T-com W701V English annex A: es geht !


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7 Sep 2007
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gestern abend habe ich ein english firmware an W701V installiert !

in sp-to-fritz script, an ende vom firmware unpacking, habe ich diese 2 istruction inzugeschriebt:

ln -s avme/en $FBDIR/squashfs-root/usr/www/all
ln -s en $FBDIR/squashfs-root/usr/www/avme/en/html/de

dann habe ich eine andere simlink vom fritz.box_fon_wlan_7140.annexa.en.39.04.34.image (ich habe keine 7170 english firmware) zu fritz.box_fon_wlan_7170.29.04.40.image

das script ausgefürht habe und kernel.image installiert und mit SETENV korrecte parameter geben.

Schade :confused: an boot kommt noch mal in annex b, :idea: darauf habe ich eine Änderung an mtd3 mit ein hex editor vom annex b zu annex a.

jetzt geht alles :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi agein i would like to veryfy the things you like to tell us.

1. First please tell witch version of seedtofritz you did use.
Becaus you used an englsh version you added two sybolic links this is understandable!
2. Witch of the following images did you use in the end?

You bult a kernal.image and loded it via FTP and thn you set Enviroment Variables.

with quote SETENV ....

What Variabels war this ?

firmware_version ?
annex A ?
kernel_args annex=A ?

Then you explain you used a hex Editor to chnage one Letter from annex B to annex A
Did you do theis via FTP bevor Systemstart or in a telnet session?

Please write down the exact command line for cat ... and put ... if you did ths way.
Or if you did it in a Telnet session pleas wite down the two command lins es well.
1. First please tell witch version of seedtofritz you did use.
Becaus you used an englsh version you added two sybolic links this is understandable!
2. Witch of the following images did you use in the end?

I maked a symlink from fritz.box_fon_wlan_7140.annexa.en.39.04.34 to fritz.box_fon_wlan_7170.29.04.40.image because the sp-to-fritz seach this image version, if easy for you you can rename the 7140 image to this name

You bult a kernal.image and loded it via FTP and thn you set Enviroment Variables.


quote SETENV firmware_version avm
quote SETENV annex A
I not set kernel_args annex=A (I forget it ;) )

and reboot, it remain in annex B then I start a telnet session

cd /var/tmp
cat /dev/mtdblock3 > mtd3.image
tftp -p -l mtd3.image -r mtd3.image 192.168.178.X # your IP

edit it and upload it

tftp -g -r mtd3.image 192.168.178.X # your IP
cat mtd3.image > /dev/mtdblock3

thats work
Thanks maxgrand,

It it alwas good to have it clear what was going on.
One question remains:
You did the editing of the mtdblock3 a rather complicated way and it works this is fine!
Would it work if you had set the inviromet kenal_args variabel the first place, withaut chanaging annex to A in modblock3 later on?
I have to get your english version of firmware to have a look inside.
please Kontakt me via PM.
Would it work if you had set the inviromet kenal_args variabel the first place, withaut chanaging annex to A in modblock3 later on?

I,m not but a lot of people do it and don't work :D

Just today an italian guy tell me that with a w501v he set is unable to set the kernel_args annex variablle to A is unable to find the DSL.

I tell he to try with mtd3 editing, if it's work for me is a general solution :-Ö
AVM Fritz 7170 Annex B => A


I tried the way mentioned from maxgrand above. And realy I found ANNEX="A" after starting the box. I don't used kernel_args.

In the rc.dsl.sh the dls.bin will be loaded with the argument $ANNEX. Now in my case the $ANNEX was A at this time, but it does not work better than befor.

The sync is done in about 10 sec's. But the download is about 14KB/s. With the modem from my provider I get a download speed of 600KB/s

I found some information that annex A is in the bandwidth of annex B. So the hardware should work. Is it possible that there is an other dsl.bin for annex A.

modprobe tiatm ${atm_driver_params} firmware_load_file=${ANNEX_FIRMWARE} annex=${ANNEX} ptest=${ANNEX_TEST}

Mybe someone can extract the bin from an annex A FW.

If someone has an idee, let me know


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