in english - how to WLAN-transmit/upgrade FW


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23 Mai 2007
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Hi, I don't speak german, but seems to understand that's possible to upload and flash a modified firmware on tc300/twintel phone using the wlan network.
I read about tftp server and engeneering mode. Please would you post any steps to make this?

I have a mac with wifi board and a tftp server installed... hope that could be usefull...

Many thanks
- place the firmware on the tftp server
- you need a ini like file that tells the phone to pull, too, an example is on ftp official firmwareserver (link is posted somewhere here, use forum search).
- switch the phone into engineering mode and setup the ip of your tftp server, etc
- connect the phone to the wlan (if the download does not start after some time, maybe the process can be triggerd manually from some engineering menu entry)

if the current fw on the phone is lower version than that on the official arcor firmwareserver's version, set up the arcor server and connect the phone to internet. it should work worldwide.

good luck.
Good news!
After reading almost every thread in this forum, I did not find a clue for getting WLAN-FW-Update started. Maybe I missed the one post providing me with the answer, maybe I'm just not bright enough, but just a few minutes ago I found out how it works:

(1.) USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! You should definitely know what you are doing before following the next steps. I'm not responsible for any damage resulting on your device!
(2.) Set up a HTTP-Server on standard-port (e.g. Simple Webserver)
(3.) Put the firmware file into your root-directoy.
(4.) In the root directory you'll need a file named "T60N925.00_FOX-general.cfg". This file should look like this (example-code):
(5.) Be sure that the settings in the config are right!
(6.) Important: Plug in the power cord or the usb cable into your phone
(7.) In Engineering Mode: Go to the 'provision' menu and set the 'server-address' to your http-server from (2.)
(8.) Still in the 'provision' menu go to 'settings' and choose 'Once'
(9.) Leave all menus. After a short while your phone should ask you for the firmware download.
great work, dude! :) so its not TFTP or SNMP.
I try but with no response.. I have an Italian/eng version...
I have this problem: I lose every setting that I do, wlan setting lang setting .. when i restart the phone.. Itry to upgrade with the same firmware 3.99d and nothing happen, I modify the firmware with tc300 but notthing.. every time I power off and than power on the phone I lose all , it start up with the default setting.
off-topic in this thread.

use the 2 TAR files version ive posted in the pirelli 3.99d thread. it will "format" the memory with new filesystem.
Thanks...I try .. if I can't solve , I open a new 3d
Firmware FW Pirelli 3.99d need

someone could post me Firmware for FW Pirelli 3.99d
many thank renato [email protected]
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someone could post me Firmware for FW Pirelli 3.99d
many thank renato [email protected]

Dear renato,

Your request is off-topic in this thread.

I'm sorry but we're not allowed to do this due to copyright restrictions.

And please never do ask anywhere for delivery, evil guys could send You modified or damaged 'logic bomb' firmware packages that will kill Your phone and PC. Don't use FW from p2p sources or upload centers either. DANGER!!!
If You have got a *.img file from somewhere else, so use the sha1sum I've posted in this forum to check its integrity.

Int'l guys: if You can't read en/de then please use google's or other website translators, thank You.

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Geräte Code?

Hallo, ich hab da ein Problem. Mein DP-l10 möchte einen Gerätecode, damit ich die FW updaten kann, wissen.
Den habe ich leider nicht. Also ich habe den eigentlich auch nie geändert hmm? grübel? Die 0000 und die SIM PIN tun nicht. Das Gerät ist ein Arcor gebrandetes. Haben die evtl andere? Gibts da ne Möglichkeit eines Totalresets?
Für Infos wäre ich sehr dankbar.

Ahhh HALT!! Hat geklappt -- man muss dann neustarten !! VIELEN Dank!!!
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