[Problem] Bootloader request.


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27 Feb 2005
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Request to the forum...
Can someone please dump the mtd2.bin (bootloader) from a 7270-V2 (NOT V1 or V3)?

I guess it has to be a bin dump directly from a live box, as the "bootloader.image" i extracted from a V2 recovery.exe can not be directly flashed.

Dumping the bootloader is fairly easy:

Download a Tftp server, a free one here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tftputil/
Setup is a matter of seconds. After setup, open "TFTPUtil GUI.exe" and choose a path for received files (in options, first choice) in a folder where windows will not block.
Leave it waiting...


Enable telnet on fritzbox. Pickup your phone and dial:



Open a command prompt window on your PC and input:

(i guess fritzbox IP is default)

Type your web-ui password when asked.


On telnet prompt, input:

cd /var
cat /dev/mtdblock2 > /var/mtd2.bin
tftp -p -l /var/mtd2.bin -r mtd2.bin 192.168.178.xxx

(xxx is the IP of your PC)


After that, inside the "Path" you setup in Tftp server, you will find mtd2.bin (64kb).

If anyone also has a clear jtag pinout of the 7270 it will be a big help. I can not seem to find anything "clear" on this forum, or the net.

Thank you, Asxetos...
Thank you for letting me know KunterBunter, and my apologies if i broke any forum rules.

If someone could point me to the right direction through PM, it would be greatly appreciated.


Isnt it possible to get mtd2 from a original Firmware?
I suggest ruKt can do this job for you.
And no privacy or © rules are touched. ;)
Hallo Koyaanisqatsi,

One can extract mtd2.image (not the same as the bin) from an original firmware recovery.exe in linux.
I all-ready tried it, but this is for flashing from the web-ui (as a normal firmware upgrade).

I can not do that. I need to flash it from jtag, for the box to boot, so it has to be a raw dump from the flash.

Thank you anyway...
Like KunterBunter wrote thre are too many "not for you" Information inside mtd2, so i didnt want give you mine.
But i promise to look for a other way that would work for you, but i am a poor employer and have to wait the bell is ringing.
Another thing is: mtd2 holds ADAM2 so if your mtd2 is broken how you can reach ADAM2?
Like KunterBunter wrote thre are too many "not for you" Information inside mtd2, so i didnt want give you mine.
But i promise to look for a other way that would work for you, but i am a poor employer and have to wait the bell is ringing.
Another thing is: mtd2 holds ADAM2 so if your mtd2 is broken how you can reach ADAM2?

Come on people...
I did not want to correct KunterBunter or anyone else in open forum, but i guess i must...

The bootloader contains NOTHING personal.
It only has all default values necessary for every box to boot first time. After that, all personal info are stored in the 3rd and 4rth partition and are then loaded on every reboot.
So please stop being paranoid.

If the box is dead (trashed flash), the ONLY way is to directly flash the bootloader with a jtag. After that you can revive it with a recovery.

RuKernelTool can do nothing if there is no communication with the box.

Anyway, be well...
The bootloader contains NOTHING personal.
If you consider individual MAC addresses as not private, then you are correct. MaxMuster has created a bootloader changer a while ago in this thread. The MAC addresses are in the form of 0X:XX:XX:XX:XB:X0 in the example. You may use the script to add your required MAC addresses to the bootloader.image.
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