Bringing firmware 7170 29.04.49 on 7140?

l i n u s

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Mitglied seit
15 Aug 2006
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Given the new features in the firmware 7170 29.04.49 can bring on 7140?
I managed to extract the kernel.image the 7170 version 29.04.49, I tried with the procedure of self-image but without success.
There are opportunities or solutions?
Vielen Danke

Hi Linus, i too i'm interested in this change :D
I don't know if it may go only changing the bootloader, or if other operations are needed, but the hardware is the same, so i think it is possbile.
Changing the variables with those of 7170, and puttin in that firmware, may be a solution?:rolleyes:
Hello linus and Tokka,

AVM has announced they will release new firmwares for the other fritzbox models soon. These firmwares will offer the same features as the latest one for 7170 has. I am pretty sure this will happen within the next weeks. There is no need to create your own firmware and possibly crash your boxes. Just be a little patient.


Hi Grundigboy, thanks for your answer ;)
I hope this new firmware caming soon....if i think at the differences between the 2 models (.49 vs .33) a little much :p
So, now i will wait with impatience ;)
Many thanks, and happy holidays :bier:
You can put 7170 firmware on 7141 if you copy 7141 files from lib/modules (e.g.
lib/modules/microvoip_isdn_top.bit) and adapt etc/init.d/rc.conf.

MfG Oliver
[Edit frank_m24: Shrinked the fullquote to the necessary part and removed the size tag.]

You can put 7170 firmware on 7141 if you copy 7141 files from lib/modules (e.g.
lib/modules/microvoip_isdn_top.bit) and adapt etc/init.d/rc.conf.

Hallo Oliver,
Your post drew my attention :)
I think it's not a problem to copy all the 7141 files from the build/original/filesystem/lib/modules directory

Is it ok if I also copy the /etc/init.d/rc.conf file? As I'm not sure how to adapt it. :confused:

rc.init and rc.conf changed in last versions. So I think you will get better results with rc.conf from the 7170 image.
It looks like this when you want to use a 7170 image on an W701V:
[SIZE=2]echo2 "copying W701V files"[/SIZE]
[LEFT][SIZE=2]cp "${DIR}/.tk/original/filesystem/etc/led.conf" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/led.conf"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]cp "${DIR}/.tk/original/filesystem/lib/modules/" \[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]cp "${DIR}/.tk/original/filesystem/lib/modules/microvoip_isdn_top.bit"* "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/lib/modules"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]echo2 "patching rc.S and rc.init"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]sed -i -e "s/piglet_bitfile_offset=0 /piglet_bitfile_offset=0x51 /" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/init.d/rc.S"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]sed -i -e "s/piglet_irq_gpio=18 /piglet_enable_button2=1 /" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/init.d/rc.S"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]sed -i -e "/modprobe Piglet piglet_bitfile.*$/i \[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]piglet_load_params=\"\$piglet_load_params piglet_enable_switch=1\"" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/init.d/rc.S"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]sed -i -e "/piglet_irq=9.*$/d" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/init.d/rc.S"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]sed -i -e "s/CONFIG_PRODUKT_NAME=.*$/CONFIG_PRODUKT_NAME=\"FRITZ!Box Fon Speedport W701V\"/g" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/init.d/rc.conf"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]sed -i -e "s/CONFIG_PRODUKT=.*$/CONFIG_PRODUKT=\"Fritz_Box_SpeedportW701V\"/g" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/init.d/rc.conf"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
[SIZE=2]sed -i -e "s/CONFIG_CAPI_NT=\"y\"/CONFIG_CAPI_NT=\"n\"/g" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/init.d/rc.conf"[/SIZE]
MfG Oliver
Thanks Oli,
I'll give it a try.:)

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