How to change answermachine voices in fw .04.57


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1 Aug 2006
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Hi everybody, someone have idea how to change the default voices in newst fw 04.57 for 7140/7170de? I would like to change theme with others, taked from asterisk or recorded by myself :rolleyes:
The format is very strange for me, but the email attachment is in .wav format, and the stored message has no extension (rec.0.000).
Any suggestion will be appreciate and very helpfull :D ;)
Thanks a lot
Hi Tokka,

the recorded files from the answering machine are speex encoded. The frames have a fix length of 38 bytes and a header of 1 byte (see here). The header must have the value '38' because the am inserts some junk bytes...

The already installed voices (menu) do not have any header! So there is no need to search for '38' or inserting a header. Just a fix length of 38 bytes.
Hi Bodega, thanks for your answer, and for the link too ;)
I've done some test yesterday, and i found that the default answer messages are the fvp.00x, and recording a personal message on usb they assume uvp.0.00x, so it may be possible to rename these and overwrite the originals, but with the decoder it may be more easy...and powerfull :cool:
Thanks a lot, i go to make some test asap, and post in the linked topic ;)
Thanks again :D
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