3270v3 to english


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18 Okt 2015
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Hi people,

Im try few diferent manufacturer of routers and always problems (3 walls between my pc and router) till i get this device. Signal is allmost 100% but was few problems, first is from some reason broken connection on WAN port (on this device its LAN1) and second problem is device just reset from no reason. First problem im repair, im found 2 SMD resistors wich are just burn im replace it and LAN1 work, that second problem ill change all capacitors and check but how i can change in english language?? Software is FRITZ!OS 05.54 and Firmware-Version: 96.05.54 on AVM ftp server i cant found downgrade file for this device, im send email to AVM support they are say we not support this model you can buy brand new model. Im download exe file FRITZ.Box_WLAN_3270_v3.en-de-es-it-fr.05.52.recover-image but that say wrong version of firmware. Last night im desolder flash ic M29W128GH and put in my programmer ( im unzip that image and found 12mb file its firmware) but from some reason my programmer cant read and write that flash IC. Now after all is have some solution how i can write that english file in my router or i cant solve that problem? Maybe with jtag or someone else way?

with best regards

You've to change the internal "branding" of the bootloader (variable "firmware_version") from "avm" to "avme" to use the international firmware version. How to change this value is discussed/described many times here and in some other places ... look for "branding" in conjunction with "FRITZ!Box" and remember, that "avme" should be the needed value (instead of "1und1" or some other possibilities, which will only be available with german firmware).

Even if you would be able to flash another firmware version "externally" and put the IC back into the device, the bootloader value would be the same and subsequently the international firmware version couldn't find needed files for its GUI. Reapply the flash IC, change to the branding and recover the box with the international firmware version ... that's all you've to do - it's really easy.
Im sorry but im not sure am i understand what you mean, i can or cant done that from Germany to English change? I cant downgrade to older version becouse on AVM download site for this model have no files that is reason why i ask here. I am search ofc before posting but unfortunately im not find maybe have but i cant understand all is on German. best regards Ibro and thanx for answer
You do not need an older version or something else ... all you need, is a current international version as recovery program (you've downloaded it from vendor's website already), a running device (with NAND flash IC re-applied) and a FTP client program to change the bootloader environment.

Did you try to search the "world wide web" using my suggestions? I don't think so, 'cause if I try searching with them, I get - beneath other sites in German - the following result (at position 6, using Google and the search string "branding fritzbox change" with "any language"): https://the8e4r.wordpress.com/2013/10/06/debranding-a-fritzbox/

It's a description of an alternative to change the branding and it requires a running box with a firmware version providing a functioning telnet daemon and a telnet client to access this service. The other way (which I proposed, because it only needs a functioning bootloader and not a running FRITZ!OS as a pre-condition) uses a FTP session to the bootloader (EVA) and should be available with an english "how to" anywhere else in the whole wide internet - I'm therefore confident, that you're able to find one.

If you did not find this one "hit" mentioned above, maybe your search settings are wrong? I'd assume, you're from somewhere in south-east europe (I can be wrong there, but I'd put the name "Ibro" into this region - from "Ibrahim/Abraham") ... are you searching for results in English too and not only in your native language?
After thinking about what u say all is need is just open telnet on device and via putty rewrite into "avme" i hope im correct but i cant open telnet becouse in my software i dont have "Wählhilfe" option. Im found step by step here http://thomasheinz.net/telnet-bei-d...und-mod-aktivieren-und-verbindung-herstellen/ and i cant make call. On link i see in name "UI" in my router no have nothing here im make printscreen http://prtscreen.net/pd29 and when i start putty cant make connection http://prtscreen.net/ue0o

Yes you are right Peter, Ibrahim from Bosnia and Herzegovina ... if you pass thru come on beer
is that way i need rewrite in this file?


  • FRITZ.Box WLAN 3270 v3 96.05.54_01.01.70_0117.export.7z
    10.7 KB · Aufrufe: 15
Change line 2130 from
and the last line from
**** END OF EXPORT E17F3F8F ****
**** END OF EXPORT 09A60A38 ****
Use an editor which preserves the present Linux line endings or importing the file will fail. Import the file into the box and after restarting the device, the telnet daemon should be started.

To declare it clearly: This was an absolute exceptional case, that I've looked into such a file, changed it and computed the correct checksum for other people. The supplied description in the thread mentioned above should be sufficiently precise (for everyone) to be able to change the file as needed.
im use notepad++ change lines with him and save file but device say "Die angegebene Datei ist keine gültige Import-Datei." so i think problem is in format. im download from play store FRITZ!App FON and try make call on #96*7* but without sucess. Peter i can just say THANX why u wish help me
Anhang anzeigen 84153
Last try ... the attached file is yours, but with the proposed/needed changes and a new checksum. Try to import this ... if it should fail again (no idea, why it should do this and I don't want to try an import myself - I can't do this even, because it was exported without password), try editing the original file using the java based "FBEditor" program, it can handle these export files too, if you use one of the latest versions (this tool has its own subarea somewhere here in the IPPF, there you can find some facts regarding its usage).

EDIT: And a SIP client can't be used to provide "control codes" via phone to the box ... it's simply not supported (and documented in the KB at vendors website).
Thanx Peter, your file is accepted but is same situation with putty no communication and in options nothing different too. I am put file in "System->Einstellungen Sichern->Wiederherstellen" Maybe that file need placed into "Ubernahme" but no have password.
No ... maybe the telefon daemon isn't running and therefore the telnet service wasn't started by this daemon.

Follow my suggestion from the last PM (and step back to this public forum) and try to change the branding using a FTP session with EVA.
After some time ( i had some private problems) im here again. I am enter into router via ftp and he is accept username and password adam2 so ftp work :)
Thanx KunterBunter that was two magic lines wich i need but after i write reboot router is died. Now power led just blinking and i see trying adding adress and all leds turn on after that he reset and start over again. But dont worry if nothing he will finished into trash. Anyway guys i say really thanx and i appreciate for help


At the end, guys really thank you so much for help. Now its working after smoke one cigarette my brain remember for a recovery.exe that start regular delete flash slow but delete and write some problem and after 2-3 more start same recovery software he rewrite a english version now my router work.

best regards


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