[HowTo] 7270: Voice message for calls on hold... not customizable?


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4 Jan 2006
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Hallo, sorry for english language but unfortunately I do not speak german. I hope this english post won't be a problem...
I have a 7270v3, german to international, firmware 74.04.90. And I have 2 questions whose answers I haven't found yet .

1) I was wondering if there is a solution to change the english voice message "please hold the line" since it's not my language. It's really weird there is no possibility to change it from user interface since the firmware is multilanguage and we are stuck to english only...
I've tried the following code, working on the 7050 (although only with audio files max 4 sec) but NOT working on the 7270: there is no change, still the english voice
# cd /var/tmp 
# wget http://www.xxx.xxx/fx_moh 
# cat fx_moh > /var/flash/fx_moh 
# killall telefon 
# telefon

2) do you know any telephone code to enable/disable answermachine directly from the phone, without entering the **600 menu?

Danke and sorry again for english.
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