No internet connection with 7140 in ATA mode


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Problem DS-MOD dropbear…7140

The image installed is German x.x.33 annex B bundled with DS-Mod latest version.
Package selected is only bropbear and virtuel_ip!

The 7140 is configures as router without ADSL. Means I use LAN1 as WAN!

The problem is:
* There are no connection to the internet
* But if I stop dropbear and reboot the router all is woking???

Any suggestion

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
You may want to verify if rc.S has not terminated because of an unexpected error in an init script. Please reboot with the problematic configuration, then connect via telnet and send us the output of
as well as your firmware configuration file (.config).
Config file...

Thanks for reply.

Please look at the attached file.



  • ps.txt
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  • config.txt
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Process 330 (cat /dev/debug) looks strange to me. I think it is called from rc.S, don't ask me why. Anyway, obviously the process has not terminated, maybe this causes subsequent problems. I would give killing the process a try and see if Dropbear works afterwards. This is just a guess, but the best I can offer at this moment.
Sorry: I have done some more testing and the error has nothing with dropbear to do!

This is funny, if I use the ADSL function in the 7140 there are no error!
If I use LAN1 as WAN port the error is as described.

If I made a clean installation with recover image from AVM fw x.x.33 German annax B all is working!

But if I made a DS_mod installation I got the missing wan access!

A picture from my router.



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Please try without Virtual-IP. If you need locally forwarded ports, please do it via ar7.cfg. We should exclude this possible source of your problem.

This is strange. Some more test:

1) Make a complete clean image, NO package selected. ”cp .config” only select 7140! The error is the same.

2) When I toogle(disable and save, enable and save) the traffic sharper(Traffic-Shaping benutzen) on the 7140. All is normal and working!

But after a reboot the error is back.

I can inform that the same happened with dropbear installed.

I think disabling or enabling traffic sharper will run some cript cleaning up some problems…

Do you think this is a error in DS-Mod???



  • fr2.jpg
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Maybe you have the well-known factory reset problem. If you also have problems saving telephony settings, i.e. they are not persistent across reboots, we can fix this manually. Please send the shell output of
ls -l /var/flash
flemse schrieb:
Do you think this is a error in DS-Mod?
That's always possible.
”cp .config” only select 7140
You should not do that. is not the default for .config. Just remove .config, then call "make menuconfig" and save when you exit.

You could execute "ls -l /var/flash" and verify that all files there are character special device files.

Also in your ps output, dsld was missing. I'm not sure, but I think dsld is needed even if you don't you DSL bur only PPPOE with another modem.

Call "dsld -dfvCi" and look for useful hints. This will call dsld in the foreground. "dsld -?" will show you the possible options.

Instead of toggling "traffic sharper", you could try to call "/bin/ar7cfgchanged" from the comand line. If that works, you can look for the comand executed from there that has the effect.

I’am glad for help here are the outpus.

And I made a new compiling when I removed the .config.

$ ls -l /var/flash
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 113 Jan  1 01:02 ar7.cfg
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 160 Jan  1 01:00 aura-usb
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 168 Jan  1 01:00 browser-data
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 141 Jan  1 01:00 calllog
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240,  98 Jan  1 01:00 debug.cfg
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240,  60 Jan  1 01:00 ds_mod
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 132 Jan  1 01:00 fx_cg
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 129 Jan  1 01:00 fx_conf
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240,  99 Jan  1 01:00 fx_def
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 130 Jan  1 01:00 fx_lcr
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 131 Jan  1 01:00 fx_moh
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 112 Jan  1 01:00 multid.leases
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 117 Jan  1 01:00 net.update
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 116 Jan  1 01:00 stat.cfg
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 133 Jan  1 01:00 telefon_misc
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 119 Jan  1 01:00 tr069.cfg
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 120 Jan  1 01:00 user.cfg
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 121 Jan  1 01:00 userstat.cfg
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 114 Jan  1 01:00 voip.cfg
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 122 Jan  1 01:00 voipd_call_stat
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 118 Jan  1 01:00 vpn.cfg
crw-r--r--    1 root     root     240, 115 Jan  1 01:00 wlan.cfg

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
The output looks good (I inserted code tags into your message). Have you tried starting dsld manually, as suggested by Ralf? Have you disabled Virtual-IP, as suggested by myself? Please do so step by step, not all at once, so you can pin down the error.

if I run /etc/init.d/ reload all problem is gone!!!
The process dsld is starting after the reload command.
724 root 4496 S dsld -i -n

what cause the problem?

But after reboot the problem is back.

Do not ignore my hints, please, otherwise you will not get another answer. This way we cannot debug systematically.
Hi sory Alexander.

I use a image without dropbear and virtuel ip.
1) dropbear have no influence to the problem
2) virtuel have no influence to the problem.


After a cleen reboot the process
1432 S cat /dev/debug
Is existing.???

Clean reboot
After /etc/init.d/ reload
the "process cat /dev/debug" is gone!
And the process dsld -i –n is in the ps list.
Router is working!

Clean reboot.
Problem is there.
dsld –i –s
no problem.
Router is working

I hope this I what wee need.

Hi Alexander

I made a new image including:
virtuel ip
putting the image to 7140
setup dsmod all started! look at picture.
the error is there and there are no dsld process.

enabled telnet:
dsld -i -n
the process is now in ps list.
the router is working!

I hope this can be used.



  • fr3.jpg
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Sorry, you mentioned you had flashed an image without packages before, I forgot. Now I think your analysis result should help us find out what is wrong. I guess some part of the boot process as DS-Mod customises it might fail.
"cat /dev/debug" is also started in the original firmware, so it should not be the problem.
It seems that dsld doesn't start the first time and has to be started manually.

Could you change in /etc/init.d/rc.S the line with "/etc/init.d/" to "sh -x /etc/init.d/ > /var/ 2>&1" and show us the resulting file /var/

Yes I can but the /etc/init.d/rc.S is w protected?

Is there a command for that...

I think I already mentioned that cat /dev/debug is started from rc.S. I know that is is always started, but I have seen for the first time that it is actually still running in a telnet session later. I just wanted to double-check that it does not cause problems similar to what we have seen in another place where a background job would not let its parent terminate because it was still writing to its stout/-err.

You need to build a new firmware in order to change rc.S. Change the file below root in the ds26 directory.

Here is the Output



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