7412 neueste FW bzw. Labor gesucht...


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13 Jul 2011
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Hi Gemeinde,
habe meiner 1und1 die 'alte' 6.30 gegönnt, damit sie wenigstens funkt - ich finde leider keine neuere :confused:
Es scheint auch keine Labor zu geben - oder?
Ich hätte gern den gleichen Stand wie bei meiner 7490 - 113.06.36-31988 BETA
Kann jemand helfen?
Für die 7412 gibt es sicher keine Labor, nur die offiziellen FW. Die findest du bei AVM auf der Produktseite...
Hi all

Sorry for the English, but my German is very bad :)

I wanted to ask if anyone was able to make Fritzbox 7412 to work with Annex A (POTS) DSLAM? I am from Serbia and got this router cheap but I fail to make it work (via that old script provided here). Is there a way to modify the firmware or make the old script run on this model? I have tried to telnet to router but it fails no matter what I try.
Sorry my english is rather bad...

The 7412 has no POTS-Input. You can use only DSL-Modem/Router, not Phone.
I connected the 7412 via Rj-45 jack to my phone line :). It can be done since only middle 2 pins are used anyway. I don't need the phone jack. My PC is connected via Lan port to the 7412. I can access the fritzbox OS and can change PPPOE parametrs but since the router is made for Annex B (GER) market if fails to sync with my DSLAM (VDSL2 signal).
and got this router cheap but I fail to make it work (via that old script provided here).
There is no old script provided here: Anleitung zum "echten" Ändern des Annex bei FritzBox - (auch) für DAUs
telnet ist also not available with the latest firmware version 6.30 for this VDSL fritzbox.
It is probably better to get another old ADSL fritzbox cheap which supports and can easily be converted to Annex A, e.g. Fritzbox Fon or Fritzbox Fon WLAN.
If you really happen to have a VDSL2 line, then it will be Annex B, definitely, absolutely, positively.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@KB: Er hat VDSL.
@inf64: I think, you must use a Splitter, there must not be any DC on your DSL-Input.
Thanks for the replies guys :).

I tried using standard vdsl2 splitter that works fine with 2 other of my routers (ZTE and HUAWEI). I disconnected the phone of course and I entered the user/pass from ZTE and setup the correct VPI/VCI manually for pppoe in fritzOS. Router just fails to sync, no errors at all, like there is no VDSL2 signal on the line. Plug in any of the other 2 routers and they sync up just fine.

Friztbox is great since I could manually tweak SNR margin and make my connection more stable. With other routers this is just not an option.
If the modem fails to sync with the VDSL signal in the first place, then there is no need to setup VPI/VCI. Also, tweaking the SNR margin to make a weak VDSL line more stable doesn't make sense with a fritzbox at all. Fritzboxes are known for not to work very well on bad lines.
I downgraded to older 6.21 fritzOS and did gain telnet access. Managed to change (briefly) the Annex mode to A and changed the extension for international version (since bootsrap was overwritting the annex change after reboot). My router even managed to detect VDSL2 and synced at 16/2 (my plan is limited at exchange at 16/2). It could not authenticate pppoe since it was autoselected for 1und1 and not my own settings. After I changed those to my pppoe user/pass , router rebooted and never came back :(.

I tried using the recovery exe with all those settings (changing IP, turning off firewalls) but the recovery tool says this:
FRITZ!Box 7412 suchen an:
Eine Anlage gefunden! - Ermitteln der aktuellen Version.
Version erfolgreich ermittelt!
Hardware: FRITZ!Box 7412
Urlader: 3291
Firmware: 137.06.21
Firmware der FRITZ!Box 7412 ist mit der Recover-Firmware inkompatibel

I think it is finally dead... There is no other recovery rom for this so I cannot do anything more with it. At least I got it to sync once with DSLAM :)
The link is already above. Once more: Kurzanleitung
What do you mean by "changed the extension for international version"?
Thanks again, I will give it a go.

I did the following command before it "died":
echo "firmware_version avme" > /proc/avalanche/env

Not sure if it had anything to do with it or was it only Annex A change.
You have to reverse that, too. This would only work with a recovery program for an international firmware version. Change it back and the router will be fixed.
Hi guys :)

I am back and router is back from the dead thanks to you :).
I am on the 6.21 version of the FritzOs.

Bad news is that after the reboot Annex is back to B :(. This means that bootloader is an issue. Do you have any tips how to replace the bootloader on this model? Can I use a bootloader that allows the changes to stick from some other Fritzbox model ? There are only 2 firmwares for this FB, .21 and .30 and .30 is probably teh same bootloader-wise plus it does not allow telnet which is bad news.

I found the procedure on how to replace the bootloader but my tftp(solaris) window shows no IP address when I run it (FB is of course connected and I telnet into it).

Thanks again for helping me save FB 7412 :D
One more time: You don't need Annex A for VDSL2 unless you are in North America like me, and you don't need to replace the boot loader unless you really want to brick the box.
Mate I am telling you I need the Annex A because my router doesn't sync when it is left at default settings. The second I change this via telned( echo command for annex A) router immediatelly syncs. Now you can tell me why that happens?
I know for a fact that in Serbia the standard is Annex A , yes even for VDSL. If it didn't matter my router would sync out of the box, which it fails to do. With Annex A change via telnet, the sync is achieved almost immediately.
Which echo command for annex A did you use in telnet exactly?
You have to use both of them.
echo "annex A" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment
echo "kernel_args annex=A" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment
However, I have no idea whether the Fritzbox VDSL driver will work with an Annex A setting.
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