRN 11:35:24.376358 TFTP: [26]:recvfrom error : Connection refused .
1261: NOT 11:35:24.387612 SYSMSG: pid 26 (/sbin/tftpd) Normal Exit, status = 25
1262: INF 11:35:24.387680 runtime = 0.080 secs
1263: INF 11:35:24.387724 user cpu = 0.002479854 secs
1264: INF 11:35:24.387763 system cpu = 0.036095687 secs
1265: INF 11:35:24.387794 child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs
1266: INF 11:35:24.387827 child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs
1267: INF 11:35:24.387867 sys interrupts = 0.006136364 secs for 41 interrupts
1268: INF 11:35:24.387908 total cpu = 0.038575541 secs ( 37% utilization )
1269: ERR 11:35:28.515960 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.aa: - dpTftpRspHandler: TFTP err, failed to download dialplan: will revert to DP from flash
1270: DBG 11:35:47.622027 cffs_gc(): runing gc 3
1271: DBG 11:35:48.070418 cffs_gc(): runing gc 2
1272: DBG 11:35:48.492592 cffs_gc(): runing gc 1
1273: ERR 11:36:30.030140 JVM: Calling enable listening for incoming http connections