Another new call monitor, yes :)

Perhaps You could add a field "own prefix" to the options,
and could do the reading of CallMonitor.adr with consideration of this field?

I will do something, I still don't know exactly what now, but I will find a solution...
HfX schrieb:

Do you think you can make your ini file compatible with the phonebook of jfritz. Most people use jfritz so it would be easier for a lot of people?

Hi Peter, It's a good idea. I can envisage 2 solutions :
1. develop an "import jritz phonebook" function, in the options
2. or make call monitor directly read jfritz phonebook, on the fly, when it searchs for name & number (the file could be defined in the options)

I need first to install jfritz and see how the phonebook is structured. XML is easy to implement, I will think about that... Best regards !
Herman schrieb:
- Wenn ich über das Tray-Menü auf "About" gehe, stürzt das Programm ohne jegliche Meldung ab.
- When I klick the "About"-entry of the tray-menu the program terminates without any message.

Hi Herman, now can you see the about box or still not ? (with build 13)
Hello freesoft.
freesoft schrieb:
Hi Herman, now can you see the about box or still not ? (with build 13)
No about box...
There is something flashing for some milliseconds (blue background? default windowsXP-border?),
and then the program has terminated.
Herman schrieb:
Hello freesoft.
No about box...
There is something flashing for some milliseconds (blue background? default windowsXP-border?),
and then the program has terminated.

Oops, there is something strange.... you are the only person I know having this problem... Ok, I will upload it elsewhere, I will try to find some web space available and will send you the link. Ciao !
Hi freesoft,
same with me. If I click the About-Box the Callmonitor closes with something shortly flashing up.

But great work!
Will you implement a backward-search for Then it will be just perfect :)

Hi freesoft!

Where are you? Have you ceased the development of your fantastic tool?
Would be a pity!

Hi !

No no, I am just very busy these last days and don't have any free time. But I will continue to update Call Monitor as soon as possible, I think next week. (first, I will add extension 4 for isdn, and external program execution on predefined conditions)

Thank's a lot for your encouragement :)
About Box and Language

This is very strange, it means a part of the executable is corrupted. The about box is encrypted, it contains the short license terms (freeware). If there is any modification of the exe, it will immediately close. I will investigate, I suppose it comes from the upload on the forum ...

I doubt it became corrupted due to uploading to this forums. If you temper with the File (I tried to apply some German strings) the CRC-check kicks in and a dialog box warns you, that the file is possibly infected. It does not terminate before this warning.

Would you consider releasing an uncompressed version? Maybe the about box doesn't work because of the CRC check or the strange import tables. You could also try using UPX, one of the best "freesoft" :) compressors available, which would allow the user to decompress the programm in case of strange behavior or in case anti virus soft gives a false alarm.

One more thing (suggestion). If you would use Windows API for the message requesters, the buttons "YES" and "NO" will always automatically translate into the users language.

Keep up the good work!

Regards Turin
Turin schrieb:
I doubt it became corrupted due to uploading to this forums.

I agree with you and I do not think that anymore, in fact it was just a speculation at the beginning ...

Would you consider releasing an uncompressed version?

if needed yes, but I will try a couple of times with some different compression settings, and if it really doesn't work, the next builds will not be compressed...

Maybe the about box doesn't work because of the CRC check or the strange import tables.

It's possible, and I have added some encryption/decrpytion checks in the code, so it must be a combination of these parameters

One more thing (suggestion). If you would use Windows API for the message requesters, the buttons "YES" and "NO" will always automatically translate into the users language.

You are right, using the windows messagebox api is the simplest way (with Delphi, this function is already encapsulated) but I prefer to make the application really multi-language, if you select english, dialogs will be in english too, even on a german OS, uzw... I just hope to have more time to do that :)

Keep up the good work!

Thank you !

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