dyndns multiple accounts patch + 2nd PVC


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2 Sep 2006
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While moving from stinkylinux to ubuntu, I found I have some patches prepared (posted some time ago in a reply...).
It would be nice if they are adjusted/integrated into freetz. I created it some time ago, but it still works.
Anhang anzeigen dyndnspatch.zip
Basically it adds multiple accounts to AVM dyndns.
The main reason to use it (instead of inadyn) is that I also added a field to expose the 2nd PVC IP. It is good for the Telephonie IP, ENUM.


@Gabriel: Very interesting! But I have some questions and proposals:
1. Are you sure, that your patches also work with ALL supported boxes? Unfortunately, we have here in IPPF very poor experience with patching of AVM scripts. First of all in HTML and CGI area. Since AVM make often changes and it is very expensive to update our patches after each new AVM firmware.
2. Could you generate please ONE patch based on actual trunk instead of 3?
3. Timestamp in your patches show "August 2010". Why did you wait so long with your publication here? The Topic is realy very interesting!

Best regards,
Nice patch. Did you only try for 7270? Or is it usable for other boxes/firmwares too?
@Gabriel: Very interesting! But I have some questions and proposals:
1. Are you sure, that your patches also work with ALL supported boxes? Unfortunately, we have here in IPPF very poor experience with patching of AVM scripts. First of all in HTML and CGI area. Since AVM make often changes and it is very expensive to update our patches after each new AVM firmware.
Of course NOT, I only tested it on my box; I would expect it to work on all boxes having dyndns...
I understand they might require updates, but I have no other idea. Maybe inadyn could expose the 2nd PVC?
On the other side, it's working since ~1 year ago, and I went through many labors since...
I don't read patches easily, I'm used to compare files with WinMerge; if you look, the changes are quite logical (although not all very simple) .

2. Could you generate please ONE patch based on actual trunk instead of 3?
If it's just as easy as concatenating them, here it is.
Anhang anzeigen dyndns_multiple.zip
I'm not that used to Linux command line, so I used winmerge to create them (and notepad to concatenate :) )
What do you mean with current trunk? I have just checked, and the target files were not modified since then...

3. Timestamp in your patches show "August 2010". Why did you wait so long with your publication here? The Topic is realy very interesting!
I wrote some time ago about it (in a reply), but it did not get attention.
Maybe due to being in English?
I can read/understand German pretty good (I live here since quite some time), but it takes too much time to write and people here take it hard on correctness ;)
Ok, dann schreibe ich Deutsch. Du kannst antworten, wie du willst.
1. Es ginge hier darum, dass AVM unterschiedliche WebIFs für unterschiedliche Boxen anbietet. Es ist sehr schwer Patches zu warten / zu pflegen, die für AVM-WebIF gedacht sind.
Zum 2.PVC gebe ich dir Recht: Nur AVM-ddns-Klient kann es. Das hatte ich vor einigen Wochen getestet und hier darüber berichtet. Und ja, wir kennen hier in IPPF diese Möglichkeit und ich benutze sie sogar, allerdings werden die Accounts per Shell-Befehle angelegt. Man könnte auch ar7.cfg direkt editieren. Bis jetzt ist keiner auf die Idee gekommen AVM-WebIF zu patchen. Deswegen sagen wir beide (Oliver und ich), dass dies eine gute Idee von dir ist.
2. Wir sind hier gewöhnt patches gegen aktuellen Trunk zu posten. Man checkt frisch aus, macht seine Änderungen und führt nachher "svn diff > mein.patch" aus. Und schon ist dein Patch fertig. Solche Patches kann man deutlich einfacher anwenden und nachher in Trunk einpflegen. Die Informationen dazu stehen übrigens in WIKI.
3. Es war ironisch gemeint. Denn ungefähr Ende 2010 (so um Oktober-November) hatte ich hier in IPPF intensiv darüber diskutiert, wie man per Shell-Befehle 2.PVC anlegen kann. Ich weiß nicht, ob du an der Diskussion beteiligt warst oder nicht. Dann gab es vor kurzem (April-Mai 2011) eine Diskussion darüber, dass jemand seine mehrere Accounts nicht immer upgedatet bekommen hat. Daraufhin hatte ich meine Tests mit der 2.PVC fortgesetzt. Wenn du hier mitliest, dann hätte ich erwartet, dass du dabei schreist und deine Lösung hier präsentierst. Denn wir hätten sie schon damals auch gebrauchen können. Deswegen konnte ich nicht verstehen, dass du deine Lösung so lange nur für dich alleine behalten hast, ohne hier was darüber zu sagen. Aber egal, jetzt ist es raus...

1. I do understand that it's uncomfortable to maintain those patches; that's one reason I though people were not interested in it.
Sure it could be done via cfg edit, but I'm kind of GUI man.
And I took it like a challenge to go into something unknown (to me). I still don't know all the framework AVM is using to generate the pages (js, frm, html, cgi... and the way they are linked together). I also don't know what kind of script it is, I just analyzed other files to understand the syntax...
If it's a good idea, I'll take it as a compliment :p

2. I also work with svn, but the files are not part of the repository so you can't use diff directly. Or is it something I don't know??
I took 2 sets of files, the original and the modified and generated the patch with winmerge.

3. I do read here sometimes, but it really depends on my time... so I'm not surprised I missed the discussions...
But I DO like to contribute when I can, not only ask; I do not have much expertise around this project, that's why I tried to start with something...
See here:
and here:
my posts about this issue.
So I really though it was not interesting enough :cry:

Da wo du das zum ersten mal gepostet hast, lese ich z.B. nicht. Ich bin nur im Unterforum FREETZ unterwegs. Beim zweiten hast du eine ungünstige Zeit erwischt (ich war da z.B. im Urlaub und hatte in IPPF nur oberflächlich was gelesen) und wahrscheinlich nicht so gut dein Ding damals "verkauft". Denn ich kann mich leider nicht an dein Posting erinnern.
Ich meinte die beiden Threads:
http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=233045 (hier bitte nur diagonal lesen)
http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=224257 (hier stehen die ganzen Befehle und deren richtige Reihenfolge)

2. I also work with svn, but the files are not part of the repository so you can't use diff directly. Or is it something I don't know??
I took 2 sets of files, the original and the modified and generated the patch with winmerge.
You have to do:
cd trunk
svn add pathtofile/yourfile1 pathtofile/yourfile2 ...
svn diff > my_diff.patch
Ahhhh, now I understand what you mean...
I did not think of adding it to svn, because I thought you would adjust the final position (and content) based on compatibility and/or other reasons.

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