Twintel/TC300 "WLAN nicht bereit" und Speicherprobleme

Flash83 schrieb:
It's normal that in wln fw version (enginner menu ) it say 0.0.0.p0?

I guess not. Mine says 5.0.13.p201. The flash procedure if I recall right should take around 6 Minutes and should go steady until 100%. So that would indicate that somehow something went wrong in the past flashing.

Take care

Update: @woprr Ein Garantiefall hat er ja schon. Schlimmer kann es nicht werden. Ich will nur nicht wissen, wie er die Garantie beanspruchen will. Handy zur Telekom nach Deutschland schicken?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ah! ja nach veröffentlichter (AGB verzeichnis) neuer konzernrichtlinie übernimmt die telekom jetzt direkt die garantieabwicklung, ne rücksendeadresse bietet allerding nur der t-online shop an, nachfrage an der hotline bringt auch nix.
Ja nur die Frage ist, hat er bei ebay mit Rechnung gekauft? Meist kann der Verkäufer die Rechnung ja nicht finden. Wenn er Glück hat, schafft er es ja das Handy gesund zu flashen.

Nun ich wünsche es ihm!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
dont do. was a private talk under experts ;)

thx for the legal source link :)

so, since Your wlan driver version shows 0.0.0... the wlan code seems to be missing completely or is damaged or could not be initialized due to wifi chip defect or just hardware incompatibillity or the
3.99d is just a broken alpha release in prior to 4.00.

i suggest You one another flash try with the arcor firmware and utility from here

important question:
did the dead wlan problem first occur after flashing the pirelli 3.99d version?
if yes, then try to flash the spanish fw i mentioned and RMA to your italian deutsche telekom ag subsidiary, i may not post a link here directly, it is only available (in questionable legality) over upload center the spanish forum points to.
if you get it from p2p then check the sha1 hash i posted in the "warranty hint" thread.
if that does not work then shit happens. real real sorry :(

read further in isurf's post below, pls.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Flash83 schrieb:
My version is S/w : d910.0.3.99d
FFS version FS_D910.0.0.82c_piG
b/c :BC_D910.0.16

Sounds fantastic, but if engineer mode was saying 0.0.0.p0 then something inside went wrong. The problem is, if you don't know the reason playing around with it makes it worse not better.

That is the reason why crazy flashing up and down is not recommended. So if you flash your version down to .63 of german telekom the only good reason would be either a) you will only use products of german telekom, because that's the only thing this version is good for, or b) you don't want to continue to use the phone but want to have an original firmware to claim warranty.

I took a look at the new pirelli firmware. It is somewhat different in format then the one of arcor. Maybe it is better you wait a little bit and see the development.

To flash you need the telekom utility for the driver to connect to your phone. To flash I use the pirelli version of the utility. It has the highest Version number. You can find it at under PC-Software. But you should have that, if you could already download so many different firmware to your mobile.

To claim warranty you need a bill. Then you need to contact german telekom. Try [email protected] it is the general email that they offer under "Impressum" and ask for warranty-RMA procedure. As you see that is not so easy, so try to contact you seller and tell him, that the phone was not working and if he is so kind to do the warranty procedure for you. Then he can send you the phone back again.

The concrete problem is that flashing your phone with an unauthorized firmware, as you clearly did, makes you loose warranty. That is why you want to copy the old firmware back. The sad story is that most probably it was not your fault. It is known here that firmware upgrade process is buggy and the only reason why people use it, is because the TC300 is even buggier.

Good luck and thanks for the link to version .99d. We should have found it ourselves, since it is also in google.
sieht schlecht aus mit tc300ex und diesem massiven pre-upgrade zu 4.00 (29MB) diese
pirelli 3.99d :(
neues fs.

vielleicht hatt Flash83 das tc-300 damit zerschossen.
braucht vielleicht ne neue hardware revision oder is einfach n kaputtes alpha release,
aber auch komisch von so einer seriösen quelle? aber ich hab schon so gut wie alles

also wenn ich nicht irgendwo inner vertrauenswürdigen quelle les, dass die 5x5 wlan/sip
und IPSEC/VPN kann, dann werd ich nen teufel tun, das monster draufzuflashen.
die meldung von Flash83 langt mir schon.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also was die Größe angeht, so sollte man nicht übersehen, daß die Daten nicht als Hexwerte vorliegen. Also effektiv muß man die Adresse abziehen und 2 Ascii Werte als 1 Hexwert ansehen. Damit ist das File nicht mal halb so groß. Ich rege aber an, dies weiter zu besprechen

woprr schrieb:
vielleicht hatt Flash83 das tc-300 damit zerschossen.
braucht vielleicht ne neue hardware revision.
Gerade das befürchte ich. Vielleicht finden sich ja ein paar Betatester, die so mutig sind. Ich bin es nicht.

Alles Gute
i received the mobile with the pirelli .98 and the wifi don't work already
So I can't try no time the wifi connection
ok. thanks a lot. then youve got a defective device.

1. negotiate with the seller, if he refuses return-in and money back or to request transport insurance for you, use the usual ebay sanctions (open a paypal/ebay buyer insurance case, negative feedback sentence) the seller must have known this defect. evil guy.

2. if 1.) no success, flash it back to the spanish version PU_D910.0.3.63s3.img and RMA to your local deutsche telekom subsidiary. surely available somewhere in the spanish forum or p2p (check the sha1 hash of the file after download, if)
we are forbidden to mail or link to it, etc, sorry.

no success with sp version :(
Probably I try to have a u know someone that have to sell one tc300?
@Flash83 Hi, after flashing did you do ###810#, ####4444# and using "restore factory" in Menu "settings"?

BTW In engineer mode what do you find in submenu "WLAN" - "phone MAC"?

Did you try in "engineer mode" - "System" - "Delete all" (it is the last item in a long list)? (But I don't think that this helps)

Did you try in "engineer mode" - Data Service" and pressing "De-init" once. Nothing should happen and I don't think that it helps.

If all of that did not work. I would give your seller a nice email saying that the mobile was not working. Since he for sure did not write that he was selling a defective mobile he should either take it back and refund or take it back and let it repaired at his expenses.

Of course there is the problem of perpetuation of evidence, that's why you should be nice. It should not be too much of a problem for your seller in Germany to give the mobile for repair to german telekom. Since it is now having a telekom firmware.

Since it wasn't you who for the first time changed the firmware to an unauthorized version, it is the seller that should be grateful to you for sending it back with telekom firmware. This way the seller has a chance of getting it repaired by german telekom. Afterall it was he who lost warranty by upgrading the firmware and it is you "restoring" warranty for him.

Good luck.
in the wlan mac i found the mac addrres 0016.cf1c.xxxx i put xxxx but there was other number and letter

every time i did ###810#, ####4444# and using "restore factory" in Menu "settings".
I already try "engineer mode" - "System" - "Delete all" and engineer mode" - Data Service" and pressing "De-init" once

The big problem is that I buy from a person who buy from another person :(
I belive in the person who sell me,he don't know this problem...
but now i really need a wifi mobile,I've to prepare the thesis for univeristy about voip stuff and I need this mobile for testing :(
Someone have to sell one of this,or know where to buy in german (I've an uncle in german that can bring for me!)

Tnx to all
Easiest and cheapest is to buy at ebay or look here

If you have an uncle buy new one and let your uncle do the hassle of refunding. It is always hard to get your rights across countries, but with an uncle here that should not be a problem. If you paid with Paypal, tell them about the case and ask for refund.

It may take some time for you to get your money back, but that should be the least of problems.

Take care

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