Can a fritz!box do voip calls without sip registration?


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11 Nov 2007
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Hi, is there a way to pass the sip credentials (name/password) to a voip provider during the call initiation or to not send any credentials at all, and make a voip call without a registration to the voip provider?

Sorry for using English.
If you know the recipients IP address and the username to which his SW / Voip Phone reacts you can call him directly.

As most private users have changing IP addresses you may need to register with dyndns if you want to "really use" this.

I don't recall how this is called, but try googling a bit and you should find the respective descriptions.....

("SIP" "direct connection client to client" or the like...)

Edit: I found it in the manual to the twinkle phone SW.. I played a bit with it and it seemed to work well: in the FAQ : How do I make a direct IP to IP call between 2 PC's ?

Here is the exact link (the "anchor" on the page was a bit hidden...) :
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
You may make calls from an account in the Fritz!Box Fon without having performed SIP REGISTER prior to the call. This option is not officially supported, but you may manually edit the voip.cfg file on the box (check the forum for instructions how to do that) to change an existing account's properties: do_not_register = yes.

The other option was mentioned in the previous posting: making outgoing calls to a SIP-URI. This is also possible without prior registration.

What you are looking for is something in between... you want to make authenticated calls, but only at the time of actually making a call, the SIP REGISTER should happen. I am not sure whether this is supported. Check out the first option with do_not_register and see if the account credentials will be passed anyway prior to calls if the provider's SIP server requires that. To be honest, I've never tried that variant myself.

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